
「Were you home?」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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Were you home?の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 50


Were you home?例文帳に追加

家にいたの? - Tatoeba例文

You were at home yesterday, weren't you?例文帳に追加

昨日家にいましたよね? - Tatoeba例文

Were you at home all morning?例文帳に追加

朝、ずっと家にいた? - Tatoeba例文

You were at home yesterday, weren't you? 例文帳に追加

あなたは昨日家にいましたね。 - Tanaka Corpus


You were late to go home. 例文帳に追加

あなたは帰宅するのが遅かった。 - Weblio Email例文集


You were late going home too. 例文帳に追加

あなたも帰宅が遅かった。 - Weblio Email例文集

Were you able to get home safely?例文帳に追加

あなたは無事に家に戻れましたか。 - Weblio Email例文集

Were you at home last night?例文帳に追加

昨晩は家にいましたか。 - Tatoeba例文

"Were you at home?" "No, I wasn't."例文帳に追加

あなたは昨日家にいましたか。いいえ。 - Tatoeba例文


Were you home last night?例文帳に追加

あなたは昨日の夜、家にいた? - Tatoeba例文


Were you at home last night?例文帳に追加

あなたは昨日の夜、家にいた? - Tatoeba例文

Were you home at ten?例文帳に追加

あなたは10時に家にいましたか。 - Tatoeba例文

Were you at home yesterday?例文帳に追加

きみは昨日家にいましたか。 - Tatoeba例文

Were you home yesterday?例文帳に追加

きみは昨日家にいましたか。 - Tatoeba例文

Were you at home all morning?例文帳に追加

午前中は、ずっと家にいたの? - Tatoeba例文

Were you at home last night? 例文帳に追加

昨晩は家にいましたか。 - Tanaka Corpus

Were you at home yesterday? 例文帳に追加

きみは昨日家にいましたか。 - Tanaka Corpus

Were you at home? No, I wasn't. 例文帳に追加

あなたは昨日家にいましたか。いいえ。 - Tanaka Corpus

Were you home last night? 例文帳に追加

あなたは昨日の夜、家にいた? - Tanaka Corpus

Were you home at ten? 例文帳に追加

あなたは10時に家にいましたか。 - Tanaka Corpus

Were you at home two hours earlier? 例文帳に追加

あなたは2時間前に家にいましたか? - Weblio Email例文集

Were you at home two hours ago? 例文帳に追加

あなたは2時間前に家に居ましたか。 - Weblio Email例文集

Were you still busy even after he went home? 例文帳に追加

あなたは彼が帰ってからも忙しかったのですか? - Weblio Email例文集

Were you able to relax at home? 例文帳に追加

あなたは家でゆっくり過ごせましたか? - Weblio Email例文集

Were you able to relax at home after going back? 例文帳に追加

あなたは家に帰った後ゆっくり過ごせましたか? - Weblio Email例文集

Were you at home an hour earlier? 例文帳に追加

あなたは一時間前に家に居ましたか? - Weblio Email例文集

So you were at home that night, right? 例文帳に追加

そうすると君はあの夜は家にいたということか. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest.例文帳に追加

仮に私があなたなら、帰宅してゆっくり休むのだが。 - Tatoeba例文

If I were you, I would go home at once.例文帳に追加

もし私が君だったらすぐ帰宅するだろう。 - Tatoeba例文

If I were you, I'd go home right away.例文帳に追加

もし私が君だったらすぐ帰宅するだろう。 - Tatoeba例文

I thought you were going to be at home last night.例文帳に追加

昨日の夜は家にいるつもりなのだと思っていました。 - Tatoeba例文

I thought you were going to stay home.例文帳に追加

あなたは家にいるつもりなのだと思っていました。 - Tatoeba例文

If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest.例文帳に追加

僕だったら家に帰ってゆっくり休むけどなあ。 - Tatoeba例文

If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest.例文帳に追加

私なら家に帰ってゆっくり休むけどね。 - Tatoeba例文

If I were you, I'd go home and take a nap.例文帳に追加

私だったら、家に帰って昼寝するよ。 - Tatoeba例文

If I were you, I'd go home and take a good rest.例文帳に追加

僕だったら家に帰ってゆっくり休むけどなあ。 - Tatoeba例文

If I were you, I'd go home and take a nap.例文帳に追加

僕だったら、家に戻ってひと寝入りするよ。 - Tatoeba例文

If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest. 例文帳に追加

仮に私があなたなら、帰宅してゆっくり休むのだが。 - Tanaka Corpus

When you are in our home, you can eat and drink just like you were part of the family. 例文帳に追加

あなたが私達の家にいる間は、あなたは自分の家のように食べたり飲んだりして構わない。 - Weblio Email例文集

If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest.例文帳に追加

もし私があなただったら、家に帰ってゆっくり休むのに。 - Tatoeba例文

I thought you were going to come straight home.例文帳に追加

あなたはまっすぐ家に帰るつもりなのだと思っていたんだけど。 - Tatoeba例文

I thought that you were going to come straight home.例文帳に追加

あなたはまっすぐ家に帰るつもりなのだと思っていたんだけど。 - Tatoeba例文

When braziers or irori fire places were widely used, Hibashi chopsticks were common tools you could see in any home in Japan. 例文帳に追加

