騷ぐ とも書く
読み方 さわぐ
(=わいわい騒ぐ)to clamour; to raise a clamour; to make a noise; to set up a cry; to make an outcry; to raise a hue and cry; to make an uproar
(=気が騒ぐ)to be alarmed; to be excited; to be disturbed; to be perturbed; to be agitated; to be fluttered
(=どさくさ騒ぐ、騒ぎ立てる)to bustle; to make a fuss; to make much ado
(=どんちゃん騒ぐ)to revel; to riot; to make merry; to hold high jinks; to go on a racket; to go on the spree:(米国にては) to paint the sky red
(=暴れて騒ぐ)to riot; to run riot; to make [kick up]a row; to make [raise, kick up]a racket; to make [raise, kick up]a rumpus; to kick up a shindy
(=騒ぎ廻る)to bustle about; to hurry about; to fidget about
(=動乱する、動揺する)to be disturbed; to be agitated; to be in agitation; to be in commotion
to make a disturbance―create a disturbance―raise a disturbance―make a row―kick up a row―make a racket―raise a racket―kick up a racket―make a rumpus―raise a rumpus―kick up a rumpus―kick up a shindy