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For Kuzuha Station, the buses run at first in the direction of Shin-Tanabe, enter, at Osumigaoka, routes 16/16B or routes 16A/16C/67D, and enter, at Hongo, routes 30/31/31A: routes 16/16B - for Gokodani/Oshiba via Osumi/Matsui, routes 16A/16C/67D - merging at Kinemonguchi into the two routes above via Hongo through Matsuiyamate, and routes 30/31/31A - via Setsunan-daigaku Kita-guchi (the north entrance to Setsunan University) and Matsusato. 例文帳に追加

後者にはまずいったん新田辺方へ向かい、大住ヶ丘で分かれて、大住・松井を経由し、御幸谷・大芝へ向かう16・16Bと、松井山手から本郷を経由して金右衛門口で先述の2路線に合流する16A・16C・67D、そして本郷で別れ、摂南大学北口、松里を経由する30・31・31Aがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Teppoki" (a history book on the introduction of guns), firearms were first brought to Tanegashima Island on October 3, 1543 by a Chinese ship tossed ashore on Nishinoura Bay of Tanegashima Island, Osumi Province (Kagoshima Prefecture) and a Confucian scholar from Ming onboard, who identified himself as Goho, worked as a translator for Oribe NISHIMURA by using written messages. 例文帳に追加

『鉄炮記』によれば、種子島への鉄砲伝来は天文(元号)12年8月25日(旧暦)(ユリウス暦1543年9月23日)の出来事で、大隅国(鹿児島県)種子島西之浦湾に漂着した中国船に乗っていた「五峰」と名乗る明の儒生が西村織部と筆談で通訳を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On April 21, the Satsuma army held a military meeting in Yabehama-cho town and decided that Shinpachi MURATA and Ikegami should should resign from the post of commander of the battalions and be attached to the headquarters to participate in military meetings, that the whole army should be organized into companies, that the army should take the strategy of controlling the three provinces of Satsuma, Osumi, and Hyuga, and that they should set their base in Hitoyoshi. 例文帳に追加

4月21日、薩軍は矢部浜町の軍議で、村田新八・池上が大隊指揮長を辞め、本営附きとなって軍議に参画すること、全軍を中隊編制にすること、三州(薩摩国・大隅国・日向国)盤踞策をとること、人吉をその根拠地とすることなどを決めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hirotsugu led 5000 soldiers of Osumi Province, Satsuma Province, Chikuzen Province and Bungo Province, and marched on Kurate-do Road; his brother FUJIWARA no Tsunate led 5000 soldiers of Chikugo Province and Hizen Province, and advanced from Bungo Province; and TAGO no Komaro marched on the Tagawa-do Road; their tactic was to siege the government army from three sides. 例文帳に追加

広嗣が大隅国・薩摩国・筑前国・豊後国の兵5000人を率いて鞍手道を進軍、弟の藤原綱手は筑後国・肥前国の兵5000人を率いて豊後国から進軍、多胡古麻呂が田河道を進軍して三方から官軍を包囲する作戦であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Empress Shotoku who wanted to make Dokyo Emperor was indignant after listening to the report and demoted Kiyomaro to Inaba no Ingainoge for the time being, later made him change his name to 'WAKEBE no Kitanamaro' and exiled him to Osumi Province; his sister Hiromushi was also punished by being forced to change her name to 'WAKEBE no Hiromushime.' 例文帳に追加

道鏡を天皇に就けたがっていたと言われる称徳天皇は報告を聞いて怒り、清麻呂を因幡員外介にいったん左遷、さらに「別部穢麻呂(わけべのきたなまろ)」と改名させて大隅国へ配流し、姉の広虫も「別部広虫売(わけべのひろむしめ)」と改名させられて処罰された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is presumed that Soonoiwaki meant Kokubu-jo Castle (Osumi Province) and Shimizu-jo Castle and Himenoki meant Himeki-jo Castle and Tachibanaki-jo Castle, while there are conflicting theories concerning other five castles: one claiming that the castles were concentrated near the Kokubu Plain and the other claiming that they were widely dispersed in southern Kyushu. 例文帳に追加

このうち曽於乃石城は国分城(大隅国)と清水城、比売之城は姫木城と橘木城であったと考えられているが、他の5城については国分平野付近に集中していたとする説と九州南部に広く分散していたとする説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, the headquarters was moved from Honio to Nihongi on March 16, and moved again to Kiyama on April 21, and Hongo also moved therewith, but he was not a leader in the battle directly, so he decided to stay at the three countries of Satsuma, Osumi and Hyuga Province on April 15, and except for that one day, there was no record of his work being outstanding. 例文帳に追加

この間、本営は本荘から3月16日に二本木、4月13日に木山、4月21日に矢部浜町と移され、西郷もほぼそれとともに移動したが、戦闘を直接に指揮しているわけでもないので、薩摩・大隅国・日向国の三州に蜷踞することを決めた4月15日の軍議に出席していたこと以外、目立った動向の記録はない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A wife of Saigo's, Itoko, who was invited to the opening, was surprised and said 'my husband didn't look like that' (a theory that claiming that the statues did not in fact look alike stems from this statement), and also she said 'he didn't walk around in a yukata' in a strong dialect of Satsu-gu (the dialect of Satsuma and Osumi Province) and she was censured by the people around her. 例文帳に追加

