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該当件数 : 13


発泡高分子徴脂素材の板体2 に一面側から他面側に多数の穴3 を形成して、多数の閉管気柱部を構成した吸音板1 。例文帳に追加

Many closed-tube air column parts are constituted by forming many holes 3 in a plate body 2 of a foamed polymeric resin raw material from one surface side to the other surface side. - 特許庁

本発明による吸音板は、発泡高分子徴脂素材の板体2 に一面側から他面側に多数の穴3 を形成して、多数の閉管気柱部を構成した吸音板1 である。例文帳に追加

In this sound absorbing plate 1, a large number of holes 3 are formed in a plate body 2 of a polymeric foam resin material from one face side to the other face side to constitute a large number of closed tube air column parts. - 特許庁


In this advertisement information distribution system, the homeserver 3 statistically determines a preferred genre of each individual viewer on the basis of program selection information of a television 7 belonging to the individual viewer and feedbacks the preferred genre of each individual viewer to a server 2 side through an information network 5. - 特許庁


Protruded stands 3 are provided upwardly only from a pair of opposed end sides of two pairs of opposed end sides of a carriage body 2 rectangularly shaped in a plan view with a caster 1 on the lower face. - 特許庁



This transmission type projection screen is provided with at least the optical diffusion layer 2 forming a projecting image, a transparent- material layer 1 and a neutral gray layer 3 whose transmitting concentration is 0.05 to 0.7 in turn toward the projection side of the projecting image from a viewer side. - 特許庁



The forgery preventive cut form 1 is constituted by partly or entirely printing a white ink on a front or rear surface of a transparent film 2 to form a white identification portion 3, and printing a required design pattern 4 on the front surface side of the film 2 so that the portion 3 is visually recognizable through the pattern 4 from the front surface side of the film 2. - 特許庁


The device is equipped with a cooking chamber 1 having an electric heating part 7 at the upper surface side and the under surface side, a steam supply means 2 generating steam S and supplying the steam S into the cooking chamber 1 and a net-like cooking tray 3 which penetrates the heat by the steam S and the electric heating part 7 from the lower part side and can be taken freely in and out. - 特許庁


A rib 5 is arranged in the direction of rotation of an under surface of the plate 2; the fitting opening 3 is formed in such an oval shape that its minor axis is smaller in diameter than the steel pipe pile 6 for mounting; and notched openings 30, through which a blade 61 of the pile 6 is passed, are formed on both sides of its major axis. - 特許庁


(2) With regard to a certain section of a national expressway or national road within the area of a municipality which does not provide ambulance services, if said section is specified as a section where it is particularly necessary to provide ambulance services required for traffic accidents (excluding the section of a road where ambulance services are provided as requested under the provision of the preceding paragraph), a prefecture shall provide such ambulance services, after hearing opinions from the municipality which does not provide the ambulance services. In this case, with regard to the application of the Local Public Service Act (Act No. 261 of 1950), an official engaged in the provision of ambulance services shall be treated as fire defense personnel.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 農薬(農薬取締法(昭和二十三年法律第八十二号)第一条の二第一項に規定する農薬をいう。次条において同じ。)、飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(昭和二十八年法律第三十五号)第二条第三項の規定に基づく農林水産省令で定める用途に供することを目的として飼料(同条第二項に規定する飼料をいう。)に添加、混和、浸潤その他の方法によつて用いられる物及び薬事法第二条第一項に規定する医薬品であつて動物のために使用されることが目的とされているものの成分である物質(その物質が化学的に変化して生成した物質を含み、人の健康を損なうおそれのないことが明らかであるものとして厚生労働大臣が定める物質を除く。)が、人の健康を損なうおそれのない量として厚生労働大臣が薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴いて定める量を超えて残留する食品は、これを販売の用に供するために製造し、輸入し、加工し、使用し、調理し、保存し、又は販売してはならない。ただし、当該物質の当該食品に残留する量の限度について第一項の食品の成分に係る規格が定められている場合については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(3) Food in which substances that are the ingredients of agricultural chemicals (meaning agricultural chemicals prescribed in Article 1-2, paragraph (1) of the Agricultural Chemicals Control Act (Act No. 82 of 1948), hereinafter the same shall apply in the following Article), substances that are used by being added, mixed or infiltrated into feed (meaning feed prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (Act No. 35 of 1953)) or are used by other methods for feed for the purpose of providing it for usage specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries based on Article 2, paragraph (3) of the same Act, and pharmaceutical products that are prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and are to be used for animals (including substances chemically generated from such substances and excluding substances that the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare specifies as clearly having no risk to human health) remain in a quantity exceeding the quantity that the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare specifies as having no risk to human health by hearing the opinions of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council shall not be produced, imported, processed, used, cooked, preserved, or sold for the purpose of marketing; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where standards concerning the ingredients of food under paragraph (1) have been established with regard to the residual limit of said substances in said food.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第九条 第一号若しくは第三号に掲げる疾病にかかり、若しくはその疑いがあり、第一号若しくは第三号に掲げる異常があり、又はへい死した獣畜(と畜場法(昭和二十八年法律第百十四号)第三条第一項に規定する獣畜及び厚生労働省令で定めるその他の物をいう。以下同じ。)の肉、骨、乳、臓器及び血液又は第二号若しくは第三号に掲げる疾病にかかり、若しくはその疑いがあり、第二号若しくは第三号に掲げる異常があり、又はへい死した家きん(食鳥処理の事業の規制及び食鳥検査に関する法律(平成二年法律第七十号)第二条第一号に規定する食鳥及び厚生労働省令で定めるその他の物をいう。以下同じ。)の肉、骨及び臓器は、厚生労働省令で定める場合を除き、これを食品として販売し、又は食品として販売の用に供するために、採取し、加工し、使用し、調理し、貯蔵し、若しくは陳列してはならない。ただし、へい死した獣畜又は家きんの肉、骨及び臓器であつて、当該職員が、人の健康を損なうおそれがなく飲食に適すると認めたものは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 9 (1) The meat, bones, milk, organs, and blood of livestock (meaning livestock prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Slaughterhouse Act (Act No. 114 of 1953) and others specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the same shall apply hereinafter) which have or are suspected to have any of the diseases listed in item (i) or item (iii), have any of the disorders listed in item (i) or item (iii), or have died, or the meat, bones, and organs of poultry (meaning poultry prescribed in Article 2, item (i) of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act (Act No. 70 of 1990) and others specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the same shall apply hereinafter) which have or are suspected to have any of the diseases listed in item (ii) or item (iii), have any of the disorders listed in item (ii) or item (iii), or have died shall not be sold as food, or be collected, processed, used, cooked, stored, or displayed as food for the purpose of marketing, except for cases specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the meat, bones, and organs of dead livestock or poultry which the ministry officials find as involving no risk to human health and as being edible.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 第九十六条第一項の改正規定、第百条の次に一条を加える改正規定並びに第百一条、第百二条第四項及び第五項、第百九条、第百九条の二、第百十条、第百二十一条、第百二十三条、第百三十条第三項、第百三十八条、第百七十九条第一項、第二百七条、第二百二十五条、第二百三十一条の二、第二百三十四条第三項及び第五項、第二百三十七条第三項、第二百三十八条第一項、第二百三十八条の二第二項、第二百三十八条の四、第二百三十八条の五、第二百六十三条の三並びに第三百十四条第一項の改正規定並びに附則第二十二条及び第三十二条の規定、附則第三十七条中地方公営企業法(昭和二十七年法律第二百九十二号)第三十三条第三項の改正規定、附則第四十七条中旧市町村の合併の特例に関する法律(昭和四十年法律第六号)附則第二条第六項の規定によりなおその効力を有するものとされる同法第五条の二十九の改正規定並びに附則第五十一条中市町村の合併の特例等に関する法律(平成十六年法律第五十九号)第四十七条の改正規定 公布の日から起算して一年を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日例文帳に追加

