








英訳・英語 non‐residents deposit




該当件数 : 18


一 非居住者預金契約等又は他勘定預金契約等に付随する居住との間のデリバティブ取引例文帳に追加

(i) Derivative transactions with a non-resident which are incidental to a deposit contract, etc. with a non-resident or a deposit contract for other account, etc.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ハ 非居住者預金契約等又は他勘定預金契約等に付随するデリバティブ取引例文帳に追加

(c) Derivative transactions incidental to a deposit contract, etc. with a non-resident or a deposit contract for other account, etc.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Do deposit accounts to be checked include Non-Residents’ Deposit Accounts, etc.?発音を聞く  - 財務省


Prohibition to open short term fixed deposit account by nonresidents (Taiwan and China) - 経済産業省


In managing deposit accounts, does the institution manage them by the country of residence of deposit account holders, while distinguishing between non-residents’ deposit accounts and residentsdeposit accounts, based on information about the residential status and place of residence of deposit account holders and register names written in the Latin alphabet, as well as names written in kana, in an information system, etc. based on identity confirmation documents with regard to non-residents’ deposit accounts and deposit accounts of persons who are obviously determined to be foreign nationals from their names based on identity confirmation documents (hereinafter referred to asForeign National Names”) (hereinafter referred to as “Non-Residents’ Deposit Accounts, etc.”), such as foreign nationals who are residents?発音を聞く  - 財務省

一 非居住者預金契約等 法第二十一条第三項第一号に規定する居住との間の預金契約で政令で定めるもの、居住との間の金銭の貸借契約又は外国公社債等若しくは流動化証券の居住からの取得若しくは居住に対する譲渡をいう。例文帳に追加

(i) Deposit contract, etc. with a non-resident: Meaning a deposit contract with a non-resident prescribed in Article 21, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act, which is specified by Cabinet Order, a monetary loan contract with a non-resident or the acquisition of the foreign public or corporate bonds, etc. or liquid securities from a non-resident or negotiation thereof to a non-resident発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



It is necessary to keep in mind that deposit accounts to be checked are not limited to non-residents’ deposit accounts. This is to confirm that those subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze do not creep into residentsdeposit accounts managed by the institution, from the perspective of ensuring assured implementation of economic sanctions such as asset freeze, though those subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze are limited to non-residents under the present circumstances. It is necessary to include the deposit accounts of persons for whom it is difficult to accurately manage residential status, such as foreign nationals, in the scope of deposit accounts to be checked.発音を聞く  - 財務省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「非居住者預金」の英訳



該当件数 : 18


二 居住の本邦にある外国為替公認銀行に対する本邦通貨をもつて表示される勘定に係る預金その他の債務(次条第三号において「居住円勘定に係る債務」という。)例文帳に追加

ii) A deposit or other debts pertaining to an account displayed in Japanese currency against a non-resident's certified foreign exchange bank in Japan (referred to as "debts pertaining to non-resident free-yen account" in item (iii) of the following Article発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 前条第一号に掲げる資本取引のうち、居住との間の預金契約で政令で定めるものに基づく債権の発生等に係る取引例文帳に追加

(i) Among capital transactions listed in item 1 of the preceding article, the Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence, etc. of Claims based on a deposit contract with a non-resident which is specified by Cabinet Order発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 法第二十一条第三項第一号に規定する居住のうち金融機関であるその他財務省令で定めるとの間の預金契約 払戻しについて期限の定めがない預金契約にあつてはその払戻しが当該預金契約を解除した日の翌日以後に行われ、払戻しについて期限の定めがある預金契約にあつてはその払戻期限が当該預金契約を締結した日の翌日以後に到来すること。例文帳に追加

(i) Deposit contract with a non-resident prescribed in Article 21, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act who is a financial institution or another kind specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance: With regard to a deposit contract with no set due date for refund, the refund shall be made on and after the day following the date of cancellation of the deposit contract, and with regard to a deposit contract with a set due date for refund, the due date for refund shall arrive on and after the day following the date of cancellation of the deposit contract.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 法第二十一条第三項第一号に規定する居住のうち前号に掲げる以外のとの間の預金契約 当該預金契約が、払戻しについて期限の定めがある預金契約で、その払戻期限が当該預金契約を締結した日から起算して二日を経過した日以後に到来し、かつ、当該預金契約に基づく預入の金額が財務大臣が定める金額以上のものであること。例文帳に追加

