意味 | 例文 (1件) |
If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.とは 意味・読み方・使い方

「If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 1件
If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.例文帳に追加
トラング、もしあなたにマシュマロを送れたら、私は送るよ。 - Tatoeba例文
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
Weblio例文辞書での「If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.」に類似した例文 |
If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.
If possible, I want to show you a magic trick.
If so then I want you to do something for me. That will make us even.
If it is convenient for you, I will go to Fukushima.
I think you could also work as a model?
If you like, we can exchange text messages.
If I were you, I would apply for the scholarship.
Fine. I'd be very happy if you would drop me a line as soon as you get to Mwanza.
Goodbye, Tatoeba. It was a lot of fun.
意味 | 例文 (1件) |
If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.のページの著作権
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![]() | 「If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.」のお隣キーワード |
If I could make my dreams come true, I wound become an attractive and popular girl
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.
If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.
If I could speak English, it would be more fun to travel.
If I could speak English, I would be able to help lots of people.
If I could speak English, I would go to America.
If I could speak English would you love me more?
If I could speak Japanese fluently, it would be amazing.
If I could stay at a hotel near Akasaka and eat a delicious meal, I'd feel like a princess.
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