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該当件数 : 14


第百六十八条 前編第七章(居住者に係る更正及び決定)の規定は、非居住者の総合課税に係る所得税についての更正又は決定について準用する。例文帳に追加

Article 168 The provisions of Part II, Chapter VII (Reassessment and Determination in the case of Residents) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the reassessment or determination of income tax in the case of comprehensive taxation of on nonresidents.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十六条 税務署長は、前二条又はこの条の規定による更正又は決定をした後、その更正又は決定をした課税標準等又は税額等が過大又は過少であることを知つたときは、その調査により、当該更正又は決定に係る課税標準等又は税額等を更正する。例文帳に追加

Article 26 If the district director of the tax office, after performing a reassessment or determination under the provisions of the preceding two Articles or this Article, becomes aware that the reassessed or determined tax base, etc. or tax amount, etc. is overestimated or underestimated, he/she may further reassess such reassessed or determined tax base, etc. or tax amount, etc. based on the examination that he/she conducts.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 更正決定等に係る不服申立て若しくは訴えについての裁決、決定若しくは判決(以下この号において「裁決等」という。)による原処分の異動又は更正の請求に基づく更正に伴つて課税標準等又は税額等に異動を生ずべき国税(当該裁決等又は更正に係る国税の属する税目に属するものに限る。)で当該裁決等又は更正を受けた者に係るものについての更正決定等 当該裁決等又は更正があつた日から六月間例文帳に追加

(i) A reassessment or determination, etc. of a national tax pertaining to a person who has received a decision of the National Tax Tribunal, a determination of the taxation agency or a judgment of a court of justice (hereinafter referred to as a "decision, etc." in this item) on an appeal of dissatisfaction or litigation regarding a reassessment or determination, etc. of a national tax for which the tax base, etc. or tax amount is to be changed upon the change to the original disposition by such decision, etc. or upon the reassessment based on a request for reassessment (limited to such national tax falling under the tax item which applies to the national tax to which said decision, etc. or said reassessment pertains): six months from the day on which said decision, etc. or said reassessment was made発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Also, arrangement of the dustproof substrate is determined so as to make the C-axis direction of the quartz, the component of the substrate, coincide with the direction of air discharged from a fan or the like. - 特許庁

 2012年11月8日、中国商務部は、日本及びEU製の高性能ステンレス継目無鋼管に対するアンチダンピング(AD)調査について、AD課税を行う最終決定を公告(今後、5年間AD税を賦課)。例文帳に追加

On November 8, 2012, Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) gave a public notice of the final determination to impose the anti-dumping (AD) measure (AD duties to be imposed in the coming 5 years) regarding the AD investigation on Japanese and EU high-performance stainless steel seamless tubes.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

一 法人が当該法人に係る国外関連者との取引を第一項に規定する独立企業間価格と異なる対価の額で行つた事実に基づいてする法人税に係る更正決定又は当該更正決定に伴い国税通則法第十九条第一項に規定する課税標準等若しくは税額等に異動を生ずべき法人税に係る更正決定 これらの更正決定に係る法人税の同法第二条第七号に規定する法定申告期限(同法第六十一条第一項に規定する還付請求申告書に係る更正については、当該還付請求申告書を提出した日)例文帳に追加

i) A reassessment or determination of corporation tax to be made based on the fact that a corporation has conducted a transaction with a foreign affiliated person related to the said corporation at the amount of consideration that is different from the arm's length price prescribed in paragraph (1), or a reassessment or determination of corporation tax to be made, upon the said reassessment or determination, to make a change to the tax base, etc. or tax amount, etc. prescribed in Article 19(1) of the Act on General Rules for National Taxes: The statutory due date of tax return prescribed in Article 2(vii) of the said Act with regard to corporation tax pertaining to the relevant reassessment or determination (in the case of a reassessment based on a return of claim for a refund prescribed in Article 61(1) of the said Act: the day on which the said return of claim for a refund has been filed発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


一 連結法人が当該連結法人に係る国外関連者との取引を第一項に規定する独立企業間価格と異なる対価の額で行つた事実に基づいてする法人税に係る更正決定又は当該更正決定に伴い国税通則法第十九条第一項に規定する課税標準等若しくは税額等に異動を生ずべき法人税に係る更正決定 これらの更正決定に係る法人税の同法第二条第七号に規定する法定申告期限(同法第六十一条第一項に規定する還付請求申告書に係る更正については、当該還付請求申告書を提出した日)例文帳に追加

i) A reassessment or determination of corporation tax to be made based on the fact that a consolidated corporation has conducted a transaction with a foreign affiliated person related to the said consolidated corporation at the amount of consideration that is different from the arm's length price prescribed in paragraph (1), or a reassessment or determination of corporation tax to be made, upon the said reassessment or determination, to make a change to the tax base, etc. or tax amount, etc. prescribed in Article 19(1) of the Act on General Rules for National Taxes: The statutory due date of tax return prescribed in Article 2(vii) of the said Act with regard to corporation tax pertaining to the relevant reassessment or determination (in the case of a reassessment based on a return of claim for a refund prescribed in Article 61(1) of the said Act: the day on which the said return of claim for a refund has been filed発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 14


