《主に米国で用いられる》 proctor [《主に英国で用いられる》 invigilate] an examination.
the competent authorities.
film (映画), artistic vision (芸術的ビジョン), creative control (創造的統制), cast (キャスト), crew (スタッフ)
The director worked closely with the actors to bring the script to life. (監督は脚本を実現するために俳優たちと密接に協力した。)
She is a renowned director known for her innovative storytelling techniques. (彼女は革新的な物語りの技術で知られる著名な監督である。)
The director's vision was crucial in shaping the film's unique aesthetic. (その監督のビジョンは、映画のユニークな美学を形作る上で重要だった。)
monitor (監視する), oversee (監督する), guidance (指導), evaluate (評価する), team (チーム)
The supervisor is responsible for overseeing the performance of the team. (監督者はチームのパフォーマンスを監督する責任がある。)
She sought feedback from her supervisor on the project's progress. (彼女はプロジェクトの進捗について上司からフィードバックを求めた。)
As a supervisor, he provided valuable guidance to the new employees. (監督者として、彼は新入社員に貴重な指導を提供した。)
business (ビジネス), leadership (リーダーシップ), strategy (戦略), operations (運営), team management (チーム管理)
The manager implemented a new strategy to improve sales. (マネージャーは売上を向上させるための新しい戦略を実施した。)
He is an effective manager who knows how to motivate his team. (彼はチームを動機付ける方法を知っている効果的なマネージャーである。)
The manager held a meeting to discuss the operational challenges facing the company. (マネージャーは会社が直面している運営上の課題を議論するための会議を開催した。)
team (チーム), training (トレーニング), strategy (戦略), motivate (動機付ける), performance (パフォーマンス)
The coach developed a rigorous training program for the athletes. (コーチは選手たちのために厳格なトレーニングプログラムを開発した。)
Under the guidance of the coach, the team won the championship. (コーチの指導のもと、チームは選手権で優勝した。)
The coach analyzed the game footage to improve the team's strategy. (コーチはチームの戦略を改善するために試合の映像を分析した。)
文法情報 | (名詞) |
対訳 | director; superintendent; supervisor; coach; foreman; manager; overseer; controller; boss |
読み方 かんとく
Superintendence; supervision; oversight; control; charge; care:(=する) to superintend (the compilation); to supervise (the works); to oversee (the workmen); to control (the finances); to take charge of, have charge of (an office); to take care of (the furniture); to look after (a school); to attend to (an engine, etc.)
(=監督者)a superintendent; a supervisor; an overseer; an inspector:(仕事の監督)a taskmaster:(職工の監督)a foreman:(英国国教の監督)a bishop
The manager aired his frustration.
I was a coach.
The manager himself hit fungoes.
He was assigned to be the supervisor.
the act of not looking after things that should be looked after
I didn't have anything to do with the superintendency previously, but I was elected to it by the members.
You must act under the leadership of your supervisor.
The manager assembled the players on the field.
I spent three years looking for a good director, but couldn't find one.
Our head coach told us that stick-to-it-iveness decides games.
The manager has put him back in the major league.