
「sale by credit」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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sale by creditの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 19


To provide a credit card credit sale system for attaining the business promotion of a specified store and a card issuing bank by recommending a member to use a credit card, and a calculation method therefor.例文帳に追加

会員のクレジットカード使用を奨励し、特約商店と、カード発行銀行の業務促進を達成するクレジットカード信用販売システム、及び計算方法を提供すること。 - 特許庁

The settlement facility server 3 specifies a credit line based on the company ID derived by the sale mediation server 2.例文帳に追加

決済機関サーバ3は、販売仲介サーバ2によって導き出された企業IDに基づいて与信枠の特定を行う。 - 特許庁

A credit depreciation means 1f depreciates the first valuable securities owned by the purchaser with money which is obtained by the transaction corresponding to the sale order in accordance with the establishment report of the transaction corresponding to the sale order.例文帳に追加

売却注文に応じた取引の成立通知に応じて、債券償却手段1fが購入者の所有する第1の有価証券を、売却注文に応じた取引で得られた金銭で償却する。 - 特許庁

This merchandise sale data processor has settlement processing of a deposit/current total key 41c which settles the total amount by cash or a credit key 41d which settles the total amount by a credit card.例文帳に追加

この合計金額を現金決済する預/現計キー41cまたはクレジットカードにより決済するクレジットキー41dの決済処理を有する。 - 特許庁


The member can feel a superiority complex like a cooking critic by inputting evaluation, the selection of manager is supported by referring to the totaled result, and there is an effect in the promotion of utilization for the manager and a credit sale company.例文帳に追加

会員は評価入力により料理評論家のような優越的気分が味わえ、また集計結果参照により事業者選択が支援され、事業者と信販会社にとっては利用促進効果が得られる。 - 特許庁


When a member buys goods in a member shop by revolving payment (101), sales data including his or her card number and sale proceeds are sent from a terminal of the member shop to a credit card system (102).例文帳に追加

会員が加盟店においてリボルビング払いによるショッピングを行うと(101)、カード番号と売上金額を含む売上データが加盟店端末からクレジットカードシステムに送られる(102)。 - 特許庁

An account processing system 10 performs claim request processing by a means 12 when an ordered operation is completed, and a credit sale system 40 which has received the delivery of the claim request confirms the completed status of a product, and issues claim achievement information 50.例文帳に追加

会計処理システム10は、受注した作業が完了した際に手段12で請求依頼処理を行い、その送達を受けた売掛システム40が製品の完了状態を確認し、請求実現情報50を発行する。 - 特許庁

Payment from a trade debtor is received by a recovery account for the account receivable, matched with a credit sale detail with the keys of a payment person and payment date and accounts receivable are specified, and furthermore, a loan corresponding to the accounts receivable concerned is specified.例文帳に追加

売掛先からの入金は売掛金回収用の口座に入金され、入金者や入金日をキーに売掛明細とマッチングして売掛債権を特定し、さらに当該売掛債権に対応する融資を特定する。 - 特許庁

the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State and paid with respect to indebtedness arising as part of the sale on credit by a resident of that other Contracting State of equipment or merchandise. 例文帳に追加

当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であつて、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の居住者により行われる信用供与による設備又は物品の販売の一環として生ずる債権に関して支払われる場合 - 財務省


To provide a credit trading processing system whereby a right exercising person can promptly receive a sale price of a new stock advance order right without influenced by price variation in a period of time before trading is concluded and thereby the right exercising person can benefit by easily selling the new stock advance order right.例文帳に追加

売買成立までの期間における価格変動の影響を受けずに迅速に新株予約権の売却代金を権利行使者が受け取ることができ、より簡便に新株予約権を売却して利益を得ることが可能な債権売買処理システムを提供する。 - 特許庁


In the course of rebuilding their indirect financing system after the outbreak of the Asian currency and economic crisis, ASEAN4 stepped up the sale of nonperforming loans in their countries to AMCs in addition to realigning their banking sectors. Thailand and Indonesia substantially tightened their credit grip while allowing international fund movements. Meanwhile, Malaysia tried to smooth its economic recovery by taking an aggressive credit-easing policy after ensuring the independence of its financial policy through the introduction of currency and capital-restricting measures.例文帳に追加

このアジア通貨・経済危機後の間接金融立て直しの過程において、銀行の再編とともに、①不良債権の資産管理会社への売却による処理、②タイ、インドネシアでは国際資本移動を認める中での大幅な金融引締め、③マレーシアでは通貨・資本規制を導入し金融政策の独立性を担保した上で積極的な金融緩和による景気の回復、が行われた。 - 経済産業省

Accounts receivable are paid from a trade debtor to an account for recovery, and matched with credit sale details by using a payment person or a payment date as a key, so that the accounts receivable can be specified, and a loan corresponding to the accounts receivable is specified, and a fund paid is appropriated to the payment of the specified loan.例文帳に追加

売掛先からは回収用口座に売掛金が入金され、入金者や入金日をキーに売掛明細とマッチングして売掛債権を特定し、さらに当該売掛債権に対応する融資を特定し、入金された資金を特定された融資の返済に充当する。 - 特許庁

