例文 (23件) |
該当件数 : 23件
a rebellion against old traditions - 研究社 新英和中辞典
People will rebel everywhere - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
to rebel against the establishment - EDR日英対訳辞書
The woven goods becoming bulletproof materials are constituted by using a fiber obtained from a composition of two kinds of aromatic copolyamides having specific structural repeating units. - 特許庁
To provide a gas turbine nozzle formed of a non-oxide ceramic material having bonding strength sufficiently acceptable for industrial use, and methods for manufacturing/reaction bonding for easily realizing its manufacturing. - 特許庁
When brothers of Motomori (such as Tanemichi HATANO) rebelled in Tanba Province in response to Takakuni's unjust punishment on innocent Motomori, the Takakuni government could not suppress the rebellion exposing the weakness of its military force. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a catalyst and a hydrogen producing method using the catalyst capable of substantially suppressing carbon deposition and maintaining a high activity even if performing a hydrogen production reaction from a heavy hydrocarbon such as a kerosene as a raw material. - 特許庁
In the manufacturing method of the polyester by a reaction of the dicarboxylic acid with the diol, the dicarboxylic acid and/or the diol are those obtained from the biomass resources and the oxygen concentration in the reactor during the polyester-manufacturing reaction is kept at 10% or lower. - 特許庁
To find out a method for controlling an olefin oxide production reaction to inhibit the decrease of selectivity and hold the selectivity as much as possible, without installing a new water-removing column and considering that water comes in an oxidation reaction vessel as a premise condition. - 特許庁
A para-type wholly aromatic copolyamide having the following structural repeating units (1)and (2) in which the neutralization degree at the time of the completion of polymerization is 75-95 mol% and in which the polymer intrinsic viscosity (IV) is 5.0-7.0 is obtained, and a fiber is formed by using the polymer solution. - 特許庁
In July of that year, Ieyasu, who returned to Hamamatsu and got to know about the rebellion of Masayuki, started the subjugation of Sanada and sent an army about 7,000 strong including his vassals Mototada TORII, Tadayo OKUBO, and Chikayoshi HIRAIWA to the base of the Sanada clan, Ueda-jo Castle. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a 3, 3', 5, 5'-tetramethyl-4, 4'-biphenol with which side reactions in the reaction (epoxy resin producing reaction) with epihalohydrin are suppressed and an epoxy resin having good properties can be obtained and which is suitable to use industrially as a raw material for a resin or a resin intermediate used especially in the electric or electronic material field. - 特許庁
It is found that a catalyst forced to carry a secondary class material of an iron family metal in TiO_2 is effective in suppressing carbon deposition in a reaction for manufacturing the synthetic gas, and furthermore that the deterioration of catalyst activity can be still more prevented by adding a little bit of a transition metal. - 特許庁
The bi-layer structure antireflection film is used when a resist layer is exposed by means of an exposure system which has a wavelength of 190 to 195 nm and has a numerical aperture of ≤1.0, and is formed between the resist layer and the surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate. - 特許庁
The double layer structure antireflection film is used in exposing a resist layer in an exposure system having a wavelength of 190-195 nm and having a numerical aperture of 1.0-1.1, and is formed between the resist layer and a silicon nitride film formed on the surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate. - 特許庁
The double layer structure antireflection film is used in exposing a resist layer in an exposure system having a wavelength of 190-195 nm and having a numerical aperture of 1.2-1.3, and is formed between the resist layer and a silicon nitride film formed on the surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate. - 特許庁
The double layer structure antireflection film is used in exposing a resist layer in an exposure system having a wavelength of 190-195 nm and having a numerical aperture of 1.3-1.4, and is formed between the resist layer and a silicon nitride film formed on the surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate. - 特許庁
The double layer structure antireflection film is used in exposing a resist layer in an exposure system having a wavelength of 190-195 nm and having a numerical aperture of 1.1-1.2, and is formed between the resist layer and a silicon nitride film formed on the surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate. - 特許庁
A 2-layer structure antireflection coating is formed between a resist layer and a silicon oxide film formed on the surface of a silicon semiconductor substrate, and is used for exposing the resist layer by an exposure system whose numerical aperture is 0.93-1.2, with a wavelength of 190-195 nm. - 特許庁
Thereby, the element utilizes the thin film as a periodical structure reflecting mirror to separate the spectrum. - 特許庁
The double layer structure antireflection film is used in exposing a resist layer in an exposure system having a wavelength of 190-195 nm and having a numerical aperture of 0.93-1.0, and is formed between the resist layer and a silicon nitride film formed on the surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate. - 特許庁
To provide a reaction system for production of tungsten hexafluoride, which has a remarkably reduced reactor volume, can more easily control a reaction heat and significantly improves reaction efficiency by allowing tungsten having a specific gravity of 19.25 g/cm^3 to be distributed uniformly in the whole of reactor inside, thus maximizing the contact area between tungsten and reactant gas. - 特許庁
例文 (23件) |
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