



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 日英固有名詞辞典 > とよひらさんじょう9ちょうめの解説 









英語 Toyohirasanjo 9-chome



該当件数 : 28



When a control unit 41 judges that the surface of a treating liquid is in a bumping state, the unit 41 widens the clearance between the upper end of a treating vessel 3 and the lower surface of an opening/closing door 9 in the upper part of the vessel 3 by means of a clearance adjuster 45. - 特許庁

3 第一項に規定する新たな商標登録出願をする場合には、もとの商標登録出願について提出された書面又は書類であつて、新たな商標登録出願について第九条第二項又は第十三条第一項において準用する特許法第四十三条第一項及び第二項(第十三条第一項において準用する同法第四十三条の二第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により提出しなければならないものは、当該新たな商標登録出願と同時に特許庁長官に提出されたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(3) Where a new application for trademark registration is filed as provided in paragraph (1), statements or documents submitted in connection with the original application for trademark registration which are required to be submitted in connection with the new application for trademark registration pursuant to Article 9(2) of this Act or Article 43(1) and 43(2) of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13(1) of this Act (including its mutatis mutandis application pursuant to Article 43-2(3) of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13(1) of this Act) shall be deemed to have been submitted to the Commissioner of the Patent Office at the time of filing the new application for trademark registration.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 指定部隊長又は抑留資格認定官は、第九条第三項、第十三条第三項又は第十七条第二項の規定により被拘束者を放免するときは、その領置している金品を当該被拘束者に返還しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) In cases of releasing a captive person pursuant to the provision of paragraph (3) of Article 9, paragraph (3) of Article 13, or paragraph (2) of Article 17, the designated unit commanders or the recognition officers of internment status shall return the cash and articles under retention to the captive person.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


On August 24, the plan of haihan-chiken was secretly worked out at Kido's residence by seven people from Satsuma and Choshu, Takamori SAIGO, Okubo, Tsugumichi SAIGO, Iwao OYAMA, Kido, Inoue and Yamagata, and it was approved by Sanetomi SANJO, Tomomi IWAKURA, Taisuke ITAGAKI and Okuma etc.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The refrigeration system is provided with a refrigerating cycle comprising a compressor 7 driven with a variable capacity, a condenser 9, an expansion valve 13, and an evaporator 15, and a cooling load provided with a cooler 11 including the expansion valve 13 and the evaporator 15, and cooled by a coolant cooled by the cooler 11. - 特許庁

第八条 法務大臣は、法第九条第三項(法第十二条第四項及び第二十三条第六項において準用する場合を含む。次項において同じ。)の規定により認証審査参与員の意見を聴取するときは、あらかじめ、次項に規定する意見書の様式及び提出期限その他必要な事項を示すものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 8 (1) When the Minister of Justice hears the opinions of the certification examiners pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph 3 of the Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 4 and Article 23, paragraph 6 of the Act; the same shall apply in the following paragraph), he/she shall indicate the form and the time limit for submission of the written opinions prescribed in the following paragraph and any other necessary matters in advance.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


6 入札談合等関与行為を行った職員が予算執行職員等の責任に関する法律(昭和二十五年法律第百七十二号)第三条第二項(同法第九条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により弁償の責めに任ずべき場合については、各省各庁の長又は公庫等の長(同条第一項に規定する公庫等の長をいう。)は、第二項、第三項(第二項の調査に係る部分に限る。)、第四項(第二項の調査の結果の公表に係る部分に限る。)及び前項の規定にかかわらず、速やかに、同法に定めるところにより、必要な措置をとらなければならない。この場合においては、同法第四条第四項(同法第九条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)中「遅滞なく」とあるのは、「速やかに、当該予算執行職員の入札談合等関与行為(入札談合等関与行為の排除及び防止並びに職員による入札等の公正を害すべき行為の処罰に関する法律(平成十四年法律第百一号)第二条第五項に規定する入札談合等関与行為をいう。)に係る同法第四条第一項の調査の結果を添えて」とする。例文帳に追加

