
「Urban Growth」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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Urban Growthの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 61


The role of healthy income increases and consumption sophistication centering in urban areas in underpinning this personal consumption increase was significant. However, at the same time, the growth of personal consumption was weak compared to that of fixed asset investment, against a backdrop of uncertainty about the future accompanying the reform of state-owned enterprises, an undeveloped social security system, and stalled growth of farming village income.例文帳に追加

これは、都市部を中心とした堅調な所得の増加及び消費の高度化等が個人消費を下支えしたところによる側面が大きいが、その一方で、国有企業改革に伴う将来不安や社会保障制度の未整備、農村の所得伸び悩み等を背景に、個人消費の伸びは固定資産投資に比べて弱い。 - 経済産業省

(Period of rapid economic growth:population concentrated in metropolitan region, consumption stimulated by urban lifestyle)During the period between the postwar era and rapid economic growth, the population grewsignificantly.例文帳に追加

また、それぞれの地域は、地域の核となる重点的産業を戦略的に選択し、産業振興・創業支援、人材確保・育成などの施策を総合的に実施していかなくてはならず、特に、地域産業を支える意欲と技能をもった人材を確保するため、市町村と公共職業安定所の連携、公共職業安定所の広域的職業紹介機能などによって、地域における職業紹介機能を高めることが重要である。 - 厚生労働省

By the end of last year, the growth of fixed asset investment and bank loans was temporarily blunted or leveled off through these measures to control excess investment. However, they again accelerated entering 2004. The investment curtailing effects did not permeate sufficiently, as fixed asset investment in urban areas in January-February posted a year-on-year increase of 53 percent to record the greatest growth since 1994, and the amount of yuan loaned at the end of February also increased by 20.7 percent over that of the same period a year earlier, sustaining a high level of growth.例文帳に追加

これらの過剰投資引締め措置によって、昨年末には固定資産投資及び銀行貸出しの伸びが一時鈍化もしくは頭打ちとなったが、2004年に入ると再び加速し、都市部の1~2月の固定資産投資は前年比53%の増加と1994年以降で最高の伸びを記録し、また、2月末の人民元貸出残高も前年同期末比20.7%の増加と高水準を維持する等投資抑制効果が十分に浸透していないことが露呈した。 - 経済産業省

As far as certain income classes living in urbanized Asia are concerned, on the assumption that improvement in infrastructures and development of industries accelerates urbanization in Asia, the income disparity among such classes will become small.A sharp growth in GDP per capita would give rise to an increase in the so-called urban middle-income class.例文帳に追加

アジアの都市化率は着実に上昇しており、今後、インフラ整備や産業の集積による都市化がさらに進んだ場合、大都市化したアジア地域に住む一部の所得階層に限定して考えれば、その所得格差は小さく、一人あたりGDPが大きく成長することにより、「都市中間層」とも言える階層はさらに増加すると考えられる。 - 経済産業省


Japan concentrated its efforts on the development of infrastructure for the existing coastal industrial zones from the period of restoration after World War II until the first half of the high-growth period. As a result, population flows from rural regions to urban areas increased, income disparities among difference regions continued to grow, and the problem of overpopulation in industrialized areas began to draw attention.例文帳に追加

戦後の復興から高度成長期前半まで、我が国では既存の臨海工業地帯の産業基盤整備に重点が置かれた結果、農村部から都市部への人口流入が増大するとともに、地域間の所得格差は拡大を続け、また、工業化した地域の過大都市問題が注目されるようになった。 - 経済産業省


Differences of spending growth among households with different levels of disposable income are reflected in percentage shares of spending by households with different income levels against consumption by all households in urban areas. Consumption by upper-ranked income-earning groups (top 20% income earners) accounts for a significant portion of consumption by all income earners. The top 20% income earners contributed to more than 40% of spending increase recorded between 2000 and 2004.例文帳に追加

こうした可処分所得と消費支出の伸びの差は、都市部家計消費における所得階層別のシェアに現れており、上位所得層(上位20%の所得階層)が占める割合は大きく、消費支出額の増加への寄与で見ても2000年から2004年の上位所得層の寄与が4割を超えている。 - 経済産業省

In the second quarter of 2006, the real GDP growth rate was 11.4%, significantly above the government’s target of 8%, and fixed asset investment saw accelerating growth of a total of 29.8% in January through June, 2006 (of which urban area investment was 31.3%). In response to these and other factors, the deposit reserve requirement ratio and interest rate on loans were increased, and in addition to adjustment guidance for the start of new construction projects, further strengthening of investment control measures was carried out, including strengthening the supervision of local governments and discount window operation for banks.例文帳に追加

