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Wiktionary英語版での「domestic partnerships」の意味

domestic partnerships

出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/09/09 22:12 UTC 版)

「domestic partnerships」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


The government will strive to provide a smoother environment for international business operations and achieve the New Growth Strategy through policy actions, such as stabilizing electricity supply, cutting corporate tax, providing support for increased domestic plants, and entering into economic partnerships (Chart 2-6).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

政府においては、電力の安定供給や法人税の引下げ、国内立地補助、経済連携締結等の施策を通じ、国際的な事業活動を円滑化しながら、新成長戦略の実現に努めていく(図表2-6)。 - 経済産業省

Therefore, under the Basic Policy, it was decided that, at the same time as the promotion of high-level economic partnerships, Japan will first press ahead with proper domestic reforms in the areas of agriculture, movement of persons and regulatory reform, from the viewpoint ofopening up the country.”例文帳に追加

「基本方針」では、高いレベルの経済連携の追求と同時に、「国を開く」という観点から、農業分野、人の移動分野及び規制制度改革分野において、適切な国内改革を先行的に推進することを決定した。 - 経済産業省

To bring on the world’s growth potentials in domestic economic growth and to contribute to the world economy, Japan needs to proactively promote high-level economic partnerships and play leading roles in creating new trade and investment rules.例文帳に追加

世界の成長力を自らの成長に取り込み、また我が国が世界経済に貢献していくためには、我が国が率先して高いレベルの経済連携を進め、新たな貿易・投資ルールの形成を主導していくことが重要である。 - 経済産業省

In order to assist overseas business development (establishment of overseas distributors, enhancement of domestic and overseas production systems, etc.) by SMEs with weak management bases, support will be provided to boost the capital bases of SMEs engaging in overseas business development through investment in investment partnerships that invest in SMEs engaging in overseas business development. (New)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

経営基盤が脆弱な中小企業の海外展開(現地販売会社の設立、内外生産体制の強化等)を支援するため、海外展開を行う中小企業に出資等を行う投資事業組合への出資を通じて、海外展開を行う中小企業の資本増強を支援する。(新規) - 経済産業省

Meanwhile, there is necessity for “fundamental domestic reforms in order to strengthen the competitiveness it will need for economic partnerships of this kind.” In particular, agriculture is a field where “considering Japan's aging farming population, the difficulty farmers have in finding people to take over their farms when they are ready to retire, and the low rate of profit, there is a risk that sustainable agriculture will not be possible in the future.”例文帳に追加

その一方、「高いレベルの経済連携に必要となる競争力強化等の抜本的な国内改革」が必要であり、取り分け我が国農業は、「農業従事者の高齢化、後継者難、低収益性等を踏まえれば、将来に向けてその持続的な存続が危ぶまれる状況」にある。 - 経済産業省

The “Basic Policystipulates that with a view toopening the countryas well as pursuing high-level economic partnerships, the Japanese government will first promote appropriate domestic reforms with respect to areas of the agricultural industry, movement of natural persons, and regulatory reforms.例文帳に追加

「基本方針」では、高いレベルの経済連携の追求と同時に、「国を開く」という観点から、農業分野をはじめ、人の移動分野及び規制制度改革分野においても、適切な国内改革を先行的に推進することを規定した。 - 経済産業省


With regard to specific efforts for economic partnerships, it says that in the Asia Pacific region Japan will increase its efforts to conclude the ongoing EPA negotiations, start talks for broader regional economic partnerships which have been studied, and promote EPAs with major countries/regions with which Japan has not yet started negotiations. Concerning the TPP Agreement, it states that “it is necessary to act through gathering further information, and Japan, while moving expeditiously to improve domestic environment, will commence consultations with the TPP member countries.”例文帳に追加

経済連携の具体的な取組としては、アジア太平洋地域において、現在交渉中の二国間EPA の妥結・加速や、研究中の広域経済連携等の交渉開始、未だ交渉に入っていない主要国・地域とのEPA を推進するとともに、「環太平洋パートナーシップ(TPP)協定については、その情報収集を進めながら対応していく必要があり、国内の環境整備を早急に進めるとともに、関係国との協議を開始する」とした。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「domestic partnerships」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


