
「"両国間の"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 78


両国間の石油、天然ガスなどの分野での協力事項について議論するための会合を開催(2009 年7 月カラカス(ベネズエラ)、2010 年3、4 月東京)するなど、官民を挙げてベネズエラとのエネルギー協力を推進している。例文帳に追加

Japan and Venezuela promote energy cooperation with public and private sectors, held a meeting to discuss matters of cooperation in areas such as oil and natural gas. (July 2009, Caracas (Venezuela) March and April 2010 Tokyo) - 経済産業省


The total time earned in two countries satisfies the required minimum length from the country of residence and each will receive a pension according to that country's pension appropriate for the total length of time. - 経済産業省


The JMEPA will mark a new era for Japan-Malaysia strategic partnership, by forging closer economic relations through cooperation, liberalization and facilitation in trade and investment between the two countries.  - 経済産業省


Both sides will promote information exchange and cooperation for the purpose of facilitating trade through simplification and harmonization of customs procedures and effective enforcement.  - 経済産業省



Each side will take appropriate measures against anti-competitive activities. The JMEPA will provide the basis for both sides to cooperate in the field of controlling anti-competitive activities.  - 経済産業省



A meeting of the leaders of both countries with that mission was held in Vietnam, the Prime Minister attended the Japan-Vietnam Economic Seminar, etc., as public and private sectors united to appeal for stronger bilateral trade and investment relations, etc. - 経済産業省

日韓 EPA は、両国間の貿易・投資の拡大、両国の国際競争力の強化など多面的な意義を持つことから、早期の交渉再開が望まれている。例文帳に追加

Earlier resumption of the negotiation is hoped for, as there are multiple benefits in Japan-South Korea EPA including expansion of trade and investment between the two countries and the strengthening of the international competitiveness of both countries. - 経済産業省

そのため、現在EPA 締結に向けて交を行っている国とのでは、資源・エネルギ分野での両国間の連携をさらに深化させるたの試みを進めている。例文帳に追加

Japan aims to enhance and strengthen its ties in the areas of energy and mineral resources to countries with which it is currently negotiating EPAs. - 経済産業省


The establishment of economic partnership between the countries therefore, has had the effect of facilitating procurement and sales of parts, and thus expanding trade and investment between the countries. - 経済産業省



These are attributed to the tariff cuts based on Japan-Mexico EPA, which expanded exports from Japan to Mexico in particular and apparently contributed to the vitalization of the bilateral trade (trade creation effect). - 経済産業省



There was a meeting that was attended by the leaders of the 2 countries and the mission was arranged in Vietnam and Prime Minister Abe attended the "Japan-Vietnam Economic Seminar". Thus, the government and the industries jointly advocated further enhancement of the trade and investment relationship between Japan and Vietnam. - 経済産業省

1(訳文)社会保障に関する日本国とスイス連邦とのの協定日本国及びスイス連邦は、社会保障の分野における両国間の関係を規律することを希望して、次のとおり協定した 。例文帳に追加

1 AGREEMENT BETWEEN JAPAN AND THE SWISS CONFEDERATION ON SOCIAL SECURITY Japan and the Swiss Confederation, Being desirous of regulating the relationship between them in the area of social security, Have agreed as follows: PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 Definitions 1 - 厚生労働省

1社会保障に関する日本国とハンガリーとのの協定日本国及びハンガリーは、社会保障の分野における両国間の関係を規律することを希望して、次のとおり協定した 。例文帳に追加

1AGREEMENT BETWEEN JAPAN AND HUNGARYON SOCIAL SECURITYJapan and Hungary,Being desirous of regulating their mutual relations inthe field of social security,Have agreed as follows:PART IGENERAL PROVISIONSArticle lDefinitions1 . - 厚生労働省

日韓EPAは、2008 年2月の首脳会談で合意された「日韓新時代」を象徴するものであるほか、両国間の貿易・投資の拡大、両国の国際競争力の強化など多面的な意義があることから、早期の交渉再開が望まれる。例文帳に追加

The Japan-South Korea EPA was agreed in February 2008 at a summit meeting, symbolized as "Japan-Korea New Era", it is also significant in the expansion of bilateral trade and investment, multi-faceted bilateral and international competitiveness and therefore an early resumption of negotiations is hoped. - 経済産業省


Both sides recognise the growing importance of intellectual property protection in pursuing further promotion of trade and investment. Both sides will ensure adequate and effective protection of intellectual property and provide for measures for enforcement of intellectual property rights. The JMEPA will provide the basis for both sides to cooperate in this field.  - 経済産業省


By joining hands with India towards trade liberalization/facilitation, investment promotion and improvement of rules/systems in related fields, we can expect further expansion of business opportunities, even stronger bilateral economic ties, and thus a closer Japan-India relationship as a whole. - 経済産業省

2011年6 月時点で未だ交渉は再開していないが、日韓EPAは、2008 年2 月の首脳会談で合意された「日韓新時代」を象徴するものであるほか、両国間の貿易・投資の拡大、両国の国際競争力の強化など多面的な意義があることから、早期の交渉再開が望まれる。例文帳に追加

As of June 2011, the negotiations have not yet resumed. But the EPA is supposed to symbolize a “new erain Japan-South Korea relations which was agreed upon at the summit meeting of February 2008, and it is also significant from multifaceted perspectives like the expansion of bilateral trade/investment and the two countriesinternational competitiveness. Therefore, an early resumption of negotiations is hoped for. - 経済産業省


