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a bass part written out in full and accompanied by numbers to indicate the chords to be played  - 日本語WordNet


Then, the numerals from "1" to "13" can be respectively displayed small in order from the smallest numeral, one numeral by one sheet on both a left upper part and a right lower part. - 特許庁


The Yi Dynasty Korea, which had been Sakuho-koku (countries to confer a peerage with a Saku paper) of Ming, did not have the intention of leading troops to conquer Ming and Hideyoshi decided to conquer Korea at first in order to make a successful expedition to Ming and a large army of 160,000 were sent in May 1592 (according to the traditional Japanese calendar).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When a memorial address is given for a person who was conferred a decoration on without a numerical-notation Kunto (the order of merit) under the new system after November 3, 2003, the general rule of the old system, i.e., 'Only Kunto, no decoration', is not applied, and a decoration is indicated after Ikai like 'Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) as follows: Senior Third Rank Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Today, the long-term government bond yield fell to 0.815%, the lowest level in eight years and 10 months. Although you talked about the prospects of the economy earlier, could you tell me once again how you view the bond market condition?  - 金融庁



To provide personal digital assistant such as PDA and the cellular phone where the numbers of operation keys are limited and electrical appliances requiring the input of characters and numbers by which a target word or sentence can be easily inputted with the minimum number of depression times in a short time. - 特許庁


To provide a telephone for allowing a user to quickly input target words or texts while viewing a display with the minimum number of depression even in the case of portable information terminal equipment such as a portable telephone set or a PDA in which the number of operation buttons is limited and electrical appliances in which the input of characters or digits is necessary. - 特許庁


To provide a cellular phone capable of easily inputting a target word or sentence with minimum depression number in a short time even with a portable information terminal such as a cellular phone unit and PDA with limited number of operation buttons and electric products requiring the input of characters and numerals. - 特許庁


When Ashikaga Bank fell into the state of negative net worth and was nationalized in November 2003, I was serving as minister, and I have a vivid memory of that incident. At that time, the people in the bank's service area were worried about the future of financing there and faced a huge challenge. However, Ashikaga Bank has made institution-wide efforts, such as sharply reducing salaries and suspending bonus payments, over the past four years and several months, according to the management plan adopted by the new management team. At the same time, the bank provided loans to small- and medium-size companies in a conscientious manner and implemented drastic management reforms, and I believe that these measures have led to improved management, with the improvement reflected clearly in the bank's financial results.  - 金融庁



Also, an agreement on Basel III is to be shaped in the upcoming Seoul Summit in November 2010. In the lead up to the Summit, the question of what to do with the quantitative and qualitative capital enhancement targets of international banks has become a major topic of discussion on an international scale. Substantial progress is being made to reach an agreement on this topic. In regards to liquidity regulations on, for example, how much leverage is allowed, nations are close to agreeing on the rough outline, although no consensus has been reached yet on the exact figures. The financial reform legislation, that is, the Dodd-Frank Act, was established in the United States in such a key moment. The detailed provisions and department and government ordinances are to be drafted in the days ahead. I believe I have been able to exchange opinions candidly on their macroeconomic impact and their effects on the financial intermediary functions, as well as the financial and economic climate.  - 金融庁


日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2024 License. All rights reserved.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright(C) 2024 金融庁 All Rights Reserved.
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