As in regards the concrete initiatives toward economic partnerships, the Basic Policy states that Japan will increase its efforts in the Asia-Pacific region to conclude or speed up the ongoing bilateral EPA negotiations with the countries currently negotiating with Japan, to commence negotiations toward wide-area economic partnerships that are currently studied, and to actively promote EPAs with major countries/regions with which Japan has not yet started negotiations; and thatconcerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, it is necessary to act through gathering further information, and Japan, while moving expeditiously to improve the domestic environment, will commence consultations with the TPP member countries.”例文帳に追加

経済連携の具体的な取組としては、アジア太平洋地域において、現在交渉中の二国間 EPA の交渉の妥結・加速や、研究中の広域経済連携等の交渉開始、いまだ交渉に入っていない主要国・地域との EPA を推進するとともに、「環太平洋パートナーシップ(TPP)協定については、その情報収集を進めながら対応していく必要があり、国内の環境整備を早急に進めるとともに、関係国との協議を開始する」とした。 - 経済産業省

Article 26 The State shall take necessary measures for building international partnerships to secure adequate import of forest products while endeavoring to sustainable development of forests' multifunctional roles, such as tariff rate adjustments and import restrictions, where urgently required, when certain imports create or likely to create serious adverse effect on the production of domestic forest products that compete against imports.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条 国は、林産物につき、森林の有する多面的機能の持続的な発揮に配慮しつつ適正な輸入を確保するための国際的な連携に努めるとともに、林産物の輸入によってこれと競争関係にある林産物の生産に重大な支障を与え、又は与えるおそれがある場合において、緊急に必要があるときは、関税率の調整、輸入の制限その他必要な施策を講ずるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Following the adoption of theBasic Policy”, the “Ministerial Meeting for FTAAP/EPA”, “Headquarters for the Revitalization of Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries” (established within the Cabinet) and the “Working Group on the Movement of Natural Persons” (established under the Minister of State for National Policy) were established, with the aim of considering the specifics of how to promote economic partnerships and domestic reforms. Through these and their subsidiary meetings, discussions, including those at the ministerial level, have been ongoing.例文帳に追加

「基本方針」を受け、経済連携や国内改革の具体的な取り進め方を検討するため、「FTAAP・EPA のための閣僚会合」、「食と農林漁業の再生推進本部(内閣に設置)」、「人の移動に関する検討グループ(国家戦略担当大臣の下に設置)」が設置され、それぞれの下部会合も合わせ、閣僚レベルを含めた議論が行われている。 - 経済産業省

The Basic Policy on Comprehensive Economic Partnerships, approved by the Cabinet in November 2010, stipulates that the Japanese government will expedite arrangements to enter into negotiations with the EU at an early date, and that for this purpose, it will accelerate efforts to reform its domestic non-tariff measures. And, in December 2010, the two sides reached an agreement on concrete measures with regard to the technical guideline on the Advanced Safety Vehicle, government procurement websites, wood product standards and medical equipment, which were cited as some specific non-tariff measures.例文帳に追加

また、2010 年11 月に閣議決定された「基本方針」では、早期にEU との交渉に入るための調整を加速し、そのために国内の非関税措置への対応を加速する、との方針が明示され、2010 年12 月には、「いくつかの特定の非関税案件」とされた、「先進安全自動車技術指針」、「政府調達ウェブサイト」、「建築用木材基準」、「医療機器」について、具体的な成果に合意した。 - 経済産業省

On the other hand, it is necessary topress ahead with fundamental domestic reforms in order to strengthen the competitiveness it will need for economic partnerships of this kind,” and in particular, as regards Japan’s agriculture, “considering Japan's aging farming population, the difficulty farmers have in finding people to take over their farms when they are ready to retire, and the low rate of profit, there is a risk that sustainable agriculture will not be possible in the future.”例文帳に追加

