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Since childhoodの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 113


The Emperor Momozono, who lost the close advisors he had had since his childhood, was offended at the actions of the Sekkan-ke, such as ICHIJO, which resulted in escalated confrontation between the Emperor and the Sekkan-ke. 例文帳に追加

この事件で幼少の頃からの側近を失った桃園天皇は一条ら摂関家の振舞いに反発を抱き、天皇と摂関家の対立が激化する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The group has the lineage of Hatamoto (direct retainer of the shogun), since Sadanobu KATAGIRI (Tsuruchiyo in childhood) who was the oldest son of Sadamasa KATAGIRI, the founder of the school, was appointed to Hatamoto of 1,000 koku (approximately 180 thousand liters of crop yield) and called himself Nobutaka SHIMOJO, and had been inherited to the seventh head, Soen KATAGIRI, from father to only one child. 例文帳に追加

流祖片桐貞昌(貞昌)の長男片桐貞信(幼名鶴千代)が1000石の旗本に取り立てられ、下條を称し名を下條信隆にあらためておこした旗本の家系で七世片桐宗猿まで一子相伝で伝承される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Shirakawa, who was the son of Gosanjo, needed to become a conservator for his son, Emperor Horikawa, and his grandson, Emperor Toba, since they both were enthroned in their childhood, gradually came into power, and finally, he came to reign over the Imperial Court as an absolute monarch. 例文帳に追加

後三条の子息の白河天皇は、子息堀河天皇・孫鳥羽天皇がいずれも幼少で即位し、父・祖父として後見役となる必要があったことから、次第に権力を掌握するようになり、最終的には専制君主として朝廷に君臨するに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subordinate warriors since Hideyoshi served Nobunaga ODA were Nagamasa ASAI, Yoshiharu HORIO, Kazutoyo YAMANOUCHI, Kazuuji NAKAMURA, Shigeharu TAKENAKA, Naofusa Higuchi, Yasuharu WAKISAKA, Katsumoto KATAGIRI, Mitsunari ISHIDA, Takataka KURODA, Nagamori MASUDA and so on, and he raised Masanori FUKUSHIMA and Kiyomasa KATO from their childhood. 例文帳に追加

織田信長に仕えた頃からの陪臣として浅野長政、堀尾吉晴、山内一豊、中村一氏、竹中重治、樋口直房、脇坂安治、片桐且元、石田三成、黒田孝高、増田長盛などがおり、福島正則、加藤清正は幼少の頃から自身で養育する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His real name, Takakiyo, is recorded in "Koya Shunju hennen shuroku" (Compilation of many spring and falls of Koya) but since "Heike Monogatari" (The Tale of Taira family) continued to use the childhood name, Rokudai, it was common to call him as 'Taira Rokudai' (In this clause, he will be referred as '(Taira) Rokudai' unless there is some issues involved). 例文帳に追加

高清という実名は高野山の歴史を記した『高野春秋編年輯録』などに記載されているが、『平家物語』が幼名の六代を用い続けているために「平六代」の名前で呼ばれるのが一般的である(本項目でも、特に断りが無い限りは「(平)六代」と表記する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It seems that he was skilled with the koto since childhood, and had already added a koto arrangement to 'Yashima,' a jiuta song, at the age of eleven, after which he added arrangements to numerous existing jiuta songs, different in atmosphere to the Kyoto arrangements by composers such as Kengyo YAEZAKI. 例文帳に追加

幼少の頃から箏にも長けていたらしく、既に11歳で地歌「屋島」に箏の手を付けているのをはじめ、既存の地歌曲にもいくつか箏の手付けをしているが、これらもやはり八重崎検校など京都の手付けとは雰囲気が異なっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides, Tomoyoshi YOSHIOKA who was the 33rd Regimental Commander of hohei which completely destroyed in 'the fierce battle around Kankyotonsangenya' of Battle of Mukden said to be the fiercest battle of the Russo-Japanese War had been YAMAZA's close friend since his childhood and married YAMAZA's younger sister to become his younger brother-in-law. 例文帳に追加

また、日露戦争における最大の激戦とされる奉天会戦の「干洪屯三軒屋附近の激戦」において全滅した歩兵第33連隊の連隊長吉岡友愛は、山座の少年時代からの親友であり、山座の妹と結婚し義弟であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Concerning this, in an interview with Saeko HIMURO, which was written down in the second volume of paper back, the author said, "I've had an uncomfortable feeling about the stories related to Prince Shotoku since my childhood, and one day I talked about this to Masako YASHIRO at an izakaya bar, she introduced the book "Kakusareta jujika (hidden cross)" written by Takeshi UMEHARA to me, and when I bought the book and read it next day, the whole image of the story came to my head." 例文帳に追加

