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英訳・英語 effective price
該当件数 : 6件
To provide an effective apparatus for evaluating golf swing having structure, price and a use form allowing wide spread to general public. - 特許庁
To provide an adapter which enables information communication between information equipment, without causing high price or deterioration of effective transfer rate. - 特許庁
To provide an adaptor which can reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) in information communication between devices without increase in price or deterioration of an effective transfer rate. - 特許庁
In order to understand the yen rate and evaluate exchange rate levels more comprehensively, two indicators are commonly used; one is an exchange rate changed to an “effective” basis (the nominal effective exchange rate), which is the weighted average of nominal exchange rates of multiple currencies (such as the dollar-yen rate) by trade amount, and the other is an exchange rate changed to a “real” basis (the real effective exchange rate), which is obtained by adjusting the nominal effective 409 exchange rate, using product prices in the home country and rivaling countries. - 経済産業省
Although there are many points to be noted in measuring Japan’s international competitiveness, it is desirable to consider not only a movement of the nominal exchange rate but also a movement of the “real” exchange rate, which takes into account fluctuations of product prices in individual countries. Furthermore, in order to clarify competitive relationship in the whole global market, it is essential to examine the “effective” exchange rate as well, which reflects movements of multiple currencies instead of a single currency. - 経済産業省
しかしながら、① 2005 年以降ドルの名目実効為替レートは横ばいに転じていること、②貿易収支は引き続き悪化を続けていること、③株価等米国の対外資産価格が長期的に上昇し続けるとは考えにくいこと、④2005 年以降 2 年連続で所得収支黒字幅が減少していることにかんがみれば、今後、対外純債務残高の名目GDP 比が増加することが懸念されることから、米国は、貿易赤字を一定程度縮小させることで、その抑制を図ることが必要である(第1-2-11図)。例文帳に追加
Nevertheless, there is concern that the net debt to foreign countries as a percentage of GDP will increase in the future, in light of (a) the flattening out of the nominal effective exchange rate of the US dollar from 2005 onward, (b) the continued worsening of the trade balance, (c) the unlikelihood of external asset prices of the United States, including stock prices, continuing to rise in the long term, and (d) the decrease in the margin of surplus for the balance on income for two consecutive years from 2005 onward. It is thus necessary for the United States to try to control this by reducing its trade deficit to a certain degree (Figure 1-2-11). - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「実効価格」に類似した例文 |
the appraised value―the appraisal
the agreed price
the assessed value
the declared value
the current price
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