その一方、「高いレベルの経済連携に必要となる競争力強化等の抜本的な国内改革」が必要であり、とりわけ我が国の農業は、「農業従事者の高齢化、後継者難、低収益性等を踏まえれば、将来に向けてその持続的な存続が危ぶまれる状況」にある。 - 経済産業省

Article 142 The amount of income of a foreign corporation categorized as domestic source income prescribed in the preceding Article shall be the amount calculated with respect to the said income categorized as domestic source income, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order and in accordance with the provisions of Part II, Chapter I, Section 1, Subsection 2 to Subsection 10 (Calculation of the Amount of Income for Each Business Year of Domestic Corporations) (excluding Article 46 (Inclusion in Deductible Expenses of the Amount of Advanced Depreciation of Fixed Assets, etc. Acquired by Non-Contribution Partnerships Using Allotment Money) and Article 60-2 (Inclusion in Deductible Expenses of Dividends and the Like Made on the Basis of the Volume of Business with Cooperatives, etc. Incurred by Cooperatives, etc.) as well as Subsection 5, Division 5 (Profit and Loss from Valuation of Assets in Market Value upon Commencement of Consolidated Taxation, etc.) and Division 6 (Profit and Loss from Transactions between Consolidated Corporations in the Business Year prior to Division, etc.))発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百四十二条 外国法人の前条に規定する国内源泉所得に係る所得の金額は、当該国内源泉所得に係る所得について、政令で定めるところにより、前編第一章第一節第二款から第十款まで(内国法人の各事業年度の所得の金額の計算)(第四十六条(非出資組合が賦課金で取得した固定資産等の圧縮額の損金算入)及び第六十条の二(協同組合等の事業分量配当等の損金算入)並びに第五款第五目(連結納税の開始等に伴う資産の時価評価損益)及び第六目(分割等前事業年度等における連結法人間取引の損益)を除く。)の規定に準じて計算した金額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As internationalization and financial conglomeratization progresses, the necessity of strengthening partnerships with overseas regulatory authorities is increasing, and the movement towards the convergence of regulation and standards is accelerating. Taking this situation into consideration, the FSA will strive to adhere to the equal treatment principle of domestic and foreign financial institutions; make the Japanese financial system and financial markets universal based on a clear philosophy and rules; and at the same time play a leading role in international standard-setting activities regarding financial services, participating actively, not passively, from a strategic standpoint.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

. 国際化や金融コングロマリット化の進展に伴い、海外監督当局との連携強化の必要性が増すとともに、規制・基準の収斂の動きが加速している。こうした状況を踏まえ、内外無差別の原則を貫徹し、わが国の金融システム及び金融市場を明確な理念及びルールに基づいた普遍性のあるものにすると同時に、金融に関する国際的なルール作りに受身ではなく、戦略的見地から積極的に参加し、主導的な役割を果たすべく努力する。 - 金融庁


a. Amidst increased interest in processed foods that utilize domestic agricultural products, the formation of food industry clusters (connections created between the food manufacturing industry, agriculture industry, and related industries) will be promoted, new strategic foods utilizing local ingredients will be created, and support will be provided for measures to strengthen the information dissemination abilities of food product enterprises that are highly motivated towards food-agriculture partnerships. In addition, support will be provided for activities such as the development of conditions relating to the popularization and promotion of local brand-name foods, and the development of technologies and use of intellectual property by local food enterprises.(continuation) (\\609 million budget)例文帳に追加

ア 国産農産物を活用した加工食品に対する関心が高まる中で、食料産業クラスターの形成(食品産業・農業・関連産業による連携構築)を促し、地域食材を活用した新たな戦略食品の創出、食農連携に意欲的な食品企業に対する情報発信機能強化等の取組に対する支援を行うとともに、地域食品ブランドの普及及び供給の促進、地域の食品企業の技術開発・知的財産の利活用に係る環境整備等への支援を行う。(継続)(予算額609百万円) - 経済産業省


「domestic partnerships」の意味に関連した用語

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