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The venue was staffed with middle to low-ranked court nobles who were versed in the Ritsuryo codes and Confucianism to assist and facilitate the in-no-hyojo processes.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Examining the purposes and effects separately by the outsourced business functions, we see that within cost reduction, which was indicated by a high proportion of enterprises overall as important, high proportions stress line work and supplemental/ancillary services. Within the utilization of advanced professional services, which had the next highest percentage overall, a high proportion of enterprises are seeking advanced professional services and moderately high proportion of enterprises are interested in management services - 経済産業省
Each firm performs its audit engagement in a systematic manner in accordance with audit manuals and by an audit team consisting of an engagement partner, managers or accountants, and other assistants.発音を聞く - 金融庁
K. Supplementary clerical work, such as formulation of personnel-related documents (including operations related to the dispatch of workers to Financial Instruments Business Operators or financial instruments intermediary service providers).発音を聞く - 金融庁
Industrial dishwasher and method of operating the same, wherein, during at least one operating state other than the drying phase, program control automatically provides for second ambient air to be blown by means of the additional blower directly into the drying channel and through the latter and out through the blowing-out opening, the dishwasher being switched on but the main blower being switched off. - 特許庁
In this case, “Computer-related operations (system development, electronic processing, maintenance/management, etc.)” of (i) D and F above shall be replaced with “Operations related to the management and organization of securities (limited to those possessed as the own assets of a parent/subsidiary corporation, etc.),” (i) G shall be replaced with “Brokerage for name transfer, limited to those possessed as the own assets of a parent/subsidiary corporation, etc.),” and (i) K shall be replaced with “supplementary clerical work, such as the formulation of personnel-related documents (including operations related to the dispatch of workers to Financial Instruments Business Operators or financial instruments intermediary service providers and a parent/subsidiary corporation, etc.).”発音を聞く - 金融庁
4 法第三十二条の三第二項の厚生労働省令で定めるときは、当分の間、第二十条第二項に規定するほか、同項の芸能家、家政婦(家政一般の業務(個人の家庭又は寄宿舎その他これに準ずる施設において行われるものに限る。)、患者、病弱者等の付添いの業務又は看護の補助の業務(病院等の施設において行われるものに限る。)を行う者)、配ぜん人(正式の献立による食事を提供するホテル、料理店、会館等において、正式の作法による食卓の布設、配ぜん、給仕等の業務(これらの業務に付随した飲食器等の器具の整理及び保管に必要な業務を含む。)を行う者)、調理士(調理、栄養及び衛生に関する専門的な知識及び技能を有し、調理の業務を行う者)、同項のモデル又はマネキン(専門的な商品知識及び宣伝技能を有し、店頭、展示会等において相対する顧客の購買意欲をそそり、販売の促進に資するために各種商品の説明、実演等の宣伝の業務(この業務に付随した販売の業務を含む。)を行う者)の職業に係る求職者から求職の申込みを受理した時以降六百七十円(免税事業者にあつては、六百五十円)の求職受付手数料を徴収するときとする。ただし、同一の求職者に係る求職の申込みの受理が一箇月間に三件を超える場合にあつては、一箇月につき三件分に相当する額とする。例文帳に追加
(4) The cases specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as provided by Article 32-3, paragraph 2 of the Act shall be, for the time being, in addition to the cases provided by Article 20, paragraph 2, the cases under which the fee of 670 yen (or 650 yen in case of a tax exempt business provider) for accepting the job application is collected upon acceptance of the job application of a job seeker for occupations pertaining to the entertainer set forth in the same paragraph, domestic helper (a person who provides general housekeeping businesses (limited to those provided at a house of an individual, dormitory or other equivalent facilities)), care-giving or nursing-assisting businesses for patients, invalids, etc. (limited to those provided at a hospital or other equivalent facility), person in charge of serving food (a person who provides table-coordinating, food-serving or waiting businesses, etc. following proper manners at a hotel, restaurant, hall, etc. serving foods by following proper menu (including the businesses necessary for organizing and storing the tools such as the tableware associated with such businesses)), cook (a person having the expertise and skills concerning the cooking, nutrition and sanitation and providing cooking businesses), modeling in the same paragraph or mannequin (a person having the expertise and advertising skills concerning the goods and providing such advertising businesses as the explanation, demonstration, etc. of various goods for stimulating the willingness to spend of the customers over-the-counter or at the exhibition (including the sales businesses)); provided, however, the amount shall be equivalent to the fees for three such cases per month if the number of the job applications accepted from the same job seeker exceeds three per month.