(6) In respect of cases where the employees involved in said bid rigging etc. are liable for damage under the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Act on the Responsibility of Government Employees who Execute the Budget (Act No. 172 of 1950) (including the case of application under the provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, of the same Act mutatis mutandis), the Heads of Ministries and Agencies or the heads of government corporations (meaning the heads of government corporations stipulated in paragraph 1 of the same Article) shall, irrespective of the provisions of paragraph 2, paragraph 3 (limited to the part concerning the investigation of paragraph 2), paragraph 4 (limited to the part concerning the publication of the results of the investigation of paragraph 2) and the preceding subsection, paragraph, as provided for by the same Act, necessary measures promptly. In this case, "without delay" in Article 4, paragraph 4, of the same Act (including cases of application under Article 9, paragraph 2, of the same Act mutatis mutandis) shall read "promptly accompanied by the result of the investigation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Act concerning involvement in bid rigging etc. by the said government employees who execute the budget (meaning the involvement in bid rigging etc. stipulated in Article 2, paragraph 5, of the Act on Elimination and Prevention of Involvement in Bid Rigging etc. and Punishments for Acts of Employees that Harm Fairness of Bidding, etc. (Act No. 101 of 2002))."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 28



The Implementing Agreement contains provisions on 1) “Notification” (Article 2 of the Implementing Agreement), 2) “Cooperation in Enforcement Activities” (Article 3), 3) “Coordination of Enforcement Activities” (Article 4), 4) “Cooperation Regarding Anticompetitive Activities in the Territory of the Country of One Party that Adversely Affect the Interests of the Other Party” (Article 5), 5) “Avoidance of Conflicts over Enforcement Activities” (Article 6), 6) “Technical Cooperation” (Article 7), 7) “Transparency” (Article 8), 8) “Consultations” (Article 9), 9) “Confidentiality of Information” (Article 10) and 10) “Communications” (Article 11). - 経済産業省

4 前項の規定により市町村の長が事務を行う場合においては、工場立地法の規定及び工場立地の調査等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律(昭和四十八年法律第百八号)附則第三条第一項の規定中都道府県知事に関する規定は、当該同意企業立地重点促進区域については、市町村の長に関する規定として当該市町村の長に適用があるものとする。この場合において、工場立地法第九条第二項第一号中「第四条の二第一項の規定により地域準則が定められた場合にあつては、その地域準則」とあるのは、「企業立地の促進等による地域における産業集積の形成及び活性化に関する法律第十条第一項の規定により準則が定められた場合にあつては、その準則」とする。例文帳に追加

