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students of graduate school  - EDR日英対訳辞書


She pioneered a graduate program for women students  - 日本語WordNet

大学院 《bachelor (学士)を取ったあと, master (修士), doctor (博士)の学位を取る学生が進学する》.例文帳に追加

a graduate school  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Hachi-ko's organs are kept at the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences in the University of Tokyo.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


また、2009 年10 月より、日本国内の指定大学の大学院に留学した第一期奨学生への奨学金の提供を開始した。例文帳に追加

In addition, from October 2009, for the students-recipients of the first scholarship program who had studied in specified graduate schools in Japan, the offering of this scholarship began. - 経済産業省



For an example, accepting outstanding international students from overseas, it is important to internationalize universities and graduate schools in Japan. - 経済産業省


The students in other faculties also followed (Masakazu NAKAI, Osamu KUNO, Kiyoteru HANADA, Yasumoto TAKAGI and others who were active in groups for graduate and undergraduate students in the Faculty of Letters).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It started to accept foreign students from the academic year 1990, and from the academic year 1991, it started to allow all students of Kyoto University, including graduate students, postgraduates, auditing students, junior college students of medical technology (health sciences course in the Medical department), to apply for entering the dormitory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At present, opportunities at universities and graduate schools to learn entrepreneurship education subjects are limited to MBA or MTO courses, but the current state of things should be changes to develop environments where a wider range of people, including undergraduates and business persons, can learn such subjects;  - 経済産業省



As was seen, in addition to the effects of Japans low birthrate, the shift by students away from science and engineering has brought about a significant decline in the number of skilled technical personnel being produced by educational institutions overall consisting of high schools, technical colleges, universities and graduate schools. - 経済産業省



The Singaporean government has adopted a policy to raise the percentage of foreign students in institutions of higher education to approximately 20% and support alliances with superior universities and graduate schools in other countries104. - 経済産業省


In order to build human resources with an understanding of IFRS, a review must be conducted on the education of students and educators at universities, graduate schools, etc.Cooperation with CPAs and regulators and other administrative bodies must be strengthened.  - 金融庁


The total number of university students in 1985 was 1.73 million and was seeing a rising trend. Since around 2000, the number has remained about the same. In 2008 there were 2.52 million students. - 経済産業省


Moreover, there are many cases where disbursements of scholarship money and payments of student loans are linked to grades. In particular, the system allows outstanding students such as those in graduate school doctoral programs to conduct research without actually having to pay tuition. - 経済産業省


Although the museum is mainly operated by history teachers in literature department, volunteers centered on undergraduate and graduate students also participate in activities, like exhibitions, providing students aiming at becoming curators an opportunity of learning practical curators' work through in fact handling real artifacts and documents.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Japan as well, there is thought to be room for consideration of living and employment assistance for foreign students, from the standpoint of improving Japanese university and graduate school living environments and making post-graduation career paths more attractive for students. - 経済産業省


In July 2011, while aboard a fishing training ship 600 kilometers east of Tokyo, Muramatsu Kota, a student at Hokkaido University's Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, and other researchers saw a shoal of about 100 squid flying over the sea.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Looking at changes in the post-graduation paths taken by students of science and engineering universities, although the number of newly employed science and engineering university graduates is following a level trend, the job placement rate has decreased from 80.8% in 1985 to 58.5% in 2008, and the percentage of students proceeding to graduate school has increased from 14.7% to 34.5% (Fig. 2-4-11). - 経済産業省


In 1968, Kyoto University's branch of the Association of Young Doctors (AYD) called on an applicant for a boycott of the entrance examination of the Graduate School of Medicine, but the applicant rejected it, so a member of AYD beat the applicant, and this event, what's called "Seiiren Jiken" (AYD event), triggered the indefinite strike of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, and the lockout of the Student Union.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

これは、「21 世紀東アジア青少年大交流計画」(JENESYS Programme)の一環として、日本国内の指定大学の大学院において、東アジアに関する社会科学又は人文科学分野を専攻するASEAN各国の学生に奨学金の提供及び長期休暇にERIA事務局でのインターンシップの機会の提供を行うものである。例文帳に追加

This is the "East Asian youth's large exchange program for century 21" (JENESYS Programme). As a part of a graduate school program in Japan, to provide scholarships and internship opportunities in the ERIA office during a long holiday, given to students from each ASEAN country majoring in humanities or social science field. - 経済産業省

また、キャパシティ・ビルディング事業として、ERIA は、「21世紀東アジア青少年大交流計画」(JENESYSProgramme)の一環として、引き続き、日本国内の指定大学の大学院において、東アジアに関する社会科学又は人文科学分野を専攻するASEAN 各国の学生に奨学金の提供及び長期休暇にERIA 事務局でのインターンシップの機会の提供を行う「ERIA/JENESYS 次世代リーダーズプログラム」を実施した。例文帳に追加

For the capacity building project, ERIA continued to conduct the “ERIA/ JENESYS next generation leaders programas one of21st Century East Asia Youth Intercommunication Plan (JENESYS programme). The program provides scholarships to students from ASEAN countries who study social and human sciences at designated Japanese universities and graduate schools and it also provides opportunity of internship at ERIA secretariat to those students during their summer holidays. - 経済産業省



(Members of the Executive Committee do not have to be formal students in a member university of the Consortium of Universities in Kyoto Foundation, but there is a provision that 'students who are 18 or older and belong to a university, graduate school, two-year college and special course school are eligible to apply for Executive Committee membership', while students under 18 are not allowed to join the committee. There was an exception in the past.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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