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該当件数 : 12



of or relating to abnormal neuromuscular activity characterized by rapidly alternating muscle contraction and relaxation  - 日本語WordNet


Thus, the balloon member 24 is rapidly contracted by its self-restoring force while releasing the internal pressure, and is returned to the deflated state in stopping. - 特許庁


To provide a gas sealing structure of a high temperature type fuel cell which has durability against heat expansion and contraction, rapid starting, and vibration at the time of a starting and stopping. - 特許庁


To provide a concrete setting object which has high strength while being accompanied by rapid development of strength, can reduce the shrinkage distortion due to self-shrinkage, drying shrinkage, etc., and can prevent the occurrence of a crack etc., due to shrinkage distortion. - 特許庁



The financial crisis caused by the meltdown of the subprime loan market has triggered a credit crunch all over the world through the globalised financial system. It has further spilled over to the real economy, through a stagnation of trade, a reduction in consumption and a decline in employment, rapidly casting a shadow over the global economy.  - 財務省



Amid the deepening world financial crisis and the worst global recession in the postwar period, the Japanese economy is facing a severe situation. Although there is a move of improvement in part, it is experiencing an abrupt slump, with the export market rapidly shrinking and the financial environment deteriorating. - 厚生労働省


The financial crisis caused by the meltdown of the subprime loan market in the U.S. which has triggered a credit crunch all over the world spread by the globalized financial system. It has further spilled over to the real economy in other countries through a stagnation of trade, a reduction in consumption and a decline in employment, rapidly casting a shadow over the global economy.  - 財務省


To provide a rapid cooling device to prevent the generation of dioxins through rapid cooling of dioxins to a value lower than a synthesizing temperature by causing high temperature exhaust gas to pass along a flow passage formed at cooling environment of overlapping constitution and contracting a volume through reduction of the sectional area of the flow passage. - 特許庁


A moistened sheet material 35 is nipped between the externally heated rotor 1 equipped with an outlet 19 for blowing a hot gas from the circumferential direction and the air-permeating endless fabric 36 that moves synchronously to the rotation of the rotor 1 under such a tension that can restrain the drying shrinkage of the sheet whereby the moisture in the sheet is promptly and directly vaporized and the sheet is made porous. - 特許庁



When the outer surface of the transfer belt 20 serving as an imaging surface is formed of a metallic material having high thermal conductivity, hot melt ink being quenched and solidified upon touching the imaging surface elastically causes deformation, e.g. warping, through thermal shrinkage to decrease adhesion of ink to the imaging surface thus ensuring good transfer performance. - 特許庁


たくさんの、普通であれば倒産しなくて済むような中小企業がたくさん倒産をするというようなことでありまして、急速にご存じのように信用収縮、貸し渋り貸しはがしによって、大変経済が本当に傷んだわけでございますから、そういったことを踏まえて、やはり自己資本に関しては、この自己資本比率が高ければ高いほどいいというものでもない。やはりグローバル、やはり経済の、その地域におけるそれぞれのマクロの経済があるわけでございます。また、国によって、色々と経済の実体も違いますから、そういったところで、私は非常にこの世界、今度バーゼル III が一応合意になりましたが、最終的にはまだ、ソウルサミットが11月にありますが、そういった意味で、やはり日本あるいはドイツ、フランスがかなりこれを主導的できたというふうに私は認識をさせていただいておりまして、そういったことが非常に大事なことでございます。例文帳に追加

Many SMEs that would not have gone bankrupt under normal circumstances went bust, and the rapid credit contraction, credit crunch and credit withdrawal really damaged the economy. If you take this into account, a higher capital adequacy ratio is not necessarily desirable. At the end of the day, the economy consists of macro economies of regional communities. Furthermore, given that economies vary in substance from country to country, it is extremely important that an agreement was reached on the outline of Basel III-awaiting finalization at the Seoul Summit in November-as it is my understanding that Japan, Germany and France were able to significantly take the initiative in shaping the agreement.  - 金融庁


2011 年8 月の米国国債の格下げや欧州債務危機の 深刻化を受けて、それまで活況を呈していた海外から の証券投資は一気に落ち込み(第1-6-1-5 図)、9 月 にはブラジル・レアルのみならずメキシコ・ペソ、チ リ・ペソなどの主要中南米通貨が大幅に下落し、外貨 準備による自国通貨の買い支えも一部行われた(第 1-6-1-6 図)中南米地域ではスペイン系の銀行のプレゼンスが大 きく、ブラジル、メキシコに対する外国籍金融機関の 与信残高のうち4 割程度がスペインからのものとなっ ていることから(第1-6-1-7 図及び第1-6-1-8 図)、 欧州における銀行の資本増強の一環として中南米にお けるリスク資産の切離しが急速に進めば、信用収縮の 原因となる可能性がある。例文帳に追加

A downgrade of U.S.government bonds in August 2011 and the worsening of the European debt crisis resulted in a sharp decline in securities investment by foreign investors which had been experiencing a boom to that point (see Figure 1-6-1-5).In September, not only the Brazilian real but also other major Central and South American currencies such as Mexico's peso and Chile's peso sharply declined, and foreign exchange intervention was partly implemented by buying the country's own currency with foreign currency reserves (see Figure 1-6-1-6).Spanish banks have a large presence in Central and South American regions, and represents about 40 % of credit to Brazil and Mexico by foreign-registered financial institutions (see Figure 1-6-1-7 and Figure 1-6-1-8).Therefore, credit contraction may be caused due to rapid separation of risk assets in Central and South America which is implemented as a part of bank recapitalization in Europe. - 経済産業省


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