








英訳・英語 UNEP; U.N. Environment Programme




該当件数 : 10



an {international organization} called {United Nations Environmental Program}発音を聞く  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Review the MDB Action Plan and provide independent comment in an iterative process to ensure workability, the maximization of the outcomes and a focus on environmental sustainability and transparency.発音を聞く  - 財務省


The G20, MDBs, UNCTAD, UNDP, ILP and OECD will, based on the outcomes of this and other work, assist developing countries, in particular LICs, to develop action plans with the view to strengthen financial markets to boost small and medium enterprises (SMEs),improve the business investment climate, maximize the value-added of private investment and support the regulatory framework for foreign and domestic investment.発音を聞く  - 財務省


In the mid-term review, the items that were being worked upon up to now for the infrastructure development of clinical trials and studies centered on core hospitals and central medical institutions, etc., were evaluated in view of the changes in the clinical trial/study environment, such as the rapid increase in the number of multinational clinical trials after the establishment of the 5 Yearly Plan, and the following items were set as the points for consideration: - 厚生労働省

このような閉塞的な状況の中、米国及び中南米諸国等の関係国政府間の合意として、1992年に策定されたイルカの年別混獲制限計画を同条約の規制措置とする「パナマ宣言」が採択され、これを受けて、米国は、キハダマグロ禁輸措置を撤廃する「国際イルカ保存計画法(InternationalDolphin Conservation Program Act(Public Law No.105-42))」を1997年8月に成立させ、当該措置の解除を行ったが、環境団体による訴訟の結果、解除が一旦凍結された状態になった。例文帳に追加

In reaction to this deadlock, the United States and the governments of the countries involved, mostly Latin American countries, negotiated the Panama Declaration, which adopts restrictive measures pursuant to the annual plan prepared in 1992 to regulate the incidental taking of dolphins. As a result of the Panama Declaration, the United States enacted the International Dolphin Conservation Program Act (Public Law No. 105-42) in August 1997, which removes the embargo on imports of yellowfin tuna from those countries that participate in a dolphin conservation program formulated under the US law. - 経済産業省

第一条 この法律は、地球の広範な部分を占める海洋が人類をはじめとする生物の生命を維持する上で不可欠な要素であるとともに、海に囲まれた我が国において、海洋法に関する国際連合条約その他の国際約束に基づき、並びに海洋の持続可能な開発及び利用を実現するための国際的な取組の中で、我が国が国際的協調の下に、海洋の平和的かつ積極的な開発及び利用と海洋環境の保全との調和を図る新たな海洋立国を実現することが重要であることにかんがみ、海洋に関し、基本理念を定め、国、地方公共団体、事業者及び国民の責務を明らかにし、並びに海洋に関する基本的な計画の策定その他海洋に関する施策の基本となる事項を定めるとともに、総合海洋政策本部を設置することにより、海洋に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に推進し、もって我が国の経済社会の健全な発展及び国民生活の安定向上を図るとともに、海洋と人類の共生に貢献することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, with regard to the oceans, to stipulate the basic principles, to clarify the responsibilities of the State, the local governments, business operators and the citizens as well as to formulate the basic plan with regard to the oceans and other basic matters with regard to the measures on the oceans, by establishing the Headquarters for Ocean Policy in order to promote measures with regard to the oceans comprehensively and systematically, through contributing to the sound development of the economy and society of our State and to improve the stability of the lives of citizenry as well as to contribute to the coexistence of the oceans and mankind, in consideration of the fact that the oceans, occupying broad portion of the globe, is an indispensable factor for maintaining the lives of the living beings including mankind, and the fact that it is important to realize a new oceanic State in harmonization of the peaceful and positive development and use of the oceans with the conservation of the marine environment, under the international cooperation, as our State surrounded by the oceans, based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international agreements as well as on the international efforts on the realization of the sustainable development and use of the oceans.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Regarding promotion and strengthening of international competitiveness of media content industries, building anIntellectual Property-Based Countryis one issue incorporated in the government’s Intellectual Property Strategic Program, and efforts by government and industry are progressing. The environment for media content industries is rapidly changing, with advances by other countries in each media content sector (especially progress in Asia: China, South Korea, etc.), diversification of contents distribution routes accompanying the move to broadband Internet, etc. Considering these changes, it is necessary to improve and accelerate efforts for promotion of Japan’s media content industries. - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 10


