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該当件数 : 79


中央サーバ, 一次ミラーサイト, Armenia, Israel, アイスランド, アイルランド, アメリカ合衆国, アルゼンチン, イギリス, イタリア, インドネシア共和国, ウクライナ, エストニア, オーストラリア, オーストリア, オランダ, カナダ, キルギス共和国, ギリシア, クウェート, コスタリカ共和国, サンマリノ, シンガポール, スイス, スウェーデン, スペイン, スロバキア共和国, スロベニア, タイ王国, チェコ共和国, デンマーク, トルコ, ドイツ, ニュージーランド, ノルウェー, ハンガリー, フィリピン, フィンランド, フランス, ブラジル, ブルガリア, ポーランド, ポルトガル, ラトビア, リトアニア, ルーマニア, ロシア, 韓国, 台湾, 中国, 南アフリカ, 日本.例文帳に追加

Central Servers, Primary Mirror Sites, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD

中央サーバ, Armenia, アイスランド, アイルランド, アメリカ合衆国, アルゼンチン, イギリス, イタリア, インドネシア共和国, ウクライナ, エストニア, オーストラリア, オーストリア, オランダ, カナダ, キルギス共和国, ギリシア, クウェート, コスタリカ共和国, サンマリノ, シンガポール, スイス, スウェーデン, スペイン, スロバキア共和国, スロベニア, タイ王国, チェコ共和国, デンマーク, トルコ, ドイツ, ニュージーランド, ノルウェー, ハンガリー, フィリピン, フィンランド, フランス, ブラジル, ブルガリア, ベルギー, ポーランド, ポルトガル, ラトビア, リトアニア, ルーマニア, ロシア, 韓国, 香港, 台湾, 中国, 南アフリカ, 日本.例文帳に追加

Central Servers, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


Iceland, Republic of Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Albania, Almenia, Yemen, Iran, India, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritoria, Oman, Gaiana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Cape Verde, Qatar, Gabonese Republic, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of The Gambia, Cambodia, North Korea, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, State of Kuwait, Georgia, Grenada, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Colombia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Djibouti, Jamaica, Syrian Arab Republic, Singapore, Sudan, Republic of Suriname, Sri Lanka, Kingdom of Swaziland, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Senegal, United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Togo, Commonwealth of Dominica, Dominican Republic, Nigeria, Republic of Nauru, Republic of Namibia, Nepal, Haiti, Pakistan, Republic of Vanuatu, Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Republic of Palau, Kingdom of Bahrain, Barbados, Hungary, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Butan, Burkina Faso, Republic of Burundi, Republic of Benin, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Republic of Belarus, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Botswana, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Malawi, Republic of South Africa, Union of Myanmar, Republic of Mauritius, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Republic of Mozambique, Republic of Moldova, Kingdom of Morocco, Mongolia, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Libya, Republic of Liberia, Republic of Rwanda, Kingdom of Lesotho, Republic of Lebanon発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Where consumers in Japan enter into transactions with a foreign business entity, a question arises as to whether Japanese consumers will be offered the same protection as they would have in the case of intra-country transactions, under consumer protection laws and regulations of Japan.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


The station information providing server 20 extracts (sequence 34) station-related information about the station concerned, e.g., time table information, according to the station name included in the inquiry information and returns (sequence S35) the extracted station-related information of the station to the portable terminal 10 which is an inquiry source. - 特許庁


A concerted and steady effort by the international community is called for to cope with such adverse effects of climate change-induced disasters, including secure implementation of the Durban Platform agreed at the COP17 last year.発音を聞く  - 財務省



In July 1992, the US and the EU signed the 1992 U.S.-E.U. Agreement on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft, which included a prohibition of future production support and a limitation on the share of government support for the development of new aircraft programs to 33 percent of the project's total development cost. The US withdrew its request for consultations. - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 79



The international registration shall give rise to protection – from the date laid down in paragraph (1) – of the same effect as a registration effected by the Hungarian Patent Office if the Hungarian Patent Office does not refuse, under Article 5(3) of the Agreement, protection of the appellation of origin extended to the Republic of Hungary or withdraws the refusal. - 特許庁


I presume that the questioner implicitly asked whether the dispute resolution of cases related to currency derivatives sold by banks that we discussed earlier is increasing. According to the Japanese Bankers Association, the number of disputes filed is generally increasing sharply. I hear that the number of disputes arising from the strong yen in relation to high-risk products, such as currency derivatives, is increasing. I understand that taking this situation seriously, the association plans to make efforts to strengthen institutional systems to accelerate the resolution of disputes.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

中央サーバ, 一次ミラーサイト, Armenia, Israel, アイスランド, アイルランド, アメリカ合衆国, アルゼンチン, イギリス, イタリア, インドネシア共和国, ウクライナ, エストニア, オーストラリア, オーストリア, オランダ, カナダ, ギリシア, クロアチア, サウジアラビア, シンガポール, スイス, スウェーデン, スペイン, スロバキア共和国, スロベニア, チェコ共和国, デンマーク, トルコ, ドイツ, ニュージーランド, ノルウェー, ハンガリー, フィンランド, フランス, ブラジル, ブルガリア, ポーランド, ポルトガル, ラトビア, リトアニア, ルーマニア, ロシア, 韓国, 香港, 台湾, 中国, 南アフリカ, 日本.例文帳に追加

Central Servers, Primary Mirror Sites, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


As you know, this bill provides for the implementation of measures to establish a comprehensive exchange that handles all securities and financial products as well as commodity products in order to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Japanese market and ensure the fairness and transparency of financial instrument transactions.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To provide server equipment and its controlling method by which mail contents using respectively different foreign languages are delivered and received smoothly between respective terminal equipments and which does not request the large capacity of the cost, translation data processing or troublesome operation easily to the side of the terminal equipments. - 特許庁


The guide 51 for preventing the spill off of culm has a gently curved form made of a steel wire and attached its base end 51a to an elastic plate 45 supporting a root-side clamping rail 46 of the culm transporting apparatus 32 while keeping the convex curve of the guide 51 upward. - 特許庁


Our discussion at today’s meeting of the Development Committee will place the WBG in a strong position to address various challenges in thenew world”, with its defined development assistance strategies in the post-crisis world, enhanced governance structure that appropriately reflects the evolving role of developing countries, and emerging countries in particular, in the world economy, as well as its stronger capital base being supported by necessary reforms.発音を聞く  - 財務省



A new approach to investment agreements that emerged in the 1990s held that they should address entry barriers to investment such as foreign capital restrictions in addition to providing postestablishment protection. Investment agreements reflecting this approach have been executed. Such investment agreements provide national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment during the preinvestment phase as well as the post-establishment phase and prohibitperformance requirements,” which are considered to have a distorting effect on investments. - 経済産業省



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