(4) Where the head of a municipality carries out affairs as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, part of the provisions of the Factory Location Act and the provision of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on Investigation of Factory Location, etc. (Act No. 108 of 1973) concerning prefectural governors shall apply to said head of the municipality, as the provision concerning heads of municipalities. In this case, the term "in the case where local rules have been established as prescribed in Article 4-2, paragraph (1), said local rules" in Article 9, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Factory Location Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "in the case where rules have been established as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act on Formation and Development of Regional Industrial Clusters through Promotion of Establishment of New Business Facilities, etc., said rules."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 会社法第二百七条、第二百十二条(第一項第一号を除く。)、第二百十三条(第一項第一号及び第三号を除く。)、第八百六十八条第一項、第八百七十条(第二号及び第七号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十一条、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十四条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十五条及び第八百七十六条の規定は、第百一条の九第三号に規定する金銭以外の財産を出資の目的とする場合について準用する。この場合において、同法第二百七条第一項、第七項及び第九項第二号から第五号まで並びに第二百十二条第一項第二号及び第二項中「第百九十九条第一項第三号」とあるのは「金融商品取引法第百一条の九第三号」と、同法第二百七条第四項、第六項及び第九項第三号並びに第二百十三条第一項第二号中「法務省令」とあるのは「内閣府令」と、同法第二百七条第八項及び第二百十二条第二項中「申込み又は第二百五条の契約」とあるのは「申込み」と、同法第二百七条第十項第一号中「取締役、会計参与、監査役若しくは執行役」とあるのは「会員金融商品取引所の理事長、理事若しくは監事」と、同法第二百十二条第一項第二号中「第二百九条」とあるのは「金融商品取引法第百一条の十四」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(3) The provisions of Article 207, Article 212 (excluding item (i), paragraph (1)), Article 213 (excluding items (i) and (iii) of paragraph (1)), Article 868 (1), Article 870 (limited to the part pertaining to items (ii) and (vii)), Article 871, Article 872 (limited to the part pertaining to item (iv)), Article 874 (limited to the part pertaining to item (i)), Article 875 and Article 876 of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a case where property other than money will be subject to contribution as prescribed in Article 101-9(iii). In this case, the term "Article 199(1)(iii)" in Article 207, paragraph (1) and (7) and items (ii) to (v) inclusive of paragraph (9) and Article 212(1)(ii) and (2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 101-9(iii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act,"; the term "Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice" in Article 207(4), (6) and (9)(iii) and Article 213(1)(ii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Cabinet Office Ordinance,"; the term "his/her applications for subscription for Shares for Subscription, or his/her manifestation of intention relating to the contract provided for in Article 205" in Article 207(8) and Article 212(2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "his/her manifestation of intention relating to an application for subscription for Shares for Subscription,"; the term "A director, an accounting advisor, a company auditor or executive officer," in Article 207(10)(i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "a president, a board member or an auditor of a Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange,"; the term "Article 209" in Article 212(1)(ii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 101-14 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三条 この法律の施行の際現に従前の航空・鉄道事故調査委員会の委員長又は委員である者は、それぞれこの法律の施行の日に、第二条の規定による改正後の運輸安全委員会設置法(以下単に「運輸安全委員会設置法」という。)第八条第一項の規定により、運輸安全委員会の委員長又は委員として任命されたものとみなす。この場合において、その任命されたものとみなされる者の任期は、運輸安全委員会設置法第九条第一項の規定にかかわらず、同日における従前の航空・鉄道事故調査委員会の委員長又は委員としてのそれぞれの任期の残任期間と同一の期間とする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) Persons who are currently the chairperson or members of the former Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission when this Act is enforced, are deemed to be individually appointed as the chairperson or members of the Japan Transport Safety Board as of the enforcement day of this Act pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 8 of the Act for Establishment of the Japan Transport Safety Board revised pursuant to the provision of Article 2 (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Act for Establishment of Japan Transport Safety Board"). In this case, the terms of office of the persons who are so deemed to be appointed shall be the same term as the remaining term of the term of office as the chairperson or respective members of the former Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission as of the same day irrespective of the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 9 of the Act for Establishment of the Japan Transport Safety Board.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 第一条中地方自治法第二百五十条の次に五条、節名並びに二款及び款名を加える改正規定(同法第二百五十条の九第一項に係る部分(両議院の同意を得ることに係る部分に限る。)に限る。)、第四十条中自然公園法附則第九項及び第十項の改正規定(同法附則第十項に係る部分に限る。)、第二百四十四条の規定(農業改良助長法第十四条の三の改正規定に係る部分を除く。)並びに第四百七十二条の規定(市町村の合併の特例に関する法律第六条、第八条及び第十七条の改正規定に係る部分を除く。)並びに附則第七条、第十条、第十二条、第五十九条ただし書、第六十条第四項及び第五項、第七十三条、第七十七条、第百五十七条第四項から第六項まで、第百六十条、第百六十三条、第百六十四条並びに第二百二条の規定 公布の日例文帳に追加

