
「第53」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 3009


五十三条 中央協会は、法人とする。例文帳に追加

Article 53 (1) The Central Association shall be a juridical person.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

53 章 数値計算 (Math) 数値計算用のパッケージ群です。例文帳に追加

Math Provides Packages for mathematical purposes  - PEAR


A recess 53 is formed in the second hinge member 3. - 特許庁


Article 53 (Responsibilities of the president and directors)  - 経済産業省



The provisions referred to in subsection (1) are sections 11, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 29, 35(1), 40(2), 48(4), 53, 57, 67, 68 and 69. (L.N. 157 of 2002; L.N. 235 of 2002; L.N. 37 of 2004)  - 特許庁


⑧ 金商法第53条の規定による自己資本規制比率に係る業務改善等処分例文帳に追加

(viii) Administrative dispositions, including business improvement orders in relation to the Capital Adequacy Ratio under Article 53 of the FIEA  - 金融庁


Any use of a registered geographical indication provided for in Article 53(2) shall constitute an infringement.  - 特許庁

(a) 特許出願の公開までは,第53条(1)の規定に基づいてファイルの閲覧を許可された者例文帳に追加

(a) up to the publication of the patent application, to those persons who are authorized to inspect the files under the provisions of Article 53(1); - 特許庁


The provisions of subsections 1 and 2 shall also apply to compulsory licenses and rights under section 53(2).  - 特許庁


(3) 53条に規定する審判部への不服申立は,庁が指定した期間を停止するものとする。例文帳に追加

3. An appeal to the Board of Appeals referred to in Article 53 shall suspend the time limit stipulated by the Office. - 特許庁


法律 53条を、この款に基づいて提出される異議申立書に関して適用する。例文帳に追加

Section 53 of the Act applies in respect of a notice of opposition filed under this Subdivision. - 特許庁


Moreover, the second P-well area 55b is connected to GND, and the N-type diffusion areas 53 are connected to the connection node 90. - 特許庁


The output shaft 53 is integrally rotatably mounted on the second inner hub 50. - 特許庁


Subsections (1) and (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to compulsory licenses and to rights under Section 53(2).  - 特許庁


The cover 5 has first and second ribs 53, 54, and holds the printed circuit board 4 in between the first and second ribs 53, 54. - 特許庁


paragraph (2) and (3) of Article 50, Article 52-2 and Article 53  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A second coin separation part 52 which guides the coin C received in a space 53 to the coin discharge part 30 is provided below the first coin separation part 51 with the space 53, where the coin C can be received, formed between the parts 51 and 52. - 特許庁


A first shaft (a slide shaft) 9 retreating interlocked with the backward tilting of a seat back is provided with a longitudinal first locking body 53, and the first locking body 53 is provided with a plurality of oblong engaging holes 61 at equal spaces along the longitudinal direction. - 特許庁


(b) A fluid is driven into the bladder 3 while suppressing the vulcanization of the second rubber layer 54, and the first rubber layer 53 is pressed to the forming section 9, and a rib section 52 is formed on the first rubber layer 53 and is vulcanized. - 特許庁

一 五十三条一項本文の指定をしたとき。例文帳に追加

(i) when an appointment as service provider as set forth in the main clause of Article 53, paragraph (1) is determined;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

九 五十三条一項の規定による履行の請求例文帳に追加

ix) Request for performance under the provision of Article 53(1  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

五 五十三条一項の免許に付した条件に違反したとき。例文帳に追加

(v) when the Foreign Trust Company has violated any condition attached to a license under Article 53(1);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 五十三条の規定は、一項の許可に準用する。例文帳に追加

(3) The provision of Article 53 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the permission set forth in paragraph (1).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A second locking device 53 locks the second opening/closing unit in a closed state. - 特許庁


Also, the layer 52 has the same thickness as that of the layer 53. - 特許庁


The heat transfer fin has a first deformation portion 52 and a second deformation portion 53. - 特許庁


