
「たけおがわ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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His 2 concubines were Saku, daughter of Magobee TASHIRO (mother of 1st son: Kataharu; 2nd son: Takeo; 5th son: Hideo; 7th son: Morio), and Naka, daughter of Genbee KAWAMURA (mother of 1st daughter: Haruna; 2nd daughter; 3rd and 4th sons; 6th son: Tsuneo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He worked with Toyohiko KAGAWA (engaged in a social movement), Takechiyo MATSUDA (a parliamentarian of Rikken Minsei-to political party, who became the Chairman of House of Representatives after the Second World War), Takeo MIKI (a parliamentarian who became the Prime Minister after the Second World War), etc. to found "Japan-U.S. Fellow Association," and he became the first chairman.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The portion around the shoulder and neck are covered such that a cloth 1 closes the gap formed around a shoulder and the neck of the sleeper M when covered with a quilt C, by attachably and detachably arranging the cloth 1 having length extending from a neck portion C1 to at least the vicinity of the mouth of the sleeper M and permeability in one side being the neck portion C1 of the quilt C. - 特許庁


Since it was described in "Tokitsugu Kyoki" (Dairy of Tokitsugu YAMASHINA) that when Tokitsugu YAMASHINA and Masatsuna ASUKAI taught kemari (a game played by aristocrats in the Heian period) at the Shobata-jo Castle to Nobuhide ODA and other Oda family members in 1533, Chikuomaru (Ujitoyo) IMAGAWA was also invited, which has prompted some to say that the takeover of Nagoya-jo Castle was in 1538.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the summer of 1885, in the following year after entering the academy, the student himself became a ringleader and agitated the leave in alliance, at the same time he drove out the instructors and did not obey orders, he deluded the school rules and disturbed the army principles, which angered Takeo OZAWA, the headmaster and lieutenant general, and finally punishment to expel him from the academy was decided.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He spent the latter part of his life in Takeo, where in 1834 he became a student of Shuhan TAKASHIMA for the first time as a feudal lord in Japan to study Western gunnery and science and technology, while making a great impact on Naomasa NABESHIMA, the lord of the Saga Domain, thereby leading to the development of advanced military and technical power of the Saga Domain in the end of Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the excavation and research of the "Mt. Otsubo" kogo-ishi in Takeo City in Saga Prefecture in 1963, the dorui (earthwork) built using the "hanchiku" construction method behind the arranged stones, and the traces of posts aligned at three-meter intervals in front of the arranged stones were discovered, and as a result it was widely accepted that kogo-ishi were mountain castles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Writers of the Shirakaba school, painters, and other people of culture who admired Shiga, such as Saneatsu MUSHANOKOJI, Hideo KOBAYASHI (critic), Kazuo OZAKI, Tamezou WAKAYAMA, Seiyo OGAWA, Taikichi IRIE, Katsuichiro KAMEI, Takiji KOBAYASHI, and Takeo KUWABARA, frequently visited his residence; it became a major cultural salon where people met and discussed art and literature, and eventually came to be known as the Takahata Salon.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 'Daini Geijutsu' (Second-Class Art) ('Sekai' Magazine, 1946), Takeo KUWABARA, a scholar of French Literature, denounced haiku as being 'a hobby enjoyed by the members of a special world they create themselves. It is merely a second-class art that is incapable of distinguishing the experts from the amateurs.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In recent years, Takeo OGAWA, who is the researcher of Yoshimoto NIJO, the man who is strongly believed to be the author of the "Masukagami" advocated a new theory of the "Masukagami" being `edited by Yoshimoto and written by Tadamori,' given the fact that, although Yoshimoto NIJO contributed to the completion of the "Masukagami," Yoshimoto was a politician and eventually served Jimyoin-to (imperial lineage from Emperor Gofukakusa to Emperor Gokomatsu), which makes it difficult for him to write such literary work.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Due to this incident, Muneki MINODA and others from the right wing group, Genri Nihonsha, Takeo KIKUCHI (army veteran) (House of Peers (Japan)), Yu MIYAZAWA (House of Representatives, affiliated with Rikken Seiyukai) and other Diet members proposed the exile of 'Red (communist) Professors' in the Faculty of Law in imperial universities as the cause of communist judges and accused Takigawa, who was a member of the bar test board.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It also sent Prince Awagi to Japan in 661, taking advantage of the event that the fourth Japanese envoys to Tang drifted down to Tamna, and began to pay tributes to Japan; since then, as far as we can see in the official records, its envoys visited Japan at least nine times until 678, continuing to pay tributes to Japanese Imperial court until it was subjected to Silla in 679.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


ISHIHARA intended to expand the society by incorporating prominent figures in the political and economic circles as well as the military, and besides NAKAGAWA, he also invited the lieutenant general (army) and baron Takeo KIKUCHI, major general (navy) Jiro NANGO, lieutenant general (navy) Tomojiro Chisaka, general (army) Kunishige TANAKA, general (navy) Michita HARA, and the diplomat Kumataro HONDA among others, to participate in the society.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Yumeji TAKEHISA, Kasho TAKABATAKE, Yaso SAIJO, Ujo NOGUCHI, Hakushu KITAHARA, Shinpei NAKAYAMA, Kosaku YAMADA, Hougetsu SHIMAMURA, Sumako MATSUI, Kaoru OSANAI, Hyakuzo KURATA, Mantaro KUBOTA, Saisei MUROO, Sakutaro HAGIWARA, Ryunosuke AKUTAGAWA, Saneatsu MUSHANOKOJI, Naoya SHIGA, Takeo ARISHIMA, Kan KIKUCHI, Sanjugo NAOKI, Junichiro TANIZAKI, Kaizan NAKAZATO, Jiro ABE, Sakuzo YOSHINO, Nyozekan HASEGAWA, Gaikotsu MIYATAKE, Sakae OSUGI, Noe ITO, Raicho HIRATSUKA and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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