5 偽りその他不正の行為によりその全部若しくは一部の税額を免れ、若しくはその全部若しくは一部の税額の還付を受けた国税(当該国税に係る加算税及び過怠税を含む。)についての更正決定等又は偽りその他不正の行為により当該課税期間において生じた純損失等の金額が過大にあるものとする納税申告書を提出していた場合における当該申告書に記載された当該純損失等の金額(当該金額に関し更正があつた場合には、当該更正後の金額)についての更正は、前各項の規定にかかわらず、次の各号に掲げる更正決定等の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める期限又は日から七年を経過する日まで、することができる。例文帳に追加

(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, a reassessment or determination, etc. of a national tax (including any additional tax and delinquent tax for default on a stamp tax related to the national tax) for which the taxpayer has evaded payment in whole or in part or has received a refund in whole or in part through deception or other wrongful means, and a reassessment of the amount of net loss, etc. stated in a tax return form in which the taxpayer has reported an overstatement of the amount of net loss, etc. that arose during the taxable period concerned through deception or other wrongful means (or if a reassessment has been made of said amount, the reassessed amount) may be made until seven years have elapsed from the due date or the day specified in the following items for the types of reassessment or determination, etc. listed respectively in said items:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


At this time, the volume of air in a bypassing damper is adjusted to control the volume of air flowing into the low-concentration denitration device to be minimized, thus increasing the cycle time for the regeneration treatment of the absorbing agent or the adsorbing agent constituting the low-concentration denitration device. - 特許庁

16 更正若しくは決定(以下この項において「更正決定」という。)又は国税通則法第三十二条第五項に規定する賦課決定(以下この項において「賦課決定」という。)で次の各号に掲げるものは、同法第七十条第一項から第四項まで(同条第二項第二号及び第三号に掲げる更正(同項に規定する純損失等の金額に係るものに限る。)に係る部分を除く。)の規定にかかわらず、当該各号に定める期限又は日から六年を経過する日まで、することができる。この場合において、同条第五項及び同法第七十一条第一項の規定の適用については、同法第七十条第五項中「前各項」とあるのは「前各項及び租税特別措置法第六十八条の八十八第十六項(連結法人の国外関連者との取引に係る課税の特例)」と、同法第七十一条第一項中「が前条」とあるのは「が前条及び租税特別措置法第六十八条の八十八第十六項(連結法人の国外関連者との取引に係る課税の特例)」と、「、前条」とあるのは「、前条及び同項」とする。例文帳に追加

(16) A reassessment or determination (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as a "reassessment or determination") or an assessment and decision prescribed in Article 32(5) of the Act on General Rules for National Taxes (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as an "assessment and decision"), which is listed in any of the following items, may be made within six years from the due date or other date specified in the relevant item, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 70(1) to (4) of the said Act (excluding the part concerning the reassessment listed in paragraph (2)(ii) and (iii) of the said Article (limited to a reassessment pertaining to the amount of net loss, etc. prescribed in the said paragraph)). In this case, with regard to the application of the provisions of Article 70(5) and Article 71(1) of the said Act: in Article 70(5) of the said Act, the phrase "preceding paragraphs" shall be deemed to be replaced with "preceding paragraphs and the provision of Article 68-88(16) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Special Provisions for Taxation on Transactions with Foreign Affiliated Persons of Consolidated Corporations)"; in Article 71(1) of the said Act, the phrase "preceding Article" shall be deemed to be replaced with "preceding Article and the provision of Article 68-88(16) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Special Provisions for Taxation on Transactions with Foreign Affiliated Persons of Consolidated Corporations)," and the phrase "preceding Article" shall be deemed to be replaced with "preceding Article and the said paragraph [Article 68-88(16) of the said Act]."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

16 更正若しくは決定(以下この項において「更正決定」という。)又は国税通則法第三十二条第五項に規定する賦課決定(以下この項において「賦課決定」という。)で次の各号に掲げるものは、同法第七十条第一項から第四項まで(同条第二項第二号及び第三号に掲げる更正(同項に規定する純損失等の金額に係るものに限る。)に係る部分を除く。)の規定にかかわらず、当該各号に定める期限又は日から六年を経過する日まで、することができる。この場合において、同条第五項及び同法第七十一条第一項の規定の適用については、同法第七十条第五項中「前各項」とあるのは「前各項及び租税特別措置法第六十六条の四第十六項(国外関連者との取引に係る課税の特例)」と、同法第七十一条第一項中「が前条」とあるのは「が前条及び租税特別措置法第六十六条の四第十六項(国外関連者との取引に係る課税の特例)」と、「、前条」とあるのは「、前条及び同項」とする。例文帳に追加

