
「別名」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(31ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 1508



The game system for multiple players for providing a racing game of running vehicles on a circuit course includes a storage part 240 for storing data to reproduce movement motion of a moving body of a player who achieved the best game result among the multiple players and produces a game image for displaying a marker with an identification name for identifying the reproduced moving body around the reproduced moving body. - 特許庁


This is another name for the "Young Directors System," derived from wordplays on the Japanese words seinen (meaning young but including a character meaning blue) and torishimariyaku (meaning director but including a character that is a homonym for bird). Through this system, any employee at the assistant manager level or below can make a proposal on challenging and difficult topics that only those with director-level authority can work on. If the proposal is approved, the person will be promoted to executive-level pay and given the authority and treatment of an executive for a limit of one year. - 経済産業省

このファイルはローカルネットワーク上に存在するマシンの IP アドレスとホスト名を含んでいるはずです. 最低でも ppp を動作させるマシンのエントリが含まれている必要があります. そのマシンのホスト名が foo.bar.comで, IP アドレスが であると仮定すると, /etc/hosts は 以下の行を含んでいなければいけません:一つめの行は localhostを現在のマシンの別名として定義しています. マシン固有の IP アドレスが何であっても,この行の IP アドレスは 常に でなければいけません.二つめの行はホスト名 foo.bar.com (と, その省略形 foo) を IP アドレスにマップします.もしプロバイダから固定の IP アドレスとホスト名を割り当てられて いるのであれば, それを10.0.0.1 エントリのかわりに使ってください. /etc/resolv.conf ファイルの編集例文帳に追加

x.x.x.x y.y.y.y  - FreeBSD

コードオブジェクトは バイトコンパイルされた (byte-compiled)実行可能な Python コード、別名 バイトコード (bytecode) を表現します。 コードオブジェクトと関数オブジェクトの違いは、関数オブジェクトが関数のグローバル変数 (関数を定義しているモジュールのグローバル) に対して明示的な参照を持っているのに対し、コードオブジェクトにはコンテキストがないということです; また、関数オブジェクトではデフォルト引数値を記憶できますが、コードオブジェクトではできません(実行時に計算される値を表現するため)。例文帳に追加

Code objects represent byte-compiled executable Python code, or bytecode.The difference between a code object and a function object is that the function object contains an explicit reference to the function's globals (the module in which it was defined), while a code object contains no context; also the default argument values are stored in the function object,not in the code object (because they represent values calculated atrun-time). - Python



According to Arufumi Vol. 1 (supplement volumes of explanatory notes in Nihonshoki), it was Toyokuninushi no mikoto who was the third one to come into being following Kuninotokotachi no mikoto and Kuninosatsuchi no mikoto; his another names are described as follows: Toyokumuno no mikoto , Toyokabuno no mikoto , Ukabunono toyoko no mikoto , Toyokunino no mikoto 豊国, Toyokabuno no mikoto 豊野, Hakokunino no mikoto , and Mino no mikoto .  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Under the amended system, the government cannot bestow the medals for merit like 'the XXX Order of Merit,' but the Decrees of Cabinet still stipulates 'Six Classes' as the concept of the medals for merit without individual naming; therefore, the decorations conferred under the new system belong to any of the medals for merit, which is divided into six without individual naming, so that the bestowal (or receipt) of the decoration virtually means, if not explicitly, the bestowal (or receipt) of the medals for merit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The first record that mentions the Yagyu clan is about Nagayoshi YAGYU (Muneyoshi YAGYU) who was believed to be a child of Daizen no suke (person who was in charge of meals in the Imperial Court) Nagaie YAGYU in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan); and according to a genealogy of the Yagyu clan "Gyokuei Shui," Nagayoshi supported the Southern Court and fought against the forces of Nagatoki HOJO and Tokimasu HOJO who had their base at Rokuhara Tandai (an administrative and judicial agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto), and for the achievement in the battles, Emperor Godaigo gave him the possession and status of the lord of Koyagyusho district (or Oyagyusho district) in Yamato Province, ever since then, he called himself the Yagyu clan; however, it is said that the articles in "Gyokuei Shui" are nothing but folklore.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The amine measuring method uses a column for cation exchange chromatography with a weakly acidic cation exchanger filled up, and uses phosphate aqueous solution, phosphate buffer, formic acid aqueous solution, formic acid buffer, or mixed solvent of any one of them with acetonitrile or methanol as an eluent, to measure amine especially-selected from a group consisting of creatine, guanidinoacetic acid (also known as: glycocyamine), creatinine and guanidino butyric acid in an biological sample through the ultraviolet absorption detector. - 特許庁


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