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Wiktionary英語版での「internetting」の意味 |
internetting (uncountable)
- (Internet, networking, also attributively) gerund of internet
- (rare) The act of entwining or linking things together so as to form a network; interconnecting, networking.
- 1995 December 15, “Technologies for Arming the Air Force of the 21st Century”, in New World Vistas: Air and Space Poer for the 21st Century: Summary Volume, [Washington, D.C.?]: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, OCLC 187468498, page 12:
- Plans must be analyzed continuously at all levels by simulation. We refer to the construct that makes this possible as a complete "internetting of nodes" and as a seamless "operation across networks." A node can be an airplane, a general, an Army private, a tank, or a UCAV. A collaborating network may be operated by the US Army or by an allied command. Internetting provides for the nearly direct connection of one of the nodes to any other node.
- The act of connecting a computer, an electronic device, etc., into a computer network (in particular, the Internet).
- 1962 August, Rulon L. Thayne, Elizabethe H. Hall, and Herman Miles, compilers, “Digital Computers”, in Computers and Data Processing Systems, Arlington, Va.: Hq. Armed Services Technical Information Agency, OCLC 11991513, page 67, column 1:
- Goals are postulated for future DOD [Department of Defense] growth in automated command and control capability and guidelines are generated which will aid future planners in specifying individual system characteristics which lend themselves to internetting, both within the individual systems and particularly within the over-all DOD command and control system.
- 1967 January 26, Robert S[trange] McNamara, witness, “Statements of Hon. Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense, and Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff”, in Military Procurement Authorizations for Fiscal Year 1968: Hearings before the Committee on Armed Services and Subcommittee on Department of Defense of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, Ninetieth Congress, First Session on S. 666 […], Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, OCLC 11606518, page 243:
- 1977 March 3, John L[ittle] McClellan, Chairman, Subcommittee on Department of Defense, “Justification: Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard”, in Department of Defense Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1978: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, First Session on H.R. 7933: An Act Making Appropriations for the Department of Defense for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1978, and for Other Purposes […] Part 3—Operation and Maintenance […], Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, OCLC 880016171, page 657:
- The General Accounting Office (GAO) reported in 1975 […], that the system's management should address the need for improving (1) computer security and (2) the effectiveness and efficiency of internetting between computers in its automatic data processing (ADP) operations.
- 1999, Steven A. Beebe, “International Communication Education”, in William G. Christ, editor, Leadership in Times of Change: A Handbook for Communication and Media Administrators, Annandale, Va.: National Communication Association; Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, →ISBN, page 63:
- Although the internetting of academe makes it more likely for an exchange of information with our colleagues around the globe, scholars who study communication may be challenged to identify colleagues with similar interests.
- The act of connecting multiple computer networks together; internetworking.
- 1978 January, Frank Heinrich, “Usage of the NBS Data Encryption Algorithm”, in The Network Security Center: A System Level Approach to Computer Network Security (Computer Science & Technology; National Bureau of Standards Special Publication; 500-21, volume 2), Washington, D.C.: National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce; U.S. Government Printing Office, OCLC 832175284, section 2.3 (Internetting), page 24:
- 1982 March 29, Bruce Hoard, “‘Internetting Can Make or Break Net,’ Sytek Director Tells Conference Session”, in John C. Whitmarsh, editor, Computerworld: The Newsweekly for the Computer Community, volume XVI, number 13, Framingham, Mass.: CW Communications, ISSN 0010-4841, OCLC 797825609, page 10, columns 1 and 3:
- "Internetting can make or break a network," Sytek, Inc.'s Robert R. Shatzer said during a session on local-area network gateways at the Interface '82 conference here last week. […] To illustrate the internetting concept, Shatzer displayed a chart in which small local-area networks were linked to large local networks, which were in turn tied to metropolitan networks, which were finally linked to long-haul networks.
- (informal) The act of using the Internet; specifically, searching for information using the Internet.
- (rare) The act of entwining or linking things together so as to form a network; interconnecting, networking.
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