(i) The provisions for revision in Article 1 to add five articles, the section title, and two subsections and the titles thereof following Article 250 of the Local Government Act (limited, however, to the part concerning Article 250-9, paragraph 1 of the said Act (limited, however, to the part concerning the requirement of consent of both Houses)), the provisions in Article 40 to revise paragraph 9 and paragraph 10 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Natural Parks Act (limited, however, to the part concerning paragraph 10 of the Supplementary Provisions of the said Act), the provisions of Article 244 (excluding, however, the part concerning the provision to revise Article 14-3 of the Agricultural Improvement and Promotion Act), and the provisions of Article 472 (excluding, however, the part concerning the provisions to revise Article 6, Article 8, and Article 17 of the Act on Special Provisions Concerning Merger of Municipalities), and the provisions of Article 7, Article 10, Article 12, proviso of Article 59, Article 60, paragraph 4 and paragraph 5, Article 73, Article 77, Article 157, paragraphs 4 to 6, Article 160, Article 163, Article 164, and Article 202 of the Supplementary Provisions: the date of promulgation.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 第一条中地方自治法第二百五十条の次に五条、節名並びに二款及び款名を加える改正規定(同法第二百五十条の九第一項に係る部分(両議院の同意を得ることに係る部分に限る。)に限る。)、第四十条中自然公園法附則第九項及び第十項の改正規定(同法附則第十項に係る部分に限る。)、第二百四十四条の規定(農業改良助長法第十四条の三の改正規定に係る部分を除く。)並びに第四百七十二条の規定(市町村の合併の特例に関する法律第六条、第八条及び第十七条の改正規定に係る部分を除く。)並びに附則第七条、第十条、第十二条、第五十九条ただし書、第六十条第四項及び第五項、第七十三条、第七十七条、第百五十七条第四項から第六項まで、第百六十条、第百六十三条、第百六十四条並びに第二百二条の規定公布の日例文帳に追加