Payment is received from a trade debtor to an account for loan recovery, and matched with credit sale details by using a payment person or payment date as a key, so that accounts receivable can be specified, and furthermore, a loan corresponding to the accounts receivable is specified, and the paid fund is appropriated to the payment of the specified loan.例文帳に追加

売掛先からは回収用口座に売掛金が入金され、入金者や入金日をキーに売掛明細とマッチングして売掛債権を特定し、さらに当該売掛債権に対応する融資を特定し、入金された資金を特定された融資の返済に充当する。 - 特許庁

To avoid the occurrence of trouble, to allow a purchaser to easily purchase required foodstuffs by a required quantity in a required period, to reduce an unsold commodity of the foodstuffs, and to facilitate sale-purchase dealing of the day of the foodstuffs by allowing auction processing having a qualitative guarantee of a dealing commodity and credit guarantee of a seller and the purchaser, and unifying a commodity form and a commodity name.例文帳に追加

取扱い商品の品質保証と、売り手および買い手の信用保証があるオークション処理が可能であり、商品形態、商品名称が統一されることで、トラブル発生が回避でき、買い手にとって必要な食材を必要な時期に必要量購入し易くなり、かつ食材の売れ残りを少なくし、食材の当日売買処分が容易となる。 - 特許庁

When a purchase application processing is performed by the enterprise client 210 and the electronic store server 400, the credit exposure management server 600 checks consumables frame residuals on those whose article category is the consumables out of the purchased application articles, and when there is the consumable frames residual, it updates the consumables frame residuals and processes the sale amount.例文帳に追加

企業クライアント210及び電子商店サーバ400による購入申込処理が行われると、与信管理サーバ600は購入申込物品のうち商品カテゴリが消耗品であるものについて消耗品枠残チェック処理を行い、消耗品枠残があるものについては、消耗品枠残を更新して売上処理を行う。 - 特許庁

Specifically, the credit risk involved in the underlying asset may not have been sufficiently communicated or disclosed, or the nature of the product may not have been sufficiently explained by the lender to the borrower during the process of origination of the underlying asset. In particular, there is the risk that the lender may have eased the borrower screening criteria because the credit risk involved is to be immediately transferred away from itself through the sale of the asset or securitization. Also, the lender may have encouraged overly easy borrowing, on the assumption that refinancing and repayment would be easy as housing prices continued to rise. Sufficient information concerning the risk involved in the underlying asset may also not have been provided to the arranger of the securitized product. Against the background of such potential problems, the subprime mortgage crisis has spread beyond the U.S. housing market to the market for securitized products in general, as well as the global financial and capital markets. 例文帳に追加

特に、借り手と貸し手との間に関しては、貸し手が貸出債権の売却や証券化ということを通じて、貸した後自分が抱える信用リスクがすぐ移転されるということで、融資の際に甘い審査を行なっていたのではないか。それから、セールス・トークの中でも住宅価格の上昇を前提として借換えが可能である、返済も容易であるといったことを前提に安易な融資を勧めていたということもあるわけですし、原債権のリスクについて、証券化商品の組成者に対して十分な情報提供を行っていたのかどうか、といった点があるわけであります。こうしたことも背景としてこのサブプライム・ローン問題は、米国の住宅市場における問題に留まらず、幅広い証券化商品の市場やその他の金融・資本市場へグローバルに広がっていったということであります。 - 金融庁

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article, interest arising in a Contracting State shall be taxable only in the other Contracting State if: (a) the interest is beneficially owned by the Government of that other Contracting State, apolitical subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution wholly owned by that Government; (b) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State with respect to debt-claims guaranteed, insured or indirectly financed by the Government of that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution wholly owned by that Government; (c) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State that is either: (i) a bank; (ii) an insurance company; (iii) a securities dealer; or (iv) any other enterprise, provided that in the three taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the interest is paid, the enterprise derives more than 50 per cent of its liabilities from the issuance of bonds in the financial markets or from taking deposits at interest, and more than 50 percent of the assets of the enterprise consist of debt-claims against persons that do not have with the resident a relationship described in subparagraphs (a) or (b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of this Convention; (d) the interest is beneficially owned by a pension fund or pension scheme that is a resident of that other Contracting State, provided that such interest is not derived from the carrying on of a business, directly or indirectly, by such pension fund or pension scheme; or (e) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State and paid with respect to indebtedness arising as a part of the sale on credit by a resident of that other Contracting State of equipment or merchandise. 例文帳に追加

