
「Gross Capital Formation」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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Gross Capital Formationの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 11


Regarding the French economy, whose conditions had been favorable, the economic growth rate fell dramatically in 2001 as a result of negative inventory investment and slowdown in gross fixed capital formation.例文帳に追加

好調を保っていたフランス経済は、2001年に在庫投資がマイナスに転じるとともに、総固定資本形成が鈍化したことにより、経済成長率が大きく低下した。 - 経済産業省

In 2002, net exports decreased given the sluggish recovery in the world economy and gross fixed capital formation turned negative, leading to a slowdown in the economic growth rate for two consecutive years (Fig.1.1.11).例文帳に追加

2002年も、世界経済の回復が遅れる中で純輸出は鈍化し、総固定資本形成もマイナスに転じ、2年連続で経済成長率は低下している(第1-1-11図)。 - 経済産業省

The UK economy maintained stable growth throughout the 1990s, but economic growth in 2001 and 2002 was stagnant, due to effects such as weakening exports brought about by sluggish growth in the Euro zone, reductions in the inventory investment of businesses and gross fixed capital formation.例文帳に追加

イギリスは1990年代、安定的な経済成長を保っていたが、2001年、2002年は、ユーロ圏の成長鈍化による輸出の弱含み、企業の在庫投資、総固定資本形成の低下等から、経済成長が鈍化している。 - 経済産業省

Moreover, inward FDI flows as a percentage of gross fixed capital formation in Japan (0.7percent) is much lower than the average in developed countries (25.0 percent) and the world average(22.0 percent) (Fig.3.1.4).例文帳に追加

また、国内総固定資本形成に占める対内直接投資の割合を比較してみても、我が国の割合( 0 . 7 % ) は、先進国平均(25.0%)、世界平均(22.0%)よりはるかに低い(第3-1-4図)。 - 経済産業省


Looking atthe ratio of public capital formation to gross prefectural product by regional block in 2009, the ratio was high inHokkaido, Hokuriku, and Kyusyu and Okinawa, and was low in the three major urban regions including SouthKanto, Kinki and Tokai .例文帳に追加

県内総生産に占める公的資本形成の割合を地域ブロック別にみると、2009年度には北海道、北陸、九州・沖縄で高く、南関東、近畿、東海の3 大都市圏では低い。 - 厚生労働省


The breakdown of factors affecting the pace of increase in the number ofworkers related to the shift in demand for domestic final demand indicates that the contribution made byprivate consumption has contracted and public expenditure on gross fixed capital formation is on adownward trend.例文帳に追加

地方圏で生まれた人の多くが就職や進学のために大都市に流入したことが、大都市圏への人口集中の要因であった。 - 厚生労働省

The trend in thepublic expenditure share of gross fixed capital formation in total prefectural spending suggests that thedependency of the regional economies on public investment lessened in metropolitan areas during the1970s, while the dependency rate grew in local regions (Figure 24).例文帳に追加

若年者、女性、高齢者、さらには、障害のある人々も含め、みんなで働き支え合っていくことが、人口減少社会での豊かさを実現していく基礎になる。 - 厚生労働省

During 5 years since 2005, the medium industrial category in which the number of the employed increased the most was the industry of "social insurance, social welfare, and care services" (such as welfare and care services for the elderly people), followed by "industries unable to classify," "medical and other health services," "postal activities," "manufacture of general-purpose machinery" and "food take out and delivery services .The number of the employed decreased the most in "construction" followed by "employment and worker dispatching services," "agriculture," "wholesale trade," "postal services" and "manufacture of textile mill products ." (Increasing professional and engineering workers) Looking at the long-term transition of the employment composition by occupation, the ratio of "professional and engineering workers" increased from 6 .6% in 1970 to 14 .5% in 2010, and the ratio of "clerical workers" increased from 14 .0% in 1970 to 18 .4% in 2010 (Figure 16) .(Decrease in public capital formation which greatly affected regional employment) By plotting the relationship between the changes in the composition ratio of public capital formation to the gross prefectural product and the changes in the regional increase rate of the employed and the ratio of the number of workers in the construction industry to the number of workers in the region, we can see that the decrease of public capital formation had a more profound effect on the decrease of the number of workers in the regional blocks including Hokkaido, Tohoku and Shikoku, than the 3 major urban regions, i .e .例文帳に追加

産業中分類別に、2005年からの5 年間で最も就業者数が増えたのは老人福祉・介護事業などの「社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業」であり、以下「分類不能の産業」「医療業」「郵便業」「はん用機械器具製造業」「持ち帰り・配達飲食サービス業」と続く 。 - 厚生労働省

(xix) Article 62-5 (Transfer of Assets, etc. by Way of Qualified Post-Formation Acquisition of Assets and/or Liabilities Based on Market Value and Inclusion in Gross Profits or Deductible Expenses of Book Value Adjustment Gains or Losses of Shares) of the Act: The qualified post-formation acquisition of assets and/or liabilities prescribed in paragraph (1) of the said Article (hereinafter referred to as the "qualified post-formation acquisition of assets and/or liabilities" in this item) shall be limited to the qualified post-formation acquisition of assets and/or liabilities in which a capital contributing foreign corporation transfers assets or liabilities to a domestic corporation, and where there are book value adjustment losses prescribed in the said paragraph (referred to as "book value adjustment losses" in paragraph (8)), the qualified post-formation acquisition of assets and/or liabilities shall be limited to that satisfying the following requirements: 例文帳に追加

十九 法第六十二条の五(適格事後設立による資産等の時価による譲渡と株式の帳簿価額修正益又は帳簿価額修正損の益金又は損金算入) 同条第一項に規定する適格事後設立(以下この号において「適格事後設立」という。)は、出資外国法人が内国法人に資産又は負債の移転を行う適格事後設立に限るものとし、同項に規定する帳簿価額修正損(第八項において「帳簿価額修正損」という。)がある場合には、次に掲げる要件を満たすものに限るものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The ratio of Japans ODA to the gross fixed capital formation of the developing countries within the East Asian region is comparable to that of the Cohesion Fund in the EU (Tables 3.4.15 and 3.4.16), and both theoretical verification and empirical analysis show that Japans ODA has contributed to the economic growth of developing countries within the region to a certain degree (Table 3.4.17).例文帳に追加

我が国のODAが東アジア域内途上国の総固定資本形成に占める比率は、EUにおける結束基金と比較しても遜色なく(第3-4-15表、第3-4-16表)、また理論的検証、実証分析からも、我が国のODAは域内途上国の経済成長に一定程度の寄与をしていることが示されている(第3-4-17表)。 - 経済産業省


Analysis by demand components reveals that net exports was the biggest contributor to the negative growth of the October? December quarter, which declined by 37.8% compared to the same period of the previous year (negative contribution of 6.2%), followed by private consumption (negative contribution of 1.5%), gross fixed capital formation (negative contribution of 0.7%), government spending (negative contribution of 0.4%), and inventory change (positive contribution of 0.0%),indicating negative growth in all the main components except for inventory change (Figure 2-3-2-1).例文帳に追加

需要項目別に見ると、10-12 月期のマイナスに大きく寄与したのは前年同期比で▲ 37.8%の大幅減となった純輸出(寄与度は▲ 6.2%)であり、以下民間消費(寄与度▲ 1.5%)、総固定資本形成(同▲ 0.7%)、政府消費(同▲ 0.4%)、在庫変動(同+0.0%)と在庫変動を除く全ての項目でマイナスとなった(第2-3-2-1 図参照)。 - 経済産業省


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