(i) Revision provision, in Article 1, adding five articles, section name, and two subsections and their names next to Article 250 of Local Autonomy Act (the portion pertaining to Paragraph 1 of Article 250-9 of the Local Autonomy Act [limited to the portion pertaining to the provision regarding agreement of both Houses]), Revision provision, in Article 40, of Paragraph 9 and Paragraph 10 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Natural Parks Law (limited to the portion pertaining to Paragraph 10 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Natural Parks Law), the provisions in Article 244 (except the portion pertaining to the revision provisions in Article 14-3 regarding Agricultural Improvement and Promotion Act), and the provisions in Article 472 (except the portions pertaining to the revision provisions in Article 6, Article 8 and Article 17 of the Act on Special Provisions of Consolidation of Municipalities), and the provisions in Article 7, Article 10, Article 12, the provisions in Article 59, Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 of Article 60, Article 73, Article 77, Paragraph 4 through Paragraph 6 of Article 157, Article 160, Article 163, Article 164 and Article 202: the day of promulgation.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十三条 次に掲げる施設(以下「住所地特例対象施設」という。)に入所又は入居(以下この条において「入所等」という。)をすることにより当該住所地特例対象施設の所在する場所に住所を変更したと認められる被保険者(第三号に掲げる施設に入所することにより当該施設の所在する場所に住所を変更したと認められる被保険者にあっては、老人福祉法第十一条第一項第一号の規定による入所措置がとられた者に限る。以下この条において「住所地特例対象被保険者」という。)であって、当該住所地特例対象施設に入所等をした際他の市町村(当該住所地特例対象施設が所在する市町村以外の市町村をいう。)の区域内に住所を有していたと認められるものは、第九条の規定にかかわらず、当該他の市町村が行う介護保険の被保険者とする。ただし、二以上の住所地特例対象施設に継続して入所等をしている住所地特例対象被保険者であって、現に入所等をしている住所地特例対象施設(以下この項及び次項において「現入所施設」という。)に入所等をする直前に入所等をしていた住所地特例対象施設(以下この項において「直前入所施設」という。)及び現入所施設のそれぞれに入所等をすることにより直前入所施設及び現入所施設のそれぞれの所在する場所に順次住所を変更したと認められるもの(次項において「特定継続入所被保険者」という。)については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 13 (1) An Insured Person for whom it is determined that his or her domicile has changed to a location of one of the following facilities (herein referred to as "Facility Subject to Domicile Exception") and is located by admission or residence (herein referred to as "Admission, etc.") in said Facility Subject to Domicile Exception (an Insured Person for whom it is determined that his or her domicile has changed to a location where said Facility is located by moving into said Facility as listed in item (iii) is limited to a person for whom the admission measures are pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Public Aid for the Aged Act; hereinafter referred to as "Insured Person Subject to Domicile Exception" in this Article) and for whom it is determined to have had domicile in another Municipality (a Municipality other than the Municipality where said Facility Subject to Domicile Exception is located) at the time of moving in for Admission, etc., at said Facility Subject to Domicile Exception, shall be an Insured Person of Long-Term Care Insurance provided by said other Municipality of prior domicile, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9; however, provided that this provision shall not apply to an Insured Person Subject to Domicile Exception who moved in for Admission, etc., into two or more of a said Facility Subject to Domicile Exception, and said Person is determined to have moved consecutively from one said Facility Subject to Domicile Exception in which said Insured Person was admitted immediately prior to the said Facility Subject to Domicile Exception where said Insured Person is currently residing for Admission, etc. (herein referred to as the "Facility of First Prior Admission of an Insured Person" in this paragraph) into a Facility Subject to Domicile Exception in which said Insured Person is currently residing (herein referred to as the "Facility of Current Admission of an Insured Person" in this paragraph and the following paragraph) (collectively herein referred to as "Specified Continuous Admission of an Insured Person" in the following paragraph):発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第四条 次に掲げる船舶又は航空機(以下それぞれ「外国から来航した船舶」又は「外国から来航した航空機」という。)の長(長に代つてその職務を行う者を含む。以下同じ。)は、検疫済証又は仮検疫済証の交付(第十七条第二項の通知を含む。第九条を除き、以下同じ。)を受けた後でなければ、当該船舶を国内(本州、北海道、四国及び九州並びに厚生労働省令で定めるこれらに附属する島の区域内をいう。以下同じ。)の港に入れ、又は当該航空機を検疫飛行場以外の国内の場所(港の水面を含む。)に着陸させ、若しくは着水させてはならない。ただし、外国から来航した船舶の長が、検疫を受けるため当該船舶を第八条第一項に規定する検疫区域若しくは同条第三項の規定により指示された場所に入れる場合若しくは次条ただし書第一号の確認を受けた者の上陸若しくは同号の確認を受けた物若しくは第十三条の二の指示に係る貨物の陸揚のため当該船舶を港(第八条第一項に規定する検疫区域又は同条第三項の規定により指示された場所を除く。)に入れる場合又は外国から来航した航空機の長が、検疫所長(検疫所の支所又は出張所の長を含む。以下同じ。)の許可を受けて当該航空機を着陸させ、若しくは着水させる場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 4 The master or aircraft captain (including a person who fulfills a duty on behalf of them. The same shall apply hereinafter) of a marine vessel or aircraft listed below (hereinafter called as "vessel from abroad" or "aircraft from abroad" respectively) shall not put such a vessel into port in Japan (into Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu, or their neighboring islands, as specified by an Ordinance of the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry. The same shall apply hereinafter), nor shall such aircraft land on the ground or on the enter waters, including waters in the ports, in Japan except quarantine airports, before a quarantine certificate or a provisional quarantine certificate (including notices listed in Article 17-2. The same shall apply hereinafter except Article 9) is delivered; provided however, that this shall not apply to cases where the master of a marine vessel from abroad puts the vessel into a quarantine area specified in Article 8-1 or any area specified by Article 8-3 in order to go through quarantine, or puts the vessel into port (except the quarantine area specified by Article 8-1 or any area specified by Article 8-3) in order to allow a person prescribed in Item 1 of the provisions of the following article to come ashore or unload cargo pursuant to the instructions in Article 13-2, or the aircraft captain of the aircraft from abroad lands an aircraft land or a marine vessel enters waters with the permission of the quarantine station chief (including a chief of quarantine station's branch office or field office. The same shall apply hereinafter).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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