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第2-2-4図 売場面積別小売業販売額の推移例文帳に追加
Fig. 2-2-4 Changes in retail sales by sales floor area - 経済産業省
第2-2-5図 売場面積500m2以上の販売額伸び率例文帳に追加
Fig. 2-2-5 Sales growth rate for stores with an area that is 500m2 or more - 経済産業省
第2-2-6図 売場面積500m2未満の販売額伸び率例文帳に追加
Fig. 2-2-6 Sales growth rate for stores with an area that is less than 500m2 - 経済産業省
直近20 年の推移(図表12-1)を見ると、小売店の売上はさほど増加していないにもかかわらず、売場面積は大幅に増加しており、面積当たりの売上高(売場効率)はかなり悪化している。例文帳に追加
When we see the transition in the recent twenty years (Figure 12-1), notwithstanding the little increase in the sales of retailers, the sales floor areas have been outstandingly increasing, which have considerably deteriorated the sales per area (space efficiency)21.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
Looking at the share of the retail industry by sales floor area and sales amount shows that the share of large stores is increasing but that the share of small and medium stores is decreasing. - 経済産業省
To provide an open show case capable of efficiently displaying frozen and refrigerating commodities even in a store having a narrow selling floor space. - 特許庁
A store manager can effectively use a sales floor area by performing the commodity display or arrangement of the gondola 8 considering the commodity influence area and the sales money amount of each the attribute of the commodity in reference to the sales efficiency. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 16件
According to Census of Commerce for 2002, the number of stores, number of workers and value of sales in retailing are all in decline, and only sales area bucks the trend (Fig. 2-3-24). - 経済産業省
Even among such "commercial cluster districts," however, sales area per establishment is increasing in "roadside types," and is approximately 2.5 times that of "commercial cluster districts" other than roadside types, i.e. "station, city center and mixed residential types. " The evidence thus shows that numerous stores with considerable sales areas are being opened and taking on a new hub function (Fig. 2-3-32). - 経済産業省
Broken down by sales area, the number of establishments of 500~1,000 square meters is also growing strongly owing, it would seem, to large numbers of drugstores and specialist clothing supermarkets in this size category (Fig. 2-3-34). - 経済産業省
As of 2008, large commercial centers have been built, including 'La Port' (open in 1995) which is the largest scale of general shopping center in Kita Kinki (floor space: 15,932 square meters), 'Bazaar Town Maizuru' (floor space: 11,874 square meters, open in 2000), and Sato, Maizuru (floor space: 7,703 square meters).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As the expansion of sales floor areas is shown in Figure 12-1, the recent years were in the time when large-scale stores were built in suburbs and the expanding large-store retailers expected the customers coming from a wide range of neighboring areas in their passenger vehicles.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
Looking at the level of growth by type of district as defined by features of location, it is apparent that there have been declines in number of establishments (-11.2%), number of workers (-4.8%), sales (-11.4%) and sales area (-0.6%) in the "commercial cluster districts" in which retailers have traditionally mainly clustered (Appended Note 2-3-9). - 経済産業省
Tanjai means “quickly and satisfactory” in Thai, and it is an urban-type supermarket that enhanced convenience so that the customers can buy only what they need in a short time by making the store space compact to less than half the normal space (around 300 m2) and align products suited to the local needs. - 経済産業省
To provide a waste discharge calculation program that can calculate the size and equipment layout of a waste processing room, waste processing staff, expenses and the like in accordance with a general store to be built, by quantitatively calculating the discharge of waste in accordance with business types and selling floor space of incoming tenants. - 特許庁
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