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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 歩び合いの意味・解説 > 歩び合いに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 20



The movements of the ankles when a person walks are photographed with a front side camera and a side camera, a difference in positional change of the ankles is found from the time series images by a computer processing, and the evaluation information on the presence/absence, the cause and the extent of the gait disorder is obtained from the difference in the positional change. - 特許庁


To provide a papermaking method to improve a yield and productivity without damaging textures in a papermaking process of paper and paperboard. - 特許庁


In the robot device having a plurality of leg parts and driving each of them according to a predetermined pattern to walk and its controlling method, the leg parts are driven so as to vary a walking pattern according to the degree of emotions matching an emotion model, so that the walking pattern can be changed according to a change in emotions in a specific phenomenon. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing paper and cardboard, corresponding to paper-making facilities in which an acidic paper-making process and a neutral paper-making process are intermingled, without collapsing the formation in both of the acidic paper-making and neutral paper-making and improving water filterability and yield. - 特許庁



To provide a chemical agent for papermaking improving yield and productivity in the papermaking process of paper and paperboard without impairing formation of paper; and a method for papermaking using the chemical agent. - 特許庁



To provide a water-soluble polymer dispersion with excellent storage stability, a paper-strengthening agent imparting high paper strength without disturbing the texture of the obtained paper, a freeness-improving agent for papermaking, and a yield-improving agent for papermaking. - 特許庁


To provide a papermaking method in which yield may be improved, freeness and a dewatering property may be improved, and paper quality, particularly opacity may be improved without spoiling texture in a process of making paper and paperboard. - 特許庁


To provide a papermaking method by which the yield is improved, water filtering and water drainage properties are ameliorated and productivity is improved, without damaging the formation in the papermaking process of paper and paperboard. - 特許庁


To provide a method of making paper which enables both improving yield and freeness of a papermaking stock on a wire and improving a strength of produced paper without impairing a formation in a manufacturing process of paper and cardboard. - 特許庁



To provide a papermaking method improving yield, water filtering property, water squeezing property and enhancing productivity without impairing formation in materials for papermaking comprising much fine fibers and fillers. - 特許庁



A certainty decision device 2 calculates certainty that the object is the pedestrian based on luminance values of the images photographed by the IR camera 1, a geometrical shape of the object and presence or absence of the moving of the object. - 特許庁


To provide a method for treating polished rice for Sake by which the cracking and fracturing rates of the polished rice for the Sake can be reduced as much as possible to enhance the water content of the polished rice, prevent the immersion cracking of the rice on the immersion in water, and improve the yield. - 特許庁


Where the examiner overlooked reasons for refusal, such as deficiency in the description of the description or lack of the unity of invention when notifying the reasons for refusal in terms of novelty and inventive step in the first notice of reasons for refusal, and the reasons for refusal are found after that.  - 特許庁


This mounting structure of the head lamp for an automobile is devised to obey the European pedestrian safety lows and regulations by absorbing impact at the time of colliding against a pedestrian by inserting a hellous spring bracket into an existing mounting boss, a bolt and a snap fitting pin and mounting it. - 特許庁


To provide a water-soluble polymer dispersion in which a particle diameter is small and uniform, and which excels in storage stability, and a paper strength additive which excels in storage stability, does not disarrange a balance of an obtained paper, and can impart a high paper strength effect to paper, and to provide a filtration improvement agent for papermaking, and a retention aid for papermaking. - 特許庁


To provide a rotary plate for tillage works, which can detachably be attached to the lateral outside end of one of a pair of right and left tilling rotors mounted on the axle of a walking type working machine, and can properly adjust the soil-biting degree of the rotary plate. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing paper and paperboard, which corresponds to the improvement in the availability of waste paper, the improvement in the blending rate of flock pulp, the closing of the system, and the like, controls pitches, reduces defects, does not disrupt the formation, improves freeness and yield, and can improve productivity such as the reduction in paper breakage and production speed-up. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing paper and paperboard, corresponding to improvement of utilization ratio of waste paper in recent years, improvement of formulation ratio of broke pulp and closing of the system and suppressing pitch, decreasing defect and further not breaking formation and improving drainage property and yield and enabling improvement of productivity such as decrease of broken paper and production speed-up. - 特許庁


To provide a papermaking method giving a high-quality paper having suppressed lowering of formation in high yield while preventing the adhesion of pitch to the papermaking machine even in the case of using a papermaking material slurry containing a large amount of small components such as regenerated pulp, pitch and filler and especially suitable for the reuse of used paper and to provide a papermaking assistant to be used in the papermaking method. - 特許庁



Higashiyama in the early spring is enveloped by a fantastic atmosphere, briefly attracting people, who walk, while seeing some events and various lanterns illuminating faintly their feet on the path, starting from Jingumichi road and Shoren-in Temple in the north, via Chion-in Temple, Maruyama Park, Yasaka-jinja Shrine and Shinkomichi road, viewing Daiun-in Temple Gion-kaku (Kyoto), to Entoku-in, Kodai-ji Temple, Nene no Michi (The Path of Nene), Ichinenzaka slope, Ninenzaka slope, and Kiyomizu-dera Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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