A carrier robot 50 includes first and second hands 52, 53. - 特許庁


Space S is provided between the 1st and the 2nd projection parts 52 and 53. - 特許庁


A first projection 52 and a second projection 53 are provided on the rotation suppression member 5. - 特許庁


The provisions of sections 48 to 53 and section 55 relating to infringement of a patent shall apply, in so far as they are appropriate, to proceedings under this section.  - 特許庁


(1) The provisions of sections 46 to 49 and 53 of the Act shall, with the necessary modifications, apply in relation to a protected international trade mark (Singapore). - 特許庁


The first cylinder 53 is fixed to a fixing part 54 and the second cylinder 57 and the third cylinder 56 are attached to the fixing part in the shaft direction of the riser tube 12. - 特許庁


The first stopper member 51 includes a pawl part 53 retractably projecting toward the first wall part 41 from the second wall part 43 of the guide member 35. - 特許庁


Any one of the first, second and third supporting units 51, 52, 53 is displaced in the axial direction by the distance according to the driving condition of the vehicle. - 特許庁


Thereafter, the transportation conveyor and a first reverse conveyor 53 are driven, so that the workpiece 10 is transported between first and second reverse conveyors 53 and 54. - 特許庁


At a region interposed between the GND pattern 53 at the side of the first surface 55 and the GND pattern 53 on the side of the second surface 56, and a signal wiring 52 is disposed for electrically connecting the photodetector with the circuit board side. - 特許庁


The piston body contains a first and a second venting element 60, 61 by which the conveying side 53 and the drive side can be connected to one another by a respective bore and the piston body has a venting slit 71, 73 which is arranged on the conveying side 53. - 特許庁

一 五十三条六項一号から六号までに該当することとなったとき。例文帳に追加

(i) when the Foreign Trust Company has come to fall under any of Article 53(6)(i) to (vi) inclusive;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A first housing 51 has a first storage part 53, and an inner diameter of a part on the second direction side more than the first storage part 53 is set to an inner diameter or more of the first storage part 53. - 特許庁


The first paragraph shall not apply to the time limits prescribed in section 6, first paragraph, section 27, third paragraph, section 52, fourth and fifth paragraph and section 53, second paragraph. - 特許庁


The second runner 55 is provided at a position deviated from the first runner 53 three-dimensionally, and overpasses the first runner 53 and extends crossing the first runner 53. - 特許庁

七 介護予防サービス費の支給 五十三条二項一号及び二号並びに五十五条一項、四項及び六項例文帳に追加

(vii) payment of an Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service: Article 53, paragraph (2), item (i) and item (ii), and Article 55, paragraph (1), paragraph (4), and paragraph (6);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


grant of a compulsory license, determination of new conditions for or revocation of such license or rights under Section 53 (2)  - 特許庁


Masters 1, 2 and a slave 5 are controlled in acceleration dimension by first disturbance observers 11, 12, 15 and second disturbance observers 51, 52, 53. - 特許庁


In the water purifying electric discharge part 51, electric discharging is carried out from a second electrode 54 to a first electrode 53 with a water film formed on the surface. - 特許庁


The blade part 53 of the first rotation body 51 is formed to a triangular crest-like cross section having a cutting surface part 53a perpendicular to the first axis L_10. - 特許庁


The rising height of the second rising piece 53 is larger by a thickness quantity of a flat bar 10 than the rising height of the first rising piece 53. - 特許庁


Articles 11 from a first carrying passage 26 are distributed and delivered in order to respective second carrying passages 52 of plural rows through a guide body 71 of a switching means 53. - 特許庁


Thereby, the first gear 53 is pressed downward, and a rack 42 of each side fence 39 is detached from the first gear 53. - 特許庁



Alternatively the articles 11 from the respective second carrying passages 52 of the plural rows are delivered in order to the first carrying passage 51 through the guide body 71 of the switching means 53. - 特許庁


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