かつて火鉢や囲炉裏が普及していた時代には、どこの家庭にもある一般的な道具だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

a place where you are just as comfortable and content as if you were home 例文帳に追加

あなたがちょうどまるであなたが家にいるかのように快適で満足している場所 - 日本語WordNet

The novel says that "some students at the front were yelling, 'you, local-tax eaters, go home". 例文帳に追加

そこで「〔略〕(中学生たちの)前の方にいる連中は、しきりに何だ地方税の癖に、引き込めと、怒鳴ってる」といった記述が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, after you have passed without knowing that they were fairies, they rush home and tell their mothers they have had such an adventure. 例文帳に追加

そしてあなたが妖精たちだとは気づかずに通り過ぎると、いそいで家に帰ってお母さんにこんな大冒険をしたんだよと報告するのでした。 - James Matthew Barrie『ケンジントン公園のピーターパン』

Okawara was based at Inadani, so going north would bring you, via Hase (one of the death sites mentioned later), to Suwa (home of the Suwa clan), while going south would bring you to Iinoya (home of the Ii clan); given the unfavorable situation they were in, it was an ideal place for the Southern Court, and it was common for samurai of the Southern Court, such as those in the Nitta clan, to escape to this place after losing a battle. 例文帳に追加

拠点となった大河原は伊那谷に属し、南に下れば井伊谷(井伊氏)、北上すると長谷(後述する終焉の地の一つ)を経由して諏訪(諏訪氏)に通じる位置にあり、劣勢が続く南朝方にとっては最重要拠点となり、各地で破れた南朝方の武士達(新田一門など)が逃げ込む事も多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Do you know why Yumi is off work today?" "Ah, it seems her cat ran away from home." Huh? Is it ok for her to do that?" "Of course, it's her paid leave. There were some documents I was going to ask her for, so I'll need you to get them by the end of the day." "Alright."例文帳に追加

「ゆみ先輩って、今日はどうしてお休みなんですか?」「あっ、猫が家出したらしいよ」「えっ?それって、OKなんですか?」「OKだよ。彼女の有休だから。彼女にお願いしようと思ってた資料があるんだけど、今日中によろしくね」「はい」 - Tatoeba例文

As you know, the DPJ, SDP and PNP, which were opposition parties at the time, had been told by many people how they took out a home loan only to be made redundant by their employers. There were many people in an extremely difficult situation with home loans that they had taken out based on the assumption that they would be employed indefinitely, only to be made redundant by their employers or see their employers go bankrupt all of a sudden. Events like this led to the revision of the terms related to home loans. As employment conditions remain extremely tough, and given that finance and politics are for the people, we intend to conduct studies with this in mind, considering the postponement of the expiration of the Act as a possibility. 例文帳に追加

よくお分かりのように、住宅ローン組んだけれども、当時、会社がリストラになったという方の声が、当時野党であった民主党にも社民党にも国民新党にもたくさん来ておりまして、当然自分はずっと勤められるという前提のもとで、皆様方もそうでございますが、私もそうでございます、住宅ローンを組んでおりまして、突然会社がリストラになる、あるいは倒産するということがありまして、住宅ローンを抱えて非常に困っておられる方がたくさんおられましたので、ああいう住宅ローンに関する条件変更というのを入れた経緯がございますから、そこら辺をしっかり、まだ雇用状態は非常に厳しゅうございますから、そういったことを視野に入れつつ、国民のための金融、国民のための政治でございますから、そういうことをしっかり視野に入れつつ、延長を視野に入れつつやっていきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


People have learned a lesson from this: as you are aware, G8 and G20 meetings were frequently held, and an agreement was reached to resolve economic and financial problems with everyone around the world by mustering the wisdom of mankind, in pursuit of the highest quality of capital possible under Basel III. As there are issues in the stability of banks worldwide, namely, the quality and quantity of their capital, various figures were presented. As you know, banks appear to be more stable when these figures are higher-banks are indeed stable when the figures are high. But on the other hand, when Japan faced a financial crisis ten years ago, I experienced the bankruptcies of Hokkaido Takushoku Bank and Yamaichi Securities while I served as the Minister for Posts and Telecommunications in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998. At the time, we experienced credit contraction, rapid credit crunch and credit withdrawal. My constituency of Kitakyushu City is where Asia's first modern steel plant was built 100 years ago, and is home to many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 例文帳に追加

そのことから人類は学びまして、ご存じのようにG8、あるいはG20を頻回に開きまして、世界でみんなで経済の問題、金融の問題を何とか人類の英知を集めて解決しようということがご存じのように合意されまして、バーゼル III 、先般も申し上げましたように、やはり世界の銀行の安定性、そのためにはもう皆さんご専門でございますが、この自己資本の質と量という問題があるわけでございますが、できるだけ質の向上を図ろうというようなことで、この色々な数字が出てきたわけでございます。ご存じのように、この数字が高ければ高いほど一見銀行が安定している、確かに安定するわけでございますけれども、同時に10年前、我が国が金融危機、私もまさに何度も申し上げますけれども、1997年から1998年、第二次橋本改造内閣のときに郵政大臣をしておりまして、そのときに北海道拓殖銀行が倒産する、山一証券が倒産する、そういった時代を経験した閣僚でございましたから、そういったことを踏まえて、あのとき自己資本比率、当時も8%でございましたが、このことは非常に信用収縮といいますか、急激な貸し渋り貸しはがしに遭いまして、私の選挙区は北九州市でございますが、100年前に東洋で初めて近代的製鉄所ができる、中小企業の町でございました。 - 金融庁


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