これについて作者は文庫版2巻に収録された氷室冴子との対談で、「聖徳太子にまつわるエピソードに子供の頃から違和感を持っており、ある時、居酒屋で矢代まさこを相手にそういう話をしていたら、梅原猛の『隠された十字架』を紹介され、翌日それを買ってきて読んで、その時に全てのイメージが出て来た」と語っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However when the Takenouchi Shikibu incident (the Horeki Incident) occurred, Emperor Momozono protected his aides who worked for him since his childhood and it caused conflict between members of the family eligible for regents and chancellors who demanded the aides be expelled from their positions, as the Emperor had his Prince Hidehito (later known as Emperor Gomomozono) who was five years old, it was concerned that the same thing might happen to the Prince after his enthronement. 例文帳に追加

だが、実際には同帝の皇子英仁親王(のちの後桃園天皇)が五歳の幼さであった事、桃園天皇治世末期に生じた竹内式部一件(宝暦事件)では、天皇が幼い頃から自分に付き従っていた側近達を擁護して側近達の追放を要請した摂関家との対立関係に陥った事から、英仁親王が即位した場合に同じ事が繰り返される事が憂慮された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, "Imakagami" (The Mirror of the Present) describes 'Having thought she was a wonderful woman since childhood, he seemed to want the fourth imperial princess (Imperial Princess Tokushi) as his empress by all means,' purporting that her entry into court was strongly desired by Emperor Horikawa. 例文帳に追加

しかし、『今鏡』では「幼くより類なく見とり奉らせ給ひて、ただ四の宮をとか思ほせりけるにや侍りけむ(幼い頃よりこの上なく素晴らしい方と思って、后にするならどうしても四の宮(篤子内親王)をとお思いになられたようだ)」とあり、堀河天皇自身がこれを強く望んでの入内であったとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, Kiyomori had been treated as an imperial prince since his childhood, and his rank was Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) when he was 11 years old at the ceremony of his coming of age, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) at age 17, and Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) at 10 years before the Hogen Rebellion, and he was almost Kugyo (the top court official), while Yoshitomo was rewarded by being named Jugoinoge and kokushu of Shimotsuke Province as Zuryo (the highest official of province) just before the Hogen Rebellion. 例文帳に追加

しかし、清盛は少年の頃より親王にも等しい待遇を受け、11歳で元服と同時に叙爵されて従五位下、17歳にして既に従四位下にまで官位を上げ、保元の乱の10年も前に正四位下となり公卿の地位の一歩手前にまで達しており、対して義朝は保元の乱の直前に叙爵されて従五位下・下野守となりようやく受領レベルとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

FUJIWARA no Yoritsune assumed the role of shogun for eighteen years (1226-1244) and FUJIWARA no Yoritsugu for eight years (1244-1252), comparatively long periods, but from childhood until attaining manhood without any political power because the Hojo clan fully controlled the bakufu and the shoguns were just puppets, especially FUJIWARA no Yoritsune was an unfortunate shogun since he hated being a puppet and was a threat to the Hojo clan. 例文帳に追加

将軍在任期間は、それぞれ藤原頼経が18年間(1226年-1244年)、藤原頼嗣が8年間(1244年-1252年)と比較的長期間ではあったものの、幼いころから成人するまでの期間で政治的な力も全くなく、幕府の実権は、北条氏が完全に掌握していたため将軍とは名ばかりの傀儡将軍だったが、特に藤原頼経は、傀儡であることを嫌ったがため北条氏によって煙たがられた不遇の将軍であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The seventh son of Munetake TOKUGAWA of the Tayasu family, Masamaru (later Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA), was famous for his intelligence since childhood and considered to be a successor, but roju Okitsugu TANUMA, an influential person in those times, and Harusada TOKUGAWA (the head of Hitotsubashi family) who backed up his son Ienari TOKUGAWA made him being adopted as a son of Sadakuni MATSUDAIRA, the lord of Shirakawa Domain in Mutsu Province. 例文帳に追加

田安家徳川宗武の七男・松平定信(後の松平定信)が幼少の頃から英明を謳われ、後継と目されたが、時の権力者・老中田沼意次や、子の徳川家斉(後の家斉)を推す徳川治済(一橋家当主)らの画策で、陸奥国白河藩主・松平定邦の養子にさせられたとも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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