公開の際に招かれた西郷夫人糸子は「宿んし(うちの主人)はこげんなお人じゃなかったこてえ(あら、こんな人ではなかったですよ)」と腰を抜かし(この発言を銅像の顔が本人に似てない事と解釈する説もある)、また「浴衣姿で散歩なんてしなかった」といった意の言葉(薩隅方言)を漏らし周囲の人に窘められたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He is also known as a warrior who participated in many wars from his first battle with his older brother Yoshihiro and younger brother Iehisa, followed by well-known contributions he made to the Siege of Yokokawa-jo castle attack (called Yokokawa-jo seme or Yokokawa kuzure), Yoshihiro's rescue mission, the Siege of Obama-jo castle in the Osumi Province, the Siege of Ito clan, the Battle of the Mimikawa, the Siege of the second Minamata-jo castle, and vice-shogun in the war force of the Higoguchi side led by Yoshihiro in the Bungo Province. 例文帳に追加

また初陣での奮戦から、兄義弘・弟家久と並び島津家の多くの合戦に参加し、横川城攻め(横川崩れ)、大口市堂ヶ崎における義弘救出戦、大隅国小浜城(大隅国)攻め、伊東氏攻め、耳川の戦い、第二次水俣城攻め、豊後国入りでの義弘が指揮した肥後口側の軍勢の副将などが主な功績として挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, following facts show that a base of the powerful political power was placed in Osaka Plain during Kawachi Dynasty; the current existence of huge keyhole-shaped mounds such as Konda Gobyoyama-kofun Tumulus (the mausoleum of Emperor Ojin) in Furuichi-kofun Tumulus Clusters in Kawachi and Daisenryo-kofun Tumulus (the mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku) in Mozu-kofun Tumulus Clusters in Izumi, and the capitals each established in Kawachi or Izumi in Osaka Plain, such as the Osumi no Miya (Palace) of the 15th Ojin in Naniwa, the Takatsu no Miya of the 16th Nintoku in Naniwa, and the 18th Hanzei in Shibagaki in Tajihi (Matsubara City, Osaka Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

また、大阪平野には、河内の古市墳群にある誉田御廟山古墳(応神天皇陵)や和泉の百舌鳥古墳群にある大仙陵古墳(仁徳天皇陵)など巨大な前方後円墳が現存することや、15代応神は難波の大隅宮に、16代仁徳は難波の高津宮に、18代反正は丹比(大阪府松原市)柴垣に、それぞれ大阪平野の河内や和泉に都が設置されていることなどから、河内王朝時代に大阪平野に強大な政治権力の拠点があったことがわる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to 'Fujufusecho' (literally, the list of Fujufuse temples) compiled in 1667, there were 26 temples as shown below : Rensho-ji Temple (Odawara City), Hosen-ji Temple (Sakawa), Rensen-ji Temple (Itabashi (Odawara City)), Renkyu-ji Temple (Ogikubo (Odawara City)) and Daien-ji Temple (Nuta) in Ashikagashimo-gun, Myorin-ji Temple (Oiso-machi), Myodai-ji Temple (Higashikoiso) and Myosho-ji Temple (Higashikoiso) in Yurugi-gun, Honjo-ji Temple (Funako) in Aiko-gun, Teisei-ji Temple (Tamura), Ryuan-ji Temple (Shimohirama), Ryusei-ji Temple (Ogami), Chogen-ji Temple (Soya), Hogen-ji Temple (Soya) and Rensho-ji Temple (Teradanawa) in Osumi-gun, Myogen-ji Temple (Shimootani), Honzai-ji Temple (Takada), Myoko-ji Temple (Murota), Myoko-ji Temple (Ichinomiya) and Myozen-ji Temple (Fujisawa City) in Koza-gun and Honko-ji Temple (Omachi), Myoten-ji Temple (Koshigoe), Honryu-ji Temple (Koshigoe), Bukko-ji Temple (Fueta), Myocho-ji Temple (Ranbashi) and Enkyu-ji Temple (Tokiwa) in Kamakura-gun. 例文帳に追加

1667年の「不受不施帳」によれば足柄下郡には蓮昌寺(小田原市)・法船寺(酒匂)・蓮船寺(板橋(小田原市))・蓮久寺(荻窪(小田原市))・大円寺(怒田)、淘綾郡には妙林寺(大磯町)・妙大寺(東小磯)・妙昌寺(東小磯)、愛甲郡には本盛寺(船子)、大住郡には貞性寺(田村)・隆安寺(下平間)・隆盛寺(大神)・長源寺(曾谷)・法眼寺(糟屋)・蓮昭寺(寺田縄)、高座郡には妙元寺(下大谷)・本在寺(高田)・妙行寺(室田)・妙光寺(一之宮)・妙善寺(藤沢市)、鎌倉郡には本興寺(大町)・妙典寺(腰越)・本竜寺(腰越)・仏行寺(笛田)・妙長寺(乱橋)・円久寺(常盤)の26寺があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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