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該当件数 : 1456件
(1) 出願人は、次の場合においては、登録官に異議申立手続の両当事者を聴聞するよう求めることができる。例文帳に追加
(1) An applicant may ask the Registrar to hear the parties to opposition proceedings, if: - 特許庁
A high proportion of SMEs anticipate making capital investment plans, particularly those with larger workforces (Fig. 1-3-12), and 50.8% said that they would raise the funds to do so by “borrowing from main bank.”発音を聞く - 経済産業省
(1)の規定は,次の場合は適用されない。(a) 当該日付及び場所が聴聞前会議において決定されたか,又は (b) 全当事者が(1)の規定を要件から除外するか,又は (c) 緊急のものであるために1月の予告では実用的でないとの見解を局長が有する場合例文帳に追加
Subclause (1)does not apply if-- (a)the date and venue have been determined at a prehearing conference; or (b)the parties waive compliance with subclause (1); or (c)in the Commissioner’s opinion, notice of 1 month is not practicable for reasons of urgency. - 特許庁
Combined with enterprises with an equity ratio of over 5% to 10%, 49.3% said that they used quick loans. Considering that these enterprises made up only 31.0% of the survey population, use of quick loans is clearly widespread among enterprises with comparatively low equity ratios (Fig. 1-3-18).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
This forced Yoshihisa to stay at Magari Camp in Omimagari (the present-day Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture) for one year and five months until he died.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This inductive microsensor is characterized in that each of the long segments (S_i) is connected to the next segment (S_i+1) by a short segment (s_i) so that the short segment (s_i) makes angles α and α' larger than 90° relative to the long segments (S_i, S_i+1). - 特許庁
(1) 本法第 14条(1)(e)の規定による図面は,それが発明及びその技術的特徴を理解するのに貢献する場合は,必要である。例文帳に追加
(1) The drawings according to the provisions of Art. 14 paragraph (1)letter e) of the Law are necessary in so far as they contribute to understanding the invention and the technical features thereof. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 1456件
According to a study by the United States National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the number of SMEs which responded that they plan to reduce their workforce over the next three months exceeded the number that responded that during the same period they plan to increase employment, and this trend is ongoing. The survey confirmed that SMEs are cautious about increasing employment (see Figure 1-2-1-35). - 経済産業省
If a group of inventions is claimed in one application, then the requirement of unity of the invention is only met if there is a technical coherence between these inventions which is expressed by one or several identical or corresponding, particular technical features.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The output control section 26 detects changes of dimming levels relative to former dimming levels corresponding to the dimming control circuits 23-1 to 23-n and when changes are detected, outputs control signal to a requiring one of the dimming control circuits 23-1 to 23-n connected to the lighting loads L-1 to L-n. - 特許庁
ドイツではその8 割が「その他業務・専門技術サービス」であるのに対し、我が国では「仲介貿易・その他貿易関連」がその7 割を占めており、「その他業務・専門技術サービス」の占める割合が低いことが特徴である(第3-3-1-5 図)。例文帳に追加
While the “Other business/Professional and Technical Services” accounts for 80% of the receipt of services in Germany, Japan is characterized by the fact that 70% of it is “Intermediary trade services/other trade-related services” and the percentage of “Other business/Professional and Technical Services” is low (Figure 3-3-1-6). - 経済産業省
If we look at the ratio of business assets to personal assets of SME managers based on data from the Questionnaire Survey of the Situation Regarding Business Succession of SMEs 25) that was conducted by the SME Agency (Fig. 1-2-47), we see that business assets account for approximately two-thirds in monetary terms for corporations and individuals. - 経済産業省
3 市町村の長は、第一項の申請の場合において、やむを得ない事由があると認めるときは、同項に定める期間を六十日を限り延長することができる。例文帳に追加
(3) If the mayor of the city or the head of the town or village finds unavoidable circumstances exist in the case of the application provided for in paragraph (1), he/she may extend the time period prescribed in the same paragraph for a period not exceeding 60 days.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The Survey of the Financial Environment of Small and Medium Enterprises similarly shows that many enterprises are meeting with a favorable response from financial institutions ? according to its findings, 44.8% of SMEs reported that the commonest response received when applying for borrowing from a main bank1) was “amount applied for received,” followed by “bank suggests increasing loan” (29.1%) (Fig. 1-3-9).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
While the image of an IR camera 10 is being observed, a suction stage 11, on which the IC wafer 1 illuminated with a halogen lamp 9 is mounted, is adjusted and positioned. - 特許庁
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