(ii) Deposit contract with a non-resident other than those listed in the preceding item as prescribed in Article 21, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act: The deposit contract shall be a deposit contract with a set due date for refund, and the due date for refund shall arrive on and after the date when two days have passed from the date of conclusion of the deposit contract, and the amount of deposit based on the deposit contract shall not be less than the amount specified by the Minister of Finance.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 前項の「特別国際金融取引勘定」とは、銀行その他の政令で定める金融機関が、居住(外国法令に基づいて設立された法人その他政令で定めるに限る。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)から受け入れた預金その他の居住から調達した資金を居住に対する金銭の貸付け、居住からの証券の取得その他の居住との間での運用に充てるために行う次に掲げる取引又は行為に係る資金の運用又は調達に関する経理をその他の取引又は行為に係る資金の運用又は調達に関する経理と区分して整理するため財務大臣の承認を受けて設ける勘定をいう。例文帳に追加

(3) The "Special International Financial Transactions Account" set forth in the preceding paragraph shall mean the account set by banks or other financial institutions specified by Cabinet Order with the approval of the Minister of Finance in order to adjust accounting related to the operation or procurement of funds pertaining to the following transactions or acts, which are committed to allocate deposits received from a non-resident (limited to juridical persons established pursuant to foreign laws and regulations and those specified by Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this and the next paragraph) or other funds procured from a non-resident to money loan to a non-resident, acquisition of securities from a non-resident or other operations with a non-resident, in distinction from the accounting related to the operation or procurement of funds pertaining to other transactions or acts.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This shall not apply to registration of deposit account names in cases where there are constraints on the information system, etc., for example, where deposit account names can be registered only in the Latin alphabet at foreign banks, etc. In addition, where deposit account names cannot be registered in the Latin alphabet due to constraints in the information system, etc., the institution is not necessarily required to review the information system, etc. if it is possible to check that there is no relevant deposit account at the institution in cases where those subject to regulations are expanded and changed (for example, where those subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze are added by a public notice) by extracting information about holders of Non-Residents’ Deposit Accounts, etc. from information about all deposit account names through complete enumeration and preparing a list that is searchable by an electromagnetic means. In this case, it is necessary to set the provisions on administrative work with regard to management procedures, etc. of the list as it is necessary to make additions, etc. to the information about holders of Non-Residents’ Deposit Accounts, etc. in the list in a timely and appropriate manner.発音を聞く  - 財務省

一 居住居住との間の預金契約(定期積金契約、掛金契約、預け金契約その他これらに類するものとして政令で定めるものを含む。第四号、次条第三項及び第五十五条の三第一項において同じ。)又は信託契約に基づく債権の発生、変更又は消滅に係る取引(以下この条、次条第三項及び第五十五条の三第一項において「債権の発生等に係る取引」という。)例文帳に追加

(i) Transactions pertaining to the occurrence, alteration or extinction of claims based on a deposit contract (including installment savings contracts, installment deposit contracts, deposit contracts and other contracts specified by Cabinet Order as similar thereto; the same shall apply in item 4 of this article, paragraph 3 of the next article, and Article 55-3, paragraph 1) or a trust contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence, etc. of Claims" in this article, paragraph 3 of the next article, and Article 55-3, paragraph 1) between a resident and a non-resident発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



In opening a new deposit account pertaining to a non-resident/customer with a Foreign National Name, does the institution confirm whether the non-resident/customer with a Foreign National Name is subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze in an appropriate manner, for example, by searching his/her name in aList of Those Subject to Sanctionswith the use of a computer and by, in search, first extracting similar names through search by each word and then narrowing down extensive candidates one by one? In addition, does the institution record the content and results of confirmation by this method and the fact that confirmation has been performed?発音を聞く  - 財務省



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