2006年第2四半期においては、実質GDP成長率が11.4%と政府目標である8%を大きく上回るとともに、固定資産投資も2006年1~6月期累計で29.8%(うち、都市部投資は31.3%)と伸びを加速させたことなどを受けて、預金準備率や貸出金利の引上げ、新規着工プロジェクトの整理指導に加え、地方政府に対する監督の強化や銀行に対する窓口指導等の投資抑制策の一層の強化を行った。 - 経済産業省

The Program focuses on the development of social infrastructure targeting priority areas in structural reform. Based on a four-part policy framework, consisting of (1) further upgrading and internationalization of urban functions, (2) creation of environment-friendly and vigorous local communities, (3) expansion of growth frontiers by promoting science and technology, education, and IT, and (4) responses to the declining birthrate and the aging society, the Program anticipates initiatives conducive to stimulating private investment and creating employment opportunities, and selects projects whose prompt implementation is possible and needed and which are expected to have an immediate impact on the economy.例文帳に追加

同プログラムにおいては、構造改革に資する重点分野に注力して社会資本の整備を行うこととし、①都市機能の一層の高度化・国際化、②環境に配慮した活力ある地域社会の実現、③科学技術・教育・ITの推進による成長フロンティアの拡大、及び④少子・高齢化への対応、の四つの政策課題の下、民間投資の創出・就業機会の増大に資し、早期執行が可能で経済への即効性が高く、緊急に実施の必要のある事業を盛り込んでおります。 - 財務省

The Supplementary Budget for the Special Account for Industrial Investment shall receive 2.5 trillion yen in its Social Capital Adjustment Account from the General Account as revenues, and expenditure of 2.5 trillion yen will be appropriated under Special Measures for Public Investments for Promoting Reform as follows: (1) 627.8 billion yen for the further upgrading and internationalization of urban functions, (2) 655.8 billion yen for the creation of environment-friendly and vigorous local communities, (3) 872.0 billion yen for the expansion of growth frontiers by promoting science and technology, education, and IT, and (4) 344.4 billion yen for responses to the declining birthrate and the aging society.例文帳に追加

また、産業投資特別会計補正予算については、社会資本整備勘定において、今申し述べたように一般会計から二兆五千億円を歳入として受け入れ、歳出として改革推進公共投資特別措置二兆五千億円を計上することとしております。その内訳は、①都市機能高度化等対策費六千二百七十八億円、②環境配慮型地域社会実現対策費六千五百五十八億円、③科学技術等対策費八千七百二十億円、④少子高齢化対策費三千四百四十四億円であります。 - 財務省


Central urban areas formed in this way do not simply bring together commercial functions. They also form the core of people's lives and cultural activities, and their role as centers of culture and tradition accumulated over many years make them in a sense the "faces" of their towns and cities. With the growth of motorization in recent years, however, the field of people's activities has spread to the suburbs.例文帳に追加

このように形作られてきた中心市街地は、単に商業機能が集中しているのみならず、人々の生活や文化的活動の中心であり、これまでの長い歴史の中で、文化、伝統を育んできた「街の顔」というべき存在となってきたが、近年、モータリゼーションの進展に伴い、郊外の居住者の増加、病院や学校、役所などの公共施設の郊外への移転など人々の活動の場が郊外へ拡散し、中心市街地の空洞化が進んでいる。 - 経済産業省


In a report on government activities presented to a meeting of the National People’s Congress in March 2006, the Chinese Government said its economy expanded further while people’s livelihood improved under the 10th five-year plan (2000 - 2005). But the Government also said a host of problems and contradictions exist in China. First, a shift of economic growth pattern has been delayed in China due to its irrational economic structure, resulting in an increase in energy consumption and worsening environmental pollution to serious levels. Second, relations between investment and consumption have been imbalanced, according to the report. And thirdly, the report said, income gaps have been expanding between households in urban areas and households in rural areas, between households in one region and households in other regions and between households in a region and other households in the same region.例文帳に追加

2006年3月の全人代で行われた「政府活動報告」においては、第10次5カ年計画(2000年~2005年)期間において、経済力が一層高まり、生活は改善されているとしながらも、①経済構造が合理的でなく、経済成長パターンの転換が遅れ、エネルギー消費が多く、環境汚染が深刻化、②投資と消費の関係のバランスが取れていない、③都市部と農村部や地域間の発展の格差及び一部社会構成員の間の収入格差が拡大しつつある、等の矛盾や問題が存在しているとしている。 - 経済産業省


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