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該当件数 : 10



It merges, at Mitaniguchi, a river originating in Mitani-toge Pass in the northern part of Ohara (Kyoto Prefecture), Sakyo Ward, and at Kodeishi-cho, the Takatani-gawa River which originates in Mt. Tenga-dake located at a boundary between Kurama, Sakyo Ward and Ohara, Sakyo Ward.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the description in the shrine's biography of Tamatsushima-jinja Shrine, when Empress Jingu advanced the troops to the peninsula, the god of Tamatsushima showed extreme miraculous power, so the Empress paid back by enshrining a branch shrine for the deity in Amano, Katsuragi-cho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Oki islands are located in the Sea of Japan approximately 60km from the coast of Shimane Prefecture. Owing to their distinctive isolation, the islands suffer the dual problem of accelerating underpopulation and increased population aging. The total population has now declined to 2,400, and only ten babies a year are born on the islands. - 経済産業省


On June 11, 1862, Saigo sailed from Yamakawa, and Murata also sailed thereafter, but they met at Isso, Yakushima because they had to wait 7 to 8 days for the cessation of a headwind, and then sailed from Isso together toward Amami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In Nihonshoki, Takamimusubi is a god who merely appears in the Arufumi (supplement volumes of explanatory notes in Nihonshoki) Vol. 4 which covers the beginning of heaven and earth, and in Chapter 15 "Kenzo-ki" (Records of Kenzo period), wherein its name appears in an episode of Abe no omi no kotoshiro (a representative of Abe clan in present-day Ueno, Iga City, Mie Prefecture) making a stopover at the islands of Iki and Tsushima when he was dispatched to Mimana (countries in the southern Korean Peninsula).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The contents cover a span of more than ten years at the end of the Muromachi period from 1467 to 1477, and describe the wars fought in and around Kyoto that devastated the capital, perhaps with the intention of describing the world of 'pandemonium and fighting' prophesied in the last six lines of the "Yamatai shi" (Poem on Japan), said be the work of the Liang monk Baozhi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They also built Hiyoshi-cho Kyodoshiryokan (Hiyoshi-cho Town Folk Museum) and Kyoto Fumin no Mori (Kyoto Prefectural Citizen's Forest) in the area, and the dam lake, Lake Amawakako, became popular as the best spot for fishing in the north of the Kansai region, with a reciprocal effect of creating an extensive outdoor pleasure spot including Ono Dam and Wachi Dam which had long been famous in the country for bass fishing, and the Yura-gawa River which provided a course for the canoe competition at Kyoto Kokutai (National Sports Festival) in 1963.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The liquid or solid external composition for the skin is produced by fermenting a mixture obtained by adding one or both of muscovado and granulated sugar of the muscovado to one or more kinds of medical herbs of Smilax china, Gynostemma pentaphyllum and Stephania cepharantha, and mixing liquid products obtained by compressing and separating the fermented products with each other, or the liquid product with a solid residue. - 特許庁


Before the electrification, many trains coming from the Tsuruga region had two to four vehicles, and separated the vehicles at Obama station and the front vehicle went to Higashi-Maizuru (for four years since 1992, also on the train for Amanohashidate running without conductors on board, the notice 'Be careful to not be on the wrong train' was announced) and sometimes the back two vehicles returned to Tsuruga, but after the electrification, mostly one to two vehicles were used and were not cut off at Obama station.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Masahiro SAIMURA, also a member of the Akamatsu family and was the lord of Takeda-jo Castle in Tajima Province, switched to the East squad from the West squad as well, but after the battle (Battle of Sekigahara) he was ordered to kill himself by Ieyasu Tokugawa, for the charge that Masahiro seriously damaged the castle town by setting fire brutally when he attacked Nagafusa MIYABE of the West squad at his home castle, Tottori-jo Castle, (for this incident, the theory of the false accusation caused by Koremori KAMEI, who encouraged the betrayal and shifted the responsibility is highly likely), and with Masahiro's death, the Akamatsu clan as daimyo had distinguished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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