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Weblio例文辞書での「management improvement committee」に類似した例文 |
management improvement committee
「management improvement committee」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 6件
Sanshu Seika Co., Ltd. (220 employees), of Kasukabe City in Saitama Prefecture, is a company that manufactures rice crackers. It is an enterprise that prioritizes a bottom-up management approach whereby on-site employees are the core of implemented improvement activities. On-site employees formed an IT Committee and developed a traceability system for rice cracker ingredients as an internally-led initiative. Sanshu Seika was among the first in the industry to adopt this system and they are advancing with IT management. Furthermore, Sanshu Seika promotes company-wide sharing of information in order to realize bottom-up management, a corporate culture that has taken root. Sanshu Seika has 12 committees including the IT Committee as its internal, cross-organizational structure. It absorbs the opinions of people on site and promotes improvement activities across the entire company.例文帳に追加
埼玉県春日部市の三州製菓株式会社(従業員220名)は米菓の製造を営む会社であるが、現場の従業員が中心となって改善活動に取り組むボトムアップ経営を重視しており、現場の社員が「IT委員会」を構成し、米菓の原材料のトレーサビリティシステムを自社主導で開発し、同システムを業界内でいち早く導入する等IT経営を進めている。また、ボトムアップ経営を実現するために、全社的な情報の共有を推進しており、企業風土としても根付いている。同社は、社内に部署横断的な組織としてIT委員会を含めて12の委員会を設け、現場の声を吸い上げて改善活動を全社的に推進している。 - 経済産業省
In "the Final Proposal” released by the Verification and Investigation Committee, it is pointed out that “ each employee is required to change their consciousness to keep considering the patients and the victims when performing the task of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare which is responsible for protecting the citizens’ life and health besides the improvement of the file management"例文帳に追加
検証・検討委員会の「最終提言」においても、「文書管理の改善はもとより、国民の生命・健康を所掌する厚生労働省の業務遂行に当たって、その職員一人ひとりが、患者・被害者への配慮を絶えず自覚すべきであるという意識改革が求められる」等と指摘されている。 - 厚生労働省
On the other hand, looking at the management side, the Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN) stated in its"Position Paper 2013 by Committee on Management and Labour Policy" that "the labour and management willwork together to confront the crisis and go forward into the future" and that they should take the policy measures(including promotion of economic partnerships, reduction of corporate taxes, further reform of social securitysystems and review of labour regulations) aiming for earlier improvement of the domestic business environment,which is becoming severer, and to strengthen location competitiveness and to stimulate demand .例文帳に追加
一方、経営側の動きをみると、日本経済団体連合会は、「2013 年版経営労働政策委員会報告」で、「活力ある未来に向けて 労使一体となって危機に立ち向かう」とし、一段と厳しさを増す国内事業環境の早期改善に向けた政策として、経済連携の推進、法人の税負担の軽減、一層の社会保障制度改革、労働規制の見直しなどを講じ、立地競争力の強化と需要の喚起を図る必要があるとの考えを示した。 - 厚生労働省
Article 50-3 (1) The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may, when he/she finds it necessary from a comprehensive and broad-based perspective to promote the development, utilization and preservation of two or more ports under separate management, recommend the Port Management Bodies of these ports to deliberate on rules, and establish a joint committee as a means of communicating and coordinating views between them on such matters as the preparation of the Port Plan, utilization of the ports, improvement of the port environment and other important matters related to the development, utilization and preservation of ports.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
第五十条の三 国土交通大臣は、港湾管理者を異にする二以上の港湾について広域的且つ総合的な見地からこれらの開発、利用及び保全を図る必要があると認めるときは、これらの港湾の港湾管理者に対し、港湾計画の作成、港湾の利用の方法、港湾の環境の整備その他の港湾の開発、利用及び保全に関する重要な事項について相互に連絡調整を図るため、協議により規約を定め、協議会を設けるべきことを勧告することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In order to fulfill its commitment under the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6% and to achieve further and continuous reduction in the long term, the Japanese government developed the Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement Plan based on the Global Warming Countermeasure Promotion Law in April 2005 and executed initiatives. Furthermore, in order to achieve the reduction targets under the Plan and in consideration of the joint discussions between the Global Environmental Subcommittee of the Environmental Committee of the Industrial Structure Council of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Global Environment Committee of the Central Environment Council of the Ministry of the Environment, a revised Kyoto Target Achievement Plan was approved at a Cabinet Meeting in March 2008. The newly added and enhanced measures under the revised Plan included (1) a further promotion of voluntary action plans, (2) a further improvement in the energy-saving performance of houses and buildings, (3) the reinforcement of measures for top-runner appliances, (4) enhanced energy management in factories and business sites, and (5) the further improvement of automobile fuel efficiency.例文帳に追加
京都議定書上の温室効果ガス6%削減目標の達成及び温室効果ガスの更なる長期的・継続的かつ大幅な排出削減に向けて、政府は、地球温暖化対策推進法に基づき、平成17年4月に京都議定書目標達成計画を策定し取組を進めてきたが、さらに、目標達成を確実なものとするため、経済産業省の産業構造審議会環境部会地球環境小委員会及び環境省の中央環境審議会地球環境部会の合同会合における検討などを踏まえ、自主行動計画の一層の推進、住宅・建築物の省エネ性能の更なる向上、トップランナー機器等の対策の強化、工場・事業場の省エネルギー性能の拡充、自動車の燃費の一層の改善等の対策・施策の追加・強化を盛り込んだ改定目標達成計画を、平成20年3月に閣議決定した。 - 経済産業省
Regarding Mitsubishi UFJ Securities – there may be some overlaps with what you mentioned – we examined a report submitted by the company based on an order for the submission of a report issued after the revelation of a case of customer information leakage and a report compiled by an investigative committee established by the company. As a result, it was found out that the company's system for internal control, including the management of information concerning individual customers, is not adequate. Consequently, we issued against the company an order for business improvement based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and a recommendation based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
多少繰り返しになりますけれども、三菱UFJ証券について申し上げれば、顧客情報等の流出事案の発覚以降、報告徴求命令に対する同社からの報告書や、同社が設置した調査委員会の報告を踏まえて検討したところ、「個人顧客情報の管理をはじめとする内部管理態勢が十分でない」という事実が認められました。これを受けまして、同社に対して情報セキュリティ管理態勢の充実・強化等を図るため、金融商品取引法に基づく業務改善命令、また個人情報保護法に基づく勧告を発出いたしました。 - 金融庁
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