This Agreement is aimed at not only reducing and eliminating tariffs on the bilateral trade of the two countries, but also regulating the National Treatment in services, investment, government procurement and other areas. It further seeks economic coordination in a wide range of areas by means such as setting up a committee to establish the business environment. - 経済産業省


Based on this agreement, Japan has accepted nurses and care workers, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) provides support for a 6-monthJapanese language training program. - 経済産業省

(訳文)社会保障に関する日本国とインド共和国とのの協定日本国及びインド共和国は、社会保障の分野における両国間の関係を規律することを希望して、次のとおり協定した 。 第一部総則第一条定義1 この協定の適用上、「インド」とは、インド共和国をいう 。例文帳に追加

AGREEMENT BETWEEN JAPAN AND THE REPUBLIC OF INDIAON SOCIAL SECURITY Japan and the Republic of India,Being desirous of regulating their mutual relations inthe field of social security,Have agreed as follows:PART IGENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 1Definitions - 厚生労働省

このうち,韓国は昭和 63年に米国を抜いて第一位となって以来その座にあり,海外渡航に係る規制緩和がなされ,韓国人で「短期滞在」を目的とする者に対して実施期を限定しない査証免除措置が平成 18年3月にとられたことなど,両国間の人の交流拡大のための様々な施策が功を奏したものと考えられる。例文帳に追加

Among them, R.O. Korea exceeded the US in 1988 to become top and has maintained its position since then.Also, overseas trips were de-regulated, and in March 2006, visa-exemption for an unspecified period of time was introduced for the people of R.O. Korea whose purpose of visit was “Temporary Visitor”.  - 特許庁


Both sides made liberalization offers for trade in services in such sectors listed in Attachment 3. A review mechanism will be established to continue further improvements in their commitments including liberalization in principal sectors. Both sides will ensure enhanced transparency on laws, regulations and other relevant measures affecting the bilateral trade in services, so as to improve business and investment environment.  - 経済産業省

ペルーは近年高い経済成長率(2011 年まで 13 年連続プラス成長を維持)を達成しており、日ペルーEPA により、両国間の貿易及び投資の自由化及び円滑化が推進されるとともに、自然人の移動、競争、知的財産等の幅広い分野において互恵的な経済連携が深化し、両国経済が一段と活性化することが期待される。例文帳に追加

In recent years Peru has achieved high economic growth rates (positive growth in 13 consecutive years until 2011); the Japan-Peru EPA is expected to promote liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment between the both countries, and to deepen the mutually beneficial economic partnership in a wide range of areas including movement of people, competition and intellectual property, leading to further vitalization of the economy of Japan and Peru. - 経済産業省


Since this agreement came into effect, efforts to reinforce the economic relationship between the countries have been made. For example, under such agreement, such efforts have been made in respect of the (i) operation of committees between the governments (including the Committee for the Improvement of the Business Environment, which includes the participation of business representatives) and (ii) operation of investment seminars and dispatch of missions with the cooperation of interested parties in Japan and Mexico. - 経済産業省


The Japan-Chile EPA liberalizes trade in goods and services, enhances the protection of investment, secures equal competitive footing in trade and investment for Japanese companies with foreign counterparts, and promotes comprehensive cooperation covering broad sectors, including intellectual property rights, competition and business environment improvement, etc. The Japan-Chile EPA is expected to further revitalize bilateral trade and investment. - 経済産業省


The agreement included [1] promoting the use of the Japanese yen and the Chinese renminbi in cross-border transactions between the two countries; [2] supporting the development of direct exchange markets between the yen and the renminbi; [3] supporting the sound development of yen- and renminbi- bond markets; [4] encouraging the private sector to develop yen-denominated and renminbi-denominated financial products and services in overseas markets; and [5] establishing a “Joint Working Group for Development of Japan-China Financial Marketsto promote mutual cooperation in the above-mentioned areas.  - 財務省

4. 両国の閣僚は、両国の民部門が、この協定の発効前から、様々な分野において新たな貿易・投資の機会を探求してきたことに、喜びを持って留意する。両国の閣僚は、この協定が発効することにより、このような民部門の活動が更に加速し、両国間の経済関係の強化に貢献することを期待する。両国の閣僚は、この協定は、日本とマレーシアとのの戦略的パートナーシップのための強固な基礎を築くものであることを強調した。例文帳に追加

4. The Ministers are pleased to note that, even before the entry into force of the Agreement, the private sectors of both countries have been exploring new trade and investment opportunities in various fields. The Ministers expect that, with the entry into force of the Agreement, these activities of the private sectors will be further accelerated and contribute to enhancing the economic ties of both countries. The Ministers also stressed that the Agreement constitutes a solid basis for the strategic partnership between Japan and Malaysia.  - 経済産業省


フィリピンにとっては初のEPA である本協定は、両国間の物品、ヒト、サービス、資本の自由な移動並びに知的財産、競争政策、ビジネス環境整備等の制度の調和・明確化を促進し、双方の経済活動を発展させるとともに、知的財産、競争政策、ビジネス環境整備、さらには人材養成、貿易投資、情報通信技術、中小企業等の分野で二国協力を充実させる等、二国における包括的経済連携を推進することを目的としている。例文帳に追加

This agreement is the first EPA entered into by the Philippines. It aims to advance a comprehensive economic partnership between the countries, so as to a) promote the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital, as well as the harmonization and clarification of legal frameworks for intellectual property, competition policies and maintaining the business environment, and the development of economic activity of both countries; and b) improve bilateral cooperation in the areas of intellectual property, competition policy, business environment maintenance, training of human resources, trade and investment, information and communication technology, and small/medium-sized companies. - 経済産業省


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Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.
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