2の規定にかかわらず、一方の締約国内において生ずる利子であって、次のいずれかの場合に該当するものについては、他方の締約国においてのみ租税を課することができる。(a)当該利子の受益者が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国の政府が全面的に所有する機関である場合(b)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国の政府が全面的に所有する機関によって保証された債権、これらによって保険の引受けが行われた債権又はこれらによる間接融資に係る債権に関して支払われる場合(c)当該利子の受益者が、次のいずれかに該当する当該他方の締約国の居住者である場合(i)銀行(ii)保険会社(iii)証券会社(iv)(i)から(iii)までに掲げるもの以外の企業で、当該利子の支払が行われる課税年度の直前の三課税年度において、その負債の五十パーセントを超える部分が金融市場において発行された債券又は有利子預金から成り、かつ、その資産の五十パーセントを超える部分が当該居住者と第九条1(a)又は(b)にいう 関係を有しない者に対する信用に係る債権から成るもの(d)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者である年金基金又は年金計画であって、当該利子が、当該年金基金又は年金計画が直接又は間接に事業を遂行することにより取得されたものでない場合(e)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の居住者により行われる信用供与による設備又は物品の販売の一環として生ずる債権に関して支払われる場合 - 財務省

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in a Contracting State shall be taxable only in the other Contracting State if: (a) the interest is beneficially owned by that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution wholly owned by that other Contracting State; (b) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State with respect to debt-claims guaranteed, insured or indirectly financed by the Government of that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution wholly owned by that other Contracting State; (c) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State that is either: (i) a bank (including an investment bank); (ii) an insurance company; (iii) a registered securities dealer; or (iv) any other enterprise, provided that in the three taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the interest is paid, the enterprise derives more than 50 percent of its liabilities from the issuance of bonds in the financial markets or from taking deposits at interest, and more than 50percent of the assets of the enterprise consist of debt-claims against persons that do not have with the resident a relationship described in subparagraph (a) or (b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9; (d) the interest is beneficially owned by a pension fund that is a resident of that other Contracting State, provided that such interest is not derived from the carrying on of a business, directly or indirectly, by such pension fund; or (e) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State and paid with respect to indebtedness arising as a part of the sale on credit by a resident of that other Contracting State of equipment or merchandise. 例文帳に追加

2の規定にかかわらず、一方の締約国内において生ずる利子であって、次のいずれかの場合に該当するものについては、他方の締約国においてのみ租税を課することができる。(a)当該利子の受益者が、当該他方の締約国、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国が全面的に所有する機関である場合(b)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国が全面的に所有する機関によって保証された債権、これらによって保険の引受けが行われた債権又はこれらによる間接融資に係る債権に関して支払われる場合(c)当該利子の受益者が、次のいずれかに該当する当該他方の締約国の居住者である場合(i)銀行(投資銀行を含む。)(ii)保険会社(iii)登録を受けた証券会社(iv)(i)から(iii)までに掲げるもの以外の企業で、当該利子の支払が行われる課税年度の直前の三課税年度において、その負債の五十パーセントを超える部分が金融市場における債券の発行又は有利子預金から成り、かつ、その資産の五十パーセントを超える部分が当該居住者と第九条1(a)又は(b)にいう関係を有しない者に対する信用に係る債権から成るもの(d)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者である年金基金であって、当該利子が、当該年金基金が直接又は間接に事業を遂行することにより取得されたものでない場合(e)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の居住者により行われる信用供与による設備又は物品の販売の一環として生ずる債権に関して支払われる場合 - 財務省


3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in a Contracting State shall be taxable only in the other Contracting State if: a) the interest is beneficially owned by the Government of that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution owned by that Government; b) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State with respect to debt-claims guaranteed, insured or indirectly financed by the Government of that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution owned by that Government; c) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State that is either: (i) a bank; (ii) an insurance company; (iii) a securities company; or (iv) any other enterprise, provided that in the three taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the interest is paid, the enterprise derives more than 50 per cent of its liabilities from the issuance of bonds in the financial markets or from taking deposits at interest, and more than 50 per cent of the assets of the enterprise consist of debt-claims against persons that do not have with the enterprise a relationship described in subparagraph a) or b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9; d) the interest is beneficially owned by a pension fund that is a resident of that other Contracting State, provided that such interest is not derived from the carrying on of a business, directly or indirectly, by such pension fund; or e) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State and paid with respect to indebtedness arising as a consequence of the sale on credit by a resident of that other Contracting State of any equipment, merchandise or service. 例文帳に追加

3 2の規定にかかわらず、一方の締約国内において生ずる利子であって、次のいずれかの場合に該当するものについては、他方の締約国においてのみ租税を課することができる。(a)当該利子の受益者が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国の政府が所有する機関である場合(b)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国の政府が所有する機関によって保証された債権、これらによって保険の引受けが行われた債権又はこれらによる間接融資に係る債権に関して支払われる場合(c)当該利子の受益者が、次のいずれかに該当する当該他方の締約国の居住者である場合(i)銀行(ii)保険会社(iii)証券会社(iv)(i)から(iii)までに掲げるもの以外の企業で、当該利子の支払が行われる課税年度の直前の三課税年度において、その負債の五十パーセントを超える部分が金融市場において発行された債券又は有利子預金から成り、かつ、その資産の五十パーセントを超える部分が当該企業と第九条1(a)又は(b)に規定する関係を有しない者に対する信用に係る債権から成るもの(d)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者である年金基金であって、当該利子が、当該年金基金が直接又は間接に事業を遂行することにより取得されたものでない場合(e)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の居住者により行われる信用供与による設備、物品の販売又は役務の提供の結果として生ずる債権に関して支払われる場合 - 財務省


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