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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The commonest form of collaboration in this field is that instigated and led by the private sector (Fig. 3-4-23 2)). While, in other fields, the greater part consists of “financial support such as subsidization and contracting out of operations,” the higher proportion in this field engages in substantive joint action, such as “planning and consideration” and “joint implementation of work and operations, etc.” (Fig. 3-4-23 3)). - 経済産業省
3 国内及び国外の双方にわたつて不動産所得、事業所得、山林所得又は雑所得を生ずべき業務を行なう非居住者が第二百七十九条第三項各号(補助的行為等)に掲げる行為をする場合には、その者の国内において行なう当該業務の部門が当該行為に係る費用で当該部門に帰せられるものとして支払を受ける金額又は当該部門が当該行為に係る費用でその者の国外において行なう当該業務の部門に帰せられるものとして支払う金額は、その者の国内において行なう当該業務に係る不動産所得の金額、事業所得の金額、山林所得の金額又は雑所得の金額の計算上、それぞれ総収入金額又は必要経費に算入しない。例文帳に追加
(3) Where a nonresident who conducts, both in and outside Japan, a business consisting of operations yielding real estate income, business income, timber income or miscellaneous income, conducts any of the acts listed in the items of Article 279(3) (Supplementary Acts, etc.), the amount that a department of the nonresident which performs the said operations in Japan receives as expenses related to the said acts attributable to the said department or the amount of money that the said department pays as expenses related to the said acts attributable to a department of the nonresident which performs the said operations outside Japan shall not be included in gross revenue or necessary expenses, respectively, when calculating the amount of the nonresident's real estate income, business income, timber income or miscellaneous income pertaining to the said operations performed in Japan.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第一条の二の十四 政府は、生命保険契約者保護機構がその会員(平成十八年四月一日から平成二十一年三月三十一日までの間に第二百四十二条第一項に規定する管理を命ずる処分を受けたものその他政令で定めるものに限る。次条第三項において「特例会員」という。)に係る資金援助その他の業務に要した費用を第二百六十五条の三十三第一項の規定により当該生命保険契約者保護機構の会員が納付する負担金のみで賄うとしたならば、当該生命保険契約者保護機構の会員の財務の状況を著しく悪化させることにより保険業に対する信頼性の維持が困難となり、ひいては国民生活又は金融市場に極めて重大な支障が生じるおそれがあると認める場合(政令で定める日における当該生命保険契約者保護機構の借入残高に、当該生命保険契約者保護機構が当該費用を借入れにより賄うとした場合の当該借入れの額として政令で定める額を加えた額が当該生命保険契約者保護機構の長期的な収支を勘案して政令で定める額を超える場合に限る。)には、予算で定める金額の範囲内において、当該生命保険契約者保護機構に対し、当該費用(特定業務に要したものに限る。)の全部又は一部に相当する金額を補助することができる。例文帳に追加
Article 1-2-14 (1) The Government may, when it finds that if the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation was to cover the costs of Financial Assistance and other activities pertaining to its members (limited to those subject to the disposition ordering administration under Article 242, paragraph (1) between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2009 and any other members to be specified by a Cabinet Order; referred to as "Members under Special Provisions" in paragraph (3) of the following Article) solely with the assessments paid by the members of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation pursuant to the provision of Article 265-33, paragraph (1), the financial conditions of the members of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation would deteriorate significantly, making it difficult to maintain the credibility of the insurance industry and hence posing the risk of causing serious consequences in the lives of the citizenry and the financial market (limited to the cases where the sum total of the amount of outstanding debts of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation as of the date specified by a Cabinet Order and the amount to be specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of additional debts to be incurred if the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation should have to finance such costs through borrowings exceeds the amount to be specified by a Cabinet Order taking into consideration the long-term balance of payments of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation), provide assistance to the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation in an amount corresponding to the whole or part of such costs (limited to those required for the Specified Activities) within the amount prescribed by the budget.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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