





該当件数 : 68


海外売上高比率を伸ばしたところは総売上も伸びているところが多い(図表 23・24)。例文帳に追加

Many companies whose percentage of the sales amount in foreign countries increased also increased the total sales amount (Figs 23 and 24). - 厚生労働省


(1) Number of overseas subsidiaries of Japanese manufacturers which are increasing and their sales - 経済産業省


Sales of these subsidiaries have also kept growing. (Figure 2.2.2) - 経済産業省

我が国製造業の売上(日本国内法人及び日系海外現地法人の売上の合計)は2004年時点で約 490 兆円であり、うち海外現地法人での売上は約 80 兆円で、海外現地法人売上比率は16.2%と過去最を更新した。例文帳に追加

Sales of the Japanese manufacturing industry (total sales of Japanese domestic corporations and Japanese overseas subsidiaries) were about ¥490 trillion in 2004. Of that, the sales of overseas subsidiaries were about ¥80 trillion, reaching an historic high of 16.2% of the total sales. - 経済産業省

「我が国企業の海外事業戦略に関するアンケート調査」(2012)によって海外と国内の業績(売上)の関係をみると、海外での売上が増加している企業のうち、約 5 割が国内の売上も増加しており、海外での売上が減少している企業のうち、約 6 割が国内の売上も減少している。例文帳に追加

According to the relation between overseas and domestic business performance (sales) in response to the "Questionnaire Survey of Overseas Business Strategy of Japanese Enterprises" (2012), nearly 50% of enterprises that increase overseas sales also increase domestic sales, and around 60% of enterprises with a decrease in overseas sales also see a decrease in domestic sales. - 経済産業省

2010 年度の海外店舗売上は約121 億円であり、国内外の全店売上約1,127 億のうち海外売上比率は10%以上を占めている。例文帳に追加

The sales of overseas stores in fiscal 2010 was about 12.1 billion yen, and the share of overseas business accounted for more than 10% in the sales of all domestic and overseas stores of about 112.7 billion yen. - 経済産業省


The overseas sales ratio in the manufacturing sector is particularly high, reaching 40.4% in fiscal 2006 (see Table 2-2-15). - 経済産業省


It follows that overseas sales and domestic sale is likely to move in the same direction, rather than a trade-off relation. - 経済産業省


Out of the domestic corporate sales by Japan’s domestic manufacturing industry, the sales of products destined for overseas markets, and the sales of parts and raw materials input for production to export can be regarded as the sales to satisfy overseas demand. - 経済産業省


Greater foreign direct investment has been followed by offshore operations by Japanese companies, consequently boosting the sales of local foreign affiliates. - 経済産業省


With overseas operations expanding, the ratio of the company's overseas sales against total sales increased, making overseas operations an important business area for the company. - 経済産業省

◆2018 年までに放送コンテンツ関連海外売上高を現在(63 億円)の3倍に増加させる例文帳に追加

Triple the overseas sales of broadcast contents by 2018 from the current level (6.3 billion yen).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


(DuPont) of the US reported sales of 24,006 million dollars in FY2002, about half of them from overseas. - 経済産業省


Looking at the proportion of sales in overseas regions in the overall sales of Japanese companies, it is clear that the degree of dependence on overseas sales has increased (FY1991: 19.6 percent ? FY2000:30.1 percent). - 経済産業省

輸送機械(約 69%)、電気機械(約 48%)では海外関連売上の比率が製造業平均よりもく、売上の多くが海外需要によって直接、間接にもたらされていることが分かる(コラム第 12-2 図)。例文帳に追加

Industries with ratios of overseas related sales above the manufacturing industry average are transport equipment (about 69%), and electric machinery (about 48%), so it is clear that much of the sales are directly or indirectly brought about by the overseas demand (Column Figure 12-2). - 経済産業省


Accompanying the increase in the value of foreign direct investment, the manufacturing industry's overseas production ratio (the percentage of sales relating to overseas production out of gross sales relating to overall domestic and foreign production) has also been on an upward trend - 経済産業省


In recent years, major companies emphasis on overseas presence and the percentage of the sales amount in foreign countries in the total sales amount is lower in main Japanese companies than in main European companies but is comparable to that in main U.S. Companies. - 厚生労働省


