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該当件数 : 49965



In any case, providing appropriate opportunities and options for the investment of individuals' financial assets amounting to 1,500 trillion yen is a critical challenge. That would greatly contribute to invigorating Japan's financial and capital markets, so we will take steps, including discussions by the ruling parties, to promote these measures with due consideration of various opinions.  - 金融庁


To this end, the responsibilities of representative directors, directors and boards of directors, auditors and boards of auditors, and internal audits are significantly important so that when monitoring the management of a group, whether such functions are operating appropriately shall be checked, for example, based on the following viewpoints.  - 金融庁


It will be also necessary for the Financial Service Agency and the local finance bureaus, etc., to adopt necessary measures for the correction of large shareholding reports upon the confirmation of false statements as a result of the examination. They will also need to take appropriate measures in relation to disclosed information on EDINET in order to prevent misunderstanding among investors and issuers.  - 金融庁

① テレビやインターネット等の広告を利用して通信販売を行うなど、非対面型の募集形態をとる場合には、その募集広告が契約内容について顧客に誤解を与えるおそれがないかを確認するなど、保険会社等の募集形態の特色に応じた適切な募集が行われているか検証する。例文帳に追加

1) In cases where insurance companies, etc. are engaged in non-face-to-face solicitation as exemplified by correspondence sales using advertisements on TV, internet and other such media, the FSA will examine whether they are engaged in appropriate insurance solicitation according to the characteristics of their respective solicitation styles, including checking whether the solicitation advertisement has the risk of misleading customers about the features of the insurance policy.  - 金融庁


監査人は、「Ⅱ 財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告」3.(7)に記載の内部統制の記録を入手して、ITを利用した内部統制の概要を把握するとともに、経営者が評価対象としたITに係る全般統制及び業務処理統制が評価対象として適切なものか検討する。例文帳に追加

External auditors should understand the overview of IT-based controls by obtaining the records on internal controls described in Section 3(7) of Chapter II, “Assessment and Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting,” at the same time evaluating whether IT general controls and IT application controls included in the management’s scope of assessment are appropriate.  - 金融庁



In cases where a securities company, etc. acts as a lead underwriter of share certificates issued by its parent/subsidiary corporations, etc. under Article 153(1)(iv)(c) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance, whether the following measures have been taken to ensure that other securities companies, etc. can appropriately participate in the process of determining the issue price for such underwriting.  - 金融庁

② 個人向けの通貨関連店頭デリバティブ取引等及び有価証券関連店頭デリバティブ取引に係る金銭その他保証金の管理の状況の適切性を確認するため、店頭デリバティブ取引業者に対し、定期的に又は必要に応じて、外部監査又は内部監査の状況の報告を求めることとする。例文帳に追加

(ii) In order to check the appropriateness of the management of cash margin and other deposits pertaining to currency-related over-the-counter derivative transactions and so forth and securities-related over-the-counter derivative transactions that are intended for individuals, supervisors shall require over-the-counter derivatives business operators to submit, periodically or as necessary, reports on external audits or internal audits.  - 金融庁

③ 不動産関連ファンドが、第三者が所有する不動産をその売主の希望する時期に取得できない場合において、ウェアハウジング機能を利用するときは、利益相反が発生するリスクが大きいことを認識し、折衝及び役割分担の明確化並びにデューディリジェンスを適切に行っているか。例文帳に追加

(iii) Whether the real estate-related fund management company is aware of a high risk of conflict of interest occurring in cases where it uses the warehousing function when it is unable to acquire real estate held by a third party at the time said party wishes to sell the same, and with this in mind, carries out negotiations, clarifies the sharing of roles, and conducts due diligence procedures appropriately.  - 金融庁


Accordingly, inspectors shall identify the nature of the business of inspected entities, and thereby conduct suitable verification.  - 金融庁



I suppose that looking at the video images of the press conference, you had the impression that he was ill. I think that the fact that the person who doubles as Japan’s Minister of Finance and Minister for Financial Services has behaved in an inappropriate manner at a press conference has become an international issue. Don’t you think that this has had widespread effects, including on the international reputation of Japan?  - 金融庁



I hope that financial institutions will fulfill their social responsibility and contribute to the facilitation of financing for their customers by voluntarily meeting the requests from SMEs and housing loan borrowers even before the enactment of this bill. The government will conduct appropriate guidance and supervision, as well as implement necessary measures.  - 金融庁


Although I am aware of media reports about that, I would like to refrain from making comments, as this is a matter concerning an investment by a specific company. Generally speaking, for insurance companies, it is a very important task to develop an appropriate risk management system regarding asset management based on the recognition of risks involved in asset management, as you know.  - 金融庁


It is true that various options are under consideration. However, I would like to refrain from commenting on specifics for the moment, as this involves a partner country. Regarding Iran, the whole government will act appropriately so as not to disrupt the stable supply of crude oil to Japan and legitimate trade.  - 金融庁


While there may be various opinions about methodology, we have recently put forth the points of debate related to corporate governance that have come to our attention for now. I expect that this matter will continue to be discussed from various angles so as to ensure appropriate development of Japan's financial and capital markets.  - 金融庁



The management status of the Incubator Bank of Japan does not appear to be so bad, judging from the figures as at the end of March 2010. It seems a bit far-fetched to hold the depositors themselves responsible. What are your thoughts on this?  - 金融庁


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