
「くじらこうせん」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > くじらこうせんに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 61



To provide a harpoon tip for whaling using impulse waves which further simplifies a manufacturing process, enables secure boosting with respect to a denoting fuse on hitting a whale body, prevents the boosting to the denoting fuse at missing and can be safely recovered by a worker. - 特許庁


To provide a harpoon tip for whaling using impulse waves capable of more simplifying a manufacturing process, surely performing the propagation of detonation to a denoting fuse on hitting a whale body, and on the other hand, preventing the propagation of detonation to the denoting fuse at missing to be safely recovered by a worker. - 特許庁


Fish and shellfish are an important part of a health diet and contain good nutritional properties. Compared with other foods, they contain more high-quality protein and highly-unsaturated fatty acids, such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are known to be beneficial for brain development and the prevention of lifestyle-related disease. Also, they are good sources of micronutrients, such as calcium. - 厚生労働省


To inexpensively manufacture a run time-limiting mine where the operation of the mine has been made invalid by limiting time when the mine can be operated after being buried and allowing the time to pass, improve operation reliability, and break with a miserable accident when no mines are required any more. - 特許庁



When the new government army occupied Edo, Kaiyo Maru Warship, Kaitenmaru Warship, Banryu Maru, Chiyodagatamaru led by the former retainers of the resistance force who were dissatisfied with the treatment of the Tokugawa family by the new government, including Takeaki ENOMOTO and other four transport ships (Kanrin Maru, Chogei Maru, Shinsoku Maru, Mikaho Maru) (the first Japanese ship ever to cross the Pacific) which accommodated the soldiers of rikugun (army) including commando unit escaped Shinagawa oki (coast).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the display device which controls brightness by successively latching image data of the respective frames to a latch circuit in a frame cycle set at 1/60 second and performing PWM control of light emitted from each pixel constituting a screen on the bass of the latched image data, each pixel is blinked in a cycle set at 1/57 of the frame cycle in a single frame. - 特許庁

ヰ 食肉製品、鯨肉製品、魚肉ソーセージ、魚肉ハム又は特殊包装かまぼこであつて、気密性のある容器包装に充てんした後、その中心部の温度を摂氏百二十度で四分間加熱する方法又はこれと同等以上の効力を有する方法により殺菌したもの(缶詰又は瓶詰のものを除く。)にあつては、その殺菌方法例文帳に追加

(y) For processed meat products, whale meat products, fish meat sausage, fish meat ham, or specially packaged fish paste which are packed and sealed in tight containers and packaging and are sterilized by heating the center part at 120 degrees centigrade for four minutes or by any other equivalent or more effective methods (excluding canned or bottled products): the methods for sterilization;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a hydraulic driving circuit of a land demining device comprising a driving system capable of surely returning by self-propelling even when a part of a traveling system is damaged by explosion of a land mine without making a wheel or a crawler run idle, while considering the improvement of road ability on irregular ground and the safety of workers. - 特許庁


A random number acquisition unit 422 for detecting an abnormal condition, successively acquires random numbers from the random number generator 112 with timing longer than a random number updating cycle and in which random numbers are acquired at least at three times in continuous two periods of random numbers, and when the same random number values are acquired successively three times, it is determined that the random number has the abnormal condition. - 特許庁



If a postprocessing part 400 receives a compile command, the library conversion apparatus 100 analyzes instruction contents, converts the sequential/parallel library link structure information 300a based on the instruction contents of the compile command, and converts sequential library functions in programs into parallel library functions based on the converted sequential/parallel library link information 300a. - 特許庁



Moreover, thunder was thought to be a sign of the Ina no kami, the god of rice, and was believed to bring a good harvest, which is why lightning came to be called "Inazuma" (Ina's wife); and to an archipelago like Japan, whales that drifted ashore or were beached became an important source of food, so out of gratitude the people began to call such whales "Ebisu" (today worshipped as the god of fishing), and people in many different provinces began to believe in Yorikami ("the god who visits," also known as hyochakujin, the god who drifts ashore, or as kyakujin, the guest-god).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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