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standing to reasonとは 意味・読み方・使い方

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該当件数 : 7件
'cause it's the only reason i'm standing here talking to the greaseball who fucked my wife.例文帳に追加
なぜならおれの妻をファックした クソイタリア人に立って話す 唯一の理由だからだよ - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The reason why nyoingo (a title of respect given to close female relatives of the Emperor or a woman of comparable standing) Kayanoin was bestowed on FUJIWARA no Taishi (Yasuko) (a great-great-granddaughter of Yorimichi and a daughter of Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), FUJIWARA no Tadazane) is derived from the fact that she lived in this palace.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
鳥羽天皇の妃であった藤原泰子(頼通の玄孫、父は関白藤原忠実)に高陽院の女院号が与えられたのも、ここに居住していた事に由来する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The positive value of a preliminary adverse action of the Examiner should be fully appreciated by the applicant or his attorney. A hard-fought application will produce a registration much more likely to stand in court than a registration which has slid through the Office easily. The reason for this is that every point raised by the Examiner and finally decided by the Office in favor of the applicant will give the applicant a prima facie standing on that point in court.例文帳に追加
出願人又はその代理人は,審査官による不利な予備的処分の肯定的な価値を十分に評価すべきである。有利に手続を進めることが困難であった登録は,庁の手続を容易に経た登録よりも法廷で有効になる傾向にある。その理由としては,審査官によって提起され,かつ,最終的に庁によって出願人に有利に決定された各要点は,法廷で出願人にその要点についての一応の当事者適格性を与えるからである。 - 特許庁
OKUBO didn't think Daewongun lend an ear to persuasion, and thought SAIGO will be killed (even if he won't be killed, if Daewongun rejected the envoy, it can be a legitimate reason for outbreak of war) inevitably when he went to Korea, and he felt a sense of danger that they will start the war with Korea as a result, and his strategic decision that Japan doesn't have national strength at that time to strain the relationship (as a result, wage a war) with Korea, Qing, and eventually Russia, an emotional backlash to the remaining group that ignored agreement and about to dabble in diplomatic gambling, he strongly opposed because of the presence of a diplomatic matters (Ryukyu attribution issue with Qing [see the Taiwan expedition], territorial right problem on Sakhalin and Kurile Islands with Russia, territorial right problem on Ogasawara Islands [Bonin Islands] with England, revision of the unequal treaty) that must be dealt with before Korean Peninsula problem on Japanese international standing, and he correlated it with expenses etc and appealed postponement by telling disadvantage of subjugation of Korea.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
大久保は、説得に大院君が耳を貸すとは思えず西郷が朝鮮に行った場合必ず殺される(殺されずとも大院君が使節を拒否した場合は開戦の大義名分になってしまう)、そうなった場合結果的に朝鮮と開戦してしまうのではないかという危機感、当時の日本には朝鮮や清、ひいてはロシアとの関係が険悪になる(その帰結として戦争を遂行する)だけの国力が備わっていないという戦略的判断、外遊組との約束を無視し、危険な外交的博打に手を染めようとしている残留組に対する感情的反発、朝鮮半島問題よりも先に片付けるべき外交案件が存在するという日本の国際的立場(清との琉球帰属問題(台湾出兵参照)、ロシアとの樺太、千島列島の領有権問題、イギリスとの小笠原諸島領有権問題、不平等条約改正)などから猛烈に反対、費用の問題なども絡めて征韓の不利を説き延期を訴えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to some books, the reason why TAKECHI treated Izo coldly in his later years was, for example, from the discriminative feeling for Izo who had low social standing and no education compared with the other comrades, a sense of danger that exposure of many of the assassinations that Izo took part in may have unfavorable effects to his fellow comrades, and resentment and anxiety toward Izo for not taking his own life although those exposures could be prevented if he had committed suicide; furthermore, even if he had been a member of the Tosa kinnoto that aimed for "Sonno Joi (19th century slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) and overthrowing the Shogunate", he became a bodyguard to Kaishu KATSU (to be explained later) who was "a member of the open country wing and a vassal of the shogun"; Izo was disdained, for "although skillful in swordplay, he was a man with no resolute ideas and beliefs."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
以蔵が晩年、武市らから冷遇されていた理由について諸書の記述によれば、他の同志より身分が低く教養が無いことによる差別的感情、彼が手がけた数々の暗殺が露見することにより他の同志に累が及ぶ危機感、彼が自刃してしまえばその露見が防げるにも拘らず彼自身がそれを行わなかったことに対する焦燥感や怒り、さらに“尊王攘夷・倒幕”を旨とする土佐勤王党に属しながら“開国派・幕臣”の勝海舟らの護衛を行うなどした(後述)ことにより“剣術こそ強いが確固たる思想・信念を持たぬ者”として軽蔑されたこと、などが原因ではないかと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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