According to the table, the manufacturers operating overseas are found to have performed better than those not doing so in the number of employees, sales, ratios of operating profits against sales, per-capita sales and per-capita added value. - 経済産業省

そこで、我が国の製造業全体について、①海外現地法人の売上、②国内法人の輸出、及び③産業連関表を用いて輸出により誘発された国内生産の合計による海外関連売上を試算すると、2004 年度の我が国製造業の売上(約490兆円)のうち、約 40%(約 197 兆円)が海外関連売上海外現地法人の売上(約79兆円)、輸出(約58兆円)及び輸出により誘発された国内生産(約60兆円)の合計)で占められる。例文帳に追加

Thus for Japan’s overall manufacturing industry, the overseas related sales were calculated by a total of: (a) The sales of overseas subsidiaries, (b) The exports by domestic corporations, and (c) The domestic production induced by exports (using an input-output table). This gives the result that out of about ¥490 trillion of FY2004 sales by Japan’s domestic manufacturing industry, about 40% (about ¥197 trillion) is comprised of the overseas related sales [the total sales of overseas subsidiaries (about ¥79 trillion), the exports (about ¥58 trillion), and the domestic production induced by the exports (about ¥60 trillion yen)]. - 経済産業省


The growing weight of foreign economic activities by Japanese companies goes beyond the increasing percentage of sales by overseas subsidiaries. - 経済産業省


At companies that depended mainly on foreign markets, the decline in the value of sales and shipments was more conspicuous than at companies that depended mainly on the domestic market. - 経済産業省


In addition, when we see countries and regions where current overseas sales are high and the ones where future sales are predicted to be high, even though many companies predict sales expansion in North America, the expectation is not so high and so is Europe. - 経済産業省


Although the share of overseas net sales in its total net sales is at approximately 20%, the company has said that awareness of the Ajisen brand has increased due to overseas development, and subsequently attracted a significant number of customers. - 経済産業省


The trend for Japanese companies to extend their operations overseas suggests that, in recent years,the relative importance of overseas operations in sales and profit (recurring profit) has been increasing,especially for companies in the manufacturing industry. - 経済産業省


The company is currently focused on overseas markets such as China, the United States, and Republic of Korea; of its ¥1.2 billion net sales from its own marketing efforts, 80% (or almost ¥1 billion) is generated by sales from overseas markets. - 経済産業省

同社の中期経営計画では2013 年度には海外での取扱個数を1 億2 千万個66、2019 年度には海外売上高比率を20%超との目標を設定している。例文帳に追加

In the medium-term management plan, they set a target of handling 120 million parcels66 overseas for the fiscal 2013 and a ratio of overseas sales of more than 20% for the fiscal 2019. - 経済産業省


Thus, the company has a large number of overseas stores; however, perhaps because of the franchise chain strategy, the contribution of the overseas business is not large, and the overseas sales ratio remains about 6%. - 経済産業省


While the Japanese contents industry has been enjoying worldwide popularity, sales in foreign countries have been sluggish, and new strategies to expand overseas business are being explored108. - 経済産業省


The results of the simulation indicated that the ratio of ordinary profit to sales seven years after establishing operations in fiscal 1995 would be 6.5%, while that of establishments that did not expand overseas would be only 1.9%.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


The globalization of Japanese employees has emerged as a major challenge at Horiba, as it has been acquiring European companies since the second half of the 1990s (overseas sales account for half of the total sales, and overseas employees make up half of its total workforce). - 経済産業省


The results for the 2-stage model of choosing between domestic location and overseas location show that some of the explanatory variables or the attributes of the investor, such as the export ratio (exports value divided by sales), the ratio of labor costs (labor costs divided by sales) and the ratio of R&D costs (R&D costs divided by sales) have positive coefficients and the higher those ratios for a company are, the more likely it is for the company to choose an overseas location over a domestic location. - 経済産業省


The ratio of cost for R&D to sales of offshore local affiliates of US companies, for example, has been rising sharply, from 0.36 percent in 1998 to 1.57 percent in 1999 and 1.95 percent in 2000 (Fig.2.3.21). - 経済産業省


