
「有利平」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(4ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 160



A method for stripping an area called the window 2 of the flat-type conductor called "FFC1" includes the step of processing only the insulating area 3 of an insulating window by a laser used for advantageously manufacturing the window or a CO_2 laser, and removing the insulating material (insulating residues) in the window in the following step. - 特許庁

一般式(1) で表されるテトラカルボン酸二無水物とジアミンをアミド反応させて得られるポリアミド酸溶液の製造において、その製造サイクルが大幅に短縮でき、且つポリイミドフィルムに成形した際に機械強度に優れ、及び滑なポリイミドフィルムを製造できる工業的に有利なポリアミド酸溶液の製造方法を提供する例文帳に追加

To provide an industrially advantageous method for producing a polyamic acid solution which, when molded, can give a polyimide film excellent in mechanical strengths and smoothness, which method can markedly shorten the production cycle in the production of the polyamic acid solution obtained by subjecting a tetracarboxylic acid dianhydride represented by formula (1) and a diamine into an amidation reaction. - 特許庁


To improve a device for individualizing a flat object from a stack, particularly, individual objects provided on a stack and mutually partitioned with intermediate materials, advantageously, for individualizing a printing plate to assure that the single object is only picked out of the stack and supplied for the following process, if necessary. - 特許庁


To provide a method to easily form a metal product, in which a flat section with a sufficient width is arranged to the outer face of an inner flange integrally formed between a cylindrical part and a rising part of the cylindrical part, without deteriorating of strength of the flange and generation of a seam, etc., and a forming die used therefor. - 特許庁



To prevent enlarging and flatting of a shell and make discharge of residual water in the shell profitable, while enhancing a silencing effect by sufficiently long extending an outlet pipe, in the silencer for an engine provided with an inlet pipe connected to an exhaust pipe, an outlet pipe opened to the atmospheric air, and an expansion chamber connecting both these pipes, in the shell. - 特許庁



This is a microgyrometer (10) based on detection of Coriolis force generated from vertical angular motion (Ω) (machined by using existing microelectronics, preferably), for the oscillating direction (X) of mass bodies (12 and 12') movable freely along a plane (X, Y) of the microgyrometer (10). - 特許庁


Japan had unequal treaties, known as the Ansei Five-Power Treaties, that were imposed by the United States (the Treaty of Peace and Amity between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan), the Netherlands (the Dutch-Japan Treaty of Peace and Amity), Russia (the Treaty between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan), Great Britain (the Anglo-Japanese Friendship Treaty and the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Amity and Commerce) and France (the Treaty of Peace and Amity between France and Japan), and had another one with Yi Dynasty Korea (the Treaty of Ganghwa, imposed by Japan) while the Japan-Qing Treaty of Friendship was the only equal treaty that Japan had at the time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the lamina 10 is machined for the purpose of locating small cube corner structures on the microstructured lamina(e) in a repeatable manner, cube-corner microstructures are formed by machining V-shaped grooves on individual lamina 10, using a machining fixture 100 in which the degrees of freedom including x translation, z translation, and rotation around y and kinematic positioning are advantageous. - 特許庁


To provide a method for industrially advantageously producing glycolic acid or ammonium glycolate from glycolonitrile as the raw material, capable of simultaneously attaining three of (1) a sufficient average production rate, (2) a sufficient ammonium glycolate accumulated concentration and (3) a sufficient catalyst productivity, when producing glycolic acid or ammonium glycolate from glycolonytlyl as the raw material by hydrolysis reaction using nitrilase. - 特許庁



From this perspective, given the situation under the present drug pricing system where, even during the patent life, drug prices are structured to fall continuously and moreover are used for comparison in the calculation of drug prices, even the corrected prices of new drugs are likely to fall below the level in the major European countries and the US, leading to more increases rather than reductions on the application of the foreign price adjustment. In respect of drugs which thus are expected to be more highly priced abroad than in Japan, it has been pointed out that launch overseas gives more favorable drug pricing and that the pricing system has become unfavorable to domestic lead-off development. - 厚生労働省


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