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英訳・英語 improvement of the socioeconomic foundation
該当件数 : 12件
Government・・・It responds to the changes in the social and economic environment, supports the independence of people and develops a foundation for a society of safe living. - 厚生労働省
The construction industry plays an important role in developing the social infrastructure and implementing public investment as economic policy. - 経済産業省
Japanese ODA mainly targets at the improvement of economic development infrastructures such as distribution infrastructures including electricity, ports and roads, while other major donors mostly target at the improvement of social infrastructures including hospitals and schools (Figure 3-1-32). - 経済産業省
Along with these, the government should appropriately operate its social security system so as to ensure that people can have a secure financial base throughout their lifetime. Establishing a rich society that helps people balance work and life is also important. - 厚生労働省
Yet at the same time, for partnerships among countries at different stages of development, it is sometimes difficult to pursue the harmonization of institutions. For example, the top priority would surely be to utilize ODA for the development of social capital to encourage the development of economic infrastructure. - 経済産業省
It is essential that the government to create a new restructured frame to support development of the next generation, securing employment and creating an environment where everyone can work according to his or her willingness and abilities. Along with these, the government should appropriately operate its social security system so as to ensure that people can have a secure economic base throughout their lifetime. - 厚生労働省
Furthermore, in Japan’s Medium-Term Policy on Official Development Assistance, a Cabinet report issued on 4 February 2005, sustainable growth is clearly positioned as one of the priority issues, and the policy states that Japan will assist in the provision of socio-economic infrastructure, policy formulation, institution building, and development of human resources in a comprehensive manner according to the specific circumstances and stage of development of each country. - 経済産業省
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増える! -
学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 12件
第十四条 国は、ものづくり基盤産業における事業活動の効率化、高度化等を図るため、自然的経済的社会的条件からみて一体である地域における工業団地等の施設の整備、ものづくり事業者の交流又は連携の推進等ものづくり事業者の新たな集積の促進又は既存の集積の有する機能の強化に必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 14 (1) In order to ensure the increased efficiency and sophistication of, and any other improvements in, business activities in the core manufacturing industry, the State shall take necessary measures for promoting a new agglomeration of manufacturing business operators and strengthening the functions of the existing agglomeration, such as the establishment of such facilities as industrial parks and the promotion of exchange and cooperation among manufacturing business operators in an area that is regarded as a single domain in light of natural, economic and social conditions.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第二条 土地は、現在及び将来における国民のための限られた貴重な資源であること、国民の諸活動にとって不可欠の基盤であること、その利用が他の土地の利用と密接な関係を有するものであること、その価値が主として人口及び産業の動向、土地利用の動向、社会資本の整備状況その他の社会的経済的条件により変動するものであること等公共の利害に関係する特性を有していることにかんがみ、土地については、公共の福祉を優先させるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 2 Considering that land has the characteristics of being related to public interest, such as the fact that it is a finite, precious resource for citizens both at present and in the future, that it is an indispensable basis for citizens' activities, that the use of a certain piece of land is closely linked with the use of other pieces of land, and that the value of land fluctuates mainly based on the trends of population and industry, trends of land use, the state of development of social infrastructure, and other social and economic conditions, public welfare shall take precedence with regard to land.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
3同プログラムには、①雇用対策の強化、中小企業等対策の充実、創業・新規開業の支援等、及び少子・高齢化の進展に備えた公平で安心な社会の確立、を内容とする「経済・社会構造の変革に備えたセーフティネットの構築」、 ②都市再生及びこれを促進する都市機能高度化の推進、魅力ある都市と地方の再生に向けた基盤整備、並びに環境問題等緊急課題への対応、を内容とする「構造改革推進型の公共投資の促進」を盛り込んでおります。例文帳に追加
3. The Program incorporates i) "the building of safety nets in preparation for the economic and social structural transformation," centering on strengthening employment measures, expanding measures for small and medium-sized enterprises, supporting entrepreneurship and new business start-ups, establishing a fair and secure society addressing the aging society and the declining birthrates, and ii) "the encouragement of public investment promoting structural reform," centering on promoting urban renaissance efforts and the upgrading of the urban functions that encourage such efforts, providing infrastructure geared toward attractive cities and regional revitalization, responding to environmental problems and other urgent issues. - 財務省
1999年の中小企業基本法の改正は、このような経済社会の変化等を踏まえ、中小企業政策の新たな理念を「多様で活力ある独立した中小企業の育成・発展」を図ることに置き、これに基づき、〔1〕中小企業の経営基盤の強化、〔2〕創業や経営革新に向けての中小企業者の自助努力の支援、〔3〕セイフティネットの整備、を基本的な柱とする政策が実施されてきている24 25。例文帳に追加
Reflecting these socioeconomic changes, the amendment to the SME Basic Law in 1999 adopted as a new basic principle for SME policy the promotion of the "diverse and dynamic growth and development of independent SMEs," and in line with this principle policies have been implemented focusing on three main pillars: (1) reinforcement of the business foundations of SMEs, (2) support for the self-help efforts of SME entrepreneurs embarking on startups and business innovation, and (3) development of a safety net.24), 25) - 経済産業省
第三条 知的財産の創造、保護及び活用に関する施策の推進は、創造力の豊かな人材が育成され、その創造力が十分に発揮され、技術革新の進展にも対応した知的財産の国内及び国外における迅速かつ適正な保護が図られ、並びに経済社会において知的財産が積極的に活用されつつ、その価値が最大限に発揮されるために必要な環境の整備を行うことにより、広く国民が知的財産の恵沢を享受できる社会を実現するとともに、将来にわたり新たな知的財産の創造がなされる基盤を確立し、もって国民経済の健全な発展及び豊かな文化の創造に寄与するものとなることを旨として、行われなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 3 Measures for the creation, protection and exploitation of intellectual property shall be promoted with the objective of realizing a society in which the public can enjoy the benefit of intellectual property and establishing a foundation for the creation of new intellectual property in the future, thereby contributing to the sound development of the national economy and the creation of rich culture, through developing an essential environment to develop human resources that are rich in creativity, effectively exercise such creativity, achieve prompt and appropriate protection of intellectual property in response to the progress in technical innovation at home and abroad, actively exploit intellectual property in the economy and society, and utilize its value to the maximum.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
improvement of the socioeconomic foundation
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