A hypothetical enterprise was assumed described by the medians for ordinary profit to sales (ordinary profit / sales), enterprise size, enterprise age, and ratio of tangible fixed assets to total assets of the entire sample in the year before establishment of overseas operations (fiscal 1994), and the ratio of ordinary profit to sales in fiscal 2002 was simulated according to whether or not the enterprise established operations overseas.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


[4] Relation to business performance Fig. 2-2-22 shows the percentage of operating profit on sales in terms of whether direct export is conducted or not, and whether they have premises abroad. Enterprises carrying out direct export and enterprises with premises abroad have higher profit ratios. - 経済産業省

また、財団法人国際経済交流財団のアンケート調査において、非製造業の海外売上高比率推移を確認しても、製造業の伸び率には及ばないが、1990 年から増加しており、非製造業による海外展開が着実に進展していることがわかる(第3-1-1-55図)。例文帳に追加

When we check the ratio change in overseas sales of non-manufacturing companies on the surveys of Japan Economic Foundation, although it is not as much as manufacturing businesses, it has been increasing since 1990. It is showing that overseas development has been steadily progressing (see Figure 3-1-1-55). - 経済産業省

そして、大手外資系ホテルは世界各国で3,000 ホテル以上、また100 か国81 に海外事業展開しており、日系ホテルは海外事業展開、売上の両面において外資系ホテルと比べると依然、小規模であることがわかる(第3-3-2-19 表)。例文帳に追加

Large foreign hotels are developing overseas business running more than 3,000 hotels worldwide in 100 countries81, which shows that the scale of Japanese hotels is still small compared with that of foreign hotels in terms of both overseas business development and sales (Table 3-3-2-19). - 経済産業省


Overseas sales are classified as follows:1) exports from Japan,2) local production and sales, and 3)production in one country and sales in another country (see Figure 2-2-5). As of 2005, the second and third categories accounted for 68% of the total overseas sales (see Table2-2-6). - 経済産業省


Both the foreign production ratio and the foreign sales ratio have risen in Japan's manufacturing industry, particularly in the auto industry and the electronic equipment and electronics industry. In all processes inherent in development and design, manufacture, and sales, it is thought that ideas from a global viewpoint are both beneficial and required. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, profit ratio (ordinary profit divided by sales) has an egative coefficient, and the higher the profit ratio for a company is, the more likely it is for the company to choose a domestic location over an overseas location. - 経済産業省


In addition to a steady increase in the sales of overseas affiliates of Japanese manufacturers,reflecting the favorable increase in the number of overseas affiliates established by Japanese manufacturers, especially in China and other Asian countries (see Figure 1-1-22), since 2001, the overseas production ratio (manufacturing) of all Japanese companies28 has also been on an upward trend (see Figure 1-1-23). - 経済産業省


The transition of sales volume of overseas affiliated companies shows a decline in the latter half of 2008 due to the effect of the world economic crisis; however, it also shows that sales volume in Asia, which demonstrates a high economic growth rate, has been expanding more rapidly than in the case of any other region. Such sales volume in Asia exceeded that in North America in the third quarter of 2006, making Asia the region generating the largest sales volume (Figure 2-1-3-3). - 経済産業省

このように、国内事業と補完関係を築けるような海外展開に取り組んだこともあり、同社は2011 年6月期決算において、1995年の創業以来で最も売上と利益を達成することができた。例文帳に追加

By working to advance overseas while building up a complementary relationship with its domestic Japanese operations, in the fiscal year ended June 2011 Kyoto Seiko posted record-high performance, with its highest sales and profits since the company was founded in 1995.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


The facts that support this are as follows: the extremely small shares of overseas subsidiaries in the total net sales or R&D expenses in Japanese companies compared with those in companies from other developed countries (see Figure 2-3-6) and the low number of collaboration projects with outside research and development firms (see Figure 2-3-7). - 経済産業省



This survey enables you to know: actual results (value) and forecasts (diffusion index (DI)) of sales of overseas local office; actual results(value) and forecasts (DI) of capital investment; actual results (people) and forecasts (DI) of number of employees; etc. - 経済産業省






Overseas sales amount








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