(16) A reassessment or determination (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as a "reassessment or determination") or an assessment and decision prescribed in Article 32(5) of the Act on General Rules for National Taxes (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as an "assessment and decision"), which is listed in any of the following items, may be made within six years from the due date or other date specified in the relevant item, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 70(1) to (4) of the said Act (excluding the part concerning the reassessment listed in paragraph (2)(ii) and (iii) of the said Article (limited to a reassessment pertaining to the amount of net loss, etc. prescribed in the said paragraph)). In this case, with regard to the application of the provisions of Article 70(5) and Article 71(1) of the said Act: in Article 70(5) of the said Act, the phrase "preceding paragraphs" shall be deemed to be replaced with "preceding paragraphs and the provision of Article 66-4(16) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Special Provisions for Taxation on Transactions with Foreign Affiliated Persons)"; in Article 71(1) of the said Act, the phrase "preceding Article" shall be deemed to be replaced with "preceding Article and the provision of Article 66-4(16) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Special Provisions for Taxation on Transactions with Foreign Affiliated Persons)," and the phrase "preceding Article" shall be deemed to be replaced with "preceding Article and the said paragraph [Article 66-4(16) of the said Act]."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


An oil fan heater comprises a vaporizer thermistor 117 as a vaporizer temperature sensor, a fuel pressure feeding electromagnetic pump 103 and a supply fan 113 for causing factors of deciding a warm air heating capability, circuits 305 and 307 for driving the pump 103 and fan 113 and a microcomputer 300 for controlling the circuits 305 and 307 based on vaporizer temperature information from the thermistor 117. - 特許庁

二 申告納税方式による国税につき、その課税標準の計算の基礎となつた事実のうちに含まれていた無効な行為により生じた経済的成果がその行為の無効であることに基因して失われたこと、当該事実のうちに含まれていた取り消しうべき行為が取り消されたことその他これらに準ずる政令で定める理由に基づいてする更正(前条第二項第一号又は第二号の規定に該当するものに限る。)又は当該更正に伴い当該国税に係る加算税についてする賦課決定 当該理由が生じた日から三年間例文帳に追加

(ii) With regard to national tax that is subject to the self-assessment system, any reassessment to be made on the grounds that the economic performance arising from an act that was null has been lost due to the nullity of said act but was included in the facts used as the basis for the calculation of the tax base, on the grounds that an act that was voidable but was included in said facts has been rescinded, or for other similar grounds specified by Cabinet Order (limited to a reassessment that falls under the provisions of paragraph (2), item (i) or item (ii) of the preceding Article), and any assessment or determination to be made with regard to an additional tax on such national tax at the time of such reassessment: three years from the day on which the event constituting such reason occurred発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3. 組合員等が正当な事由なく本組合の事業に関し各自が負担すべき公租公課を滞納した場合、又は無限責任組合員若しくは本組合が適用法令上組合員等に関連して源泉徴収を行い若しくは組合員等に代わり若しくは組合員等に関連して公租公課の納付(更正通知、決定通知、納税告知その他日本の税務当局によりなされた課税査定により必要とされる納税を含む。)を行うことが必要とされるものと無限責任組合員が合理的に判断する場合、無限責任組合員は、その裁量により、第29 条に基づく分配を行うに際し、当該組合員等に分配すべき組合財産の中から当該滞納額又は納付額に相当する現金又は現物を控除し、現物についてはその裁量により適切と認める方法によりこれを売却した上、当該公租公課を支払うことができるものとする。この場合、無限責任組合員は、かかる源泉徴収又は公租公課の納付を行った上で、かかる方法により現金又は現物を収受することもできる。組合員等は、かかる支払いに必要な金額又は支払った金額につき、無限責任組合員から請求があれば、無限責任組合員において既にかかる支払いを行った後であればかかる支払いの日から組合員等による現実の支払いがなされた日までの期間につき年[ ]%(年365 日の日割り計算とする。)の利息を付して、無限責任組合員に対し直ちにこれを支払うものとする。かかる支払いは本組合への出資とはみなされない。なお、無限責任組合員は、本項の判断(売却の決定、方法及び結果を含む。)につき、いかなる責任も負わないものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) If (i) any Interested Partner fails to pay its taxes and other public duties in connection with the business of the Partnership without any justifiable reason, or (ii) the General Partner reasonably determines that the General Partner or the Partnership is required by applicable laws to withhold taxes with respect to any Interested Partner or pay any taxes and other public duties (including tax payments required by an amendment notice, determination notice, tax payment notice and any other tax assessment issued by a Japanese tax authority) on behalf of or with respect to any Interested Partner, the General Partner may, in making a distribution pursuant to Article 29, in its discretion, (x) deduct cash or property that is to be distributed to such Interested Partner by an amount equal to such unpaid amount or amount paid from the Partnership Assets to be distributed to such Interested Partner and (y) sell such property in such a manner as the General Partner in its discretion deems appropriate, and pay such taxes and other public duties. In such case, the General Partner may make such withholding or payment of taxes or other public duties and collect cash or property in the same manner. Upon request of the General Partner, the Interested Partner shall immediately pay to the General Partner (a) the amount necessary for payment of such taxes or other public duties or (b) if the General Partner has already made such payment, the amount paid by the General Partner, together with interest at [__]% per annum for the period from the date of payment by the General Partner until the date of actual payment by the Interested Partner prorated on the basis of a 365-day year. These payments shall not be treated as part of any contribution to the Partnership. The General Partner shall not be liable for its determinations under this paragraph (including the determination, manner or results of any sale).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


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