第三条 国土形成計画は、我が国及び世界における人口、産業その他の社会経済構造の変化に的確に対応し、その特性に応じて自立的に発展する地域社会、国際競争力の強化及び科学技術の振興等による活力ある経済社会、安全が確保された国民生活並びに地球環境の保全にも寄与する豊かな環境の基盤となる国土を実現するよう、我が国の自然的、経済的、社会的及び文化的諸条件を維持向上させる国土の形成に関する施策を、当該施策に係る国内外の連携の確保に配意しつつ、適切に定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) National Spatial Strategies shall appropriately formulate measures for the spatial development to maintain and improve the natural, economic, social and cultural conditions of Japan, while paying attention to securing domestic and international coordination pertaining to the said measures, in order to appropriately respond to the changes in social and economic structures including population and industry in Japan and the world and realize a national land that acts as the foundation of: local communities that independently develop in accordance with their own characteristics; a vital economy and society through the enhancement of international competitiveness, promotion of science and technology, etc.; citizens' lives for which safety is secured; and a rich environment which also contributes to the preservation of the global environment.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

上記の事項は、「革新的医薬品・医療機器創出のための5か年戦略」(平成19 年4 月 内閣府・文部科学省・厚生労働省・経済産業省)においても、天然資源の少ない我が国が、優れた研究開発力をもとに、革新的医薬品・医療機器の国際的開発・提供体制へ参加していくとともに、日本で開発される革新的医薬品・ 医療機器の世界市場におけるシェアを拡大することで、医薬品・医療機器産業を日本の成長牽引役へ導くことが目標のひとつとされ、その実現のために臨床研究・治験環境の整備を施策に掲げ、この5カ年計画がその施策の重要な部分を担っていることを示している。例文帳に追加

The above mentioned items were also included as one of the goals in the "5-Year Strategy for the Creation of Innovative Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices" (April 2007 Cabinet Office, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) so that Japan, which has few natural resources, use its superior research and development abilities to participate in the global development and provision system of innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices as well as expand the share of innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices developed in Japan in the global market, thereby allowing the pharmaceutical and medical device industry to drive Japan's growth. Measures for the development of the clinical trial and clinical research environment required to realize this goal were set forth, and this 5-Year Plan plays an important part of these measures. - 厚生労働省



On the other hand, experts have pointed out various issues pertaining to the EU-ETS, including the following. ① Regarding the reduction targets of Phase I, there are problems in cap setting, such as moderate emissions allowances that lead to a price fall when the moderate allocation is realized. ② There are problems related to fairness and equity with respect to the cap. For example, during Phase I, in the process of creating national allocation plans that determine each country’s emissions cap, there were about 800 cases26 in all the EU countries wherein the companies sued their national governments over allocation methods and allocation amounts. Further, during Phase II, the former East European countries, such as Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, and Estonia, sued the European Commission over its strict demand on the allocation amount27. ③ There are concerns about “carbon leakageand a loss of international competitiveness among the EU companies. For example, Jean-Louis Borloo, the French Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development, expressed his concern about “carbon leakage,” which occurs when economic activities and plant locations move from the EU countries to countries with lesser or no environmental regulations. Secretary General Mr. Richmann of German Federation of Industry and Energy stated that in a situation wherein the competitors do not need to bear carbon costs, domestic industries cannot pass on the carbon costs to the international market. This would lead to not only loss of the labor market but also migration of the manufacturing bases, resulting in increased emissions outside of Europe. - 経済産業省



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