(ii) The provision revising Article 96 paragraph (1), the provision adding a new Article after Article 100, and the provisions revising Article 101, Article 102 paragraphs (4) and (5), Article 109, Article 109-2, Article 110, Article 121, Article 123, Article 130 paragraph (3), Article 138, Article 179 paragraph (1), Article 207, Article 225, Article 231-2, Article 234 paragraphs (3) and (5), Article 237 paragraph (3), Article 238 paragraph (1), Article 238-2 paragraph (2), Article 238-4, Article 238-5, Article 263-3 and Article 314 paragraph (1), and the provisions of Articles 22 and 32 of these Supplementary Provisions, the provision of Article 37 of these Supplementary Provisions revising Article 33 paragraph (3) of the Local Public Enterprise Act (Act No. 292 of 1952), the provision of Article 47 of these Supplementary Provisions revising Article 5-29 of the Old Act on Special Provisions of the Merger of Municipalities (Act No. 6 of 1965) to the effect that the provision of said Article 5-29 shall remain effective pursuant to the provision of Article 2 paragraph (6) of the supplementary provisions of the same Act, and the provision of Article 51 of these Supplementary Provisions revising Article 47 of the Act on Special Provisions of the Merger of Municipalities (Act No. 59 of 2004): The date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding 1 year from the day of promulgation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 前項の規定にかかわらず、第二十九条第一項若しくは第三十条第一項の規定により介護給付費等の支給を受けて又は身体障害者福祉法第十八条第二項若しくは知的障害者福祉法第十六条第一項の規定により入所措置が採られて障害者支援施設、のぞみの園又は第五条第一項若しくは第五項の厚生労働省令で定める施設に入所している障害者及び生活保護法(昭和二十五年法律第百四十四号)第三十条第一項ただし書の規定により入所している障害者(以下この項において「特定施設入所障害者」と総称する。)については、その者が障害者支援施設、のぞみの園、第五条第一項若しくは第五項の厚生労働省令で定める施設又は同法第三十条第一項ただし書に規定する施設(以下「特定施設」という。)への入所前に有した居住地(継続して二以上の特定施設に入所している特定施設入所障害者(以下この項において「継続入所障害者」という。)については、最初に入所した特定施設への入所前に有した居住地)の市町村が、支給決定を行うものとする。ただし、特定施設への入所前に居住地を有しないか、又は明らかでなかった特定施設入所障害者については、入所前におけるその者の所在地(継続入所障害者については、最初に入所した特定施設の入所前に有した所在地)の市町村が、支給決定を行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, for the persons with disabilities who receive payment pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 29 or paragraph 1 of Article 30, or who live in, the support facilities for the persons with disabilities Nozominosono, or the facilities prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of paragraph 1 or paragraph 5 of Article 5 after receiving placement measure pursuant to the provision of paragraph 2 of Article 19 of Act for the welfare of Persons with Physical Disabilities or paragraph 1, Article 16 of Act for the welfare of persons with intellectual disabilities; or who live in such facilities pursuant to the provision of proviso of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of Public Assistance Act(Act No. 144 of 1950) (hereafter collectively referred to as "persons with disabilities entered placement in specified facilities" in this paragraph), the municipality where such persons had domiciles before entering the support facilities for persons with disabilities, Nozominosono, the facilities prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare set forth in paragraph 1 or paragraph 5 of Article 5, or the facilities prescribed in proviso of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the same Act (hereinafter referred to as "specified facilities") shall make grant decision; for persons with disabilities entered placement in specified facilities and have entered successively not less than two facilities (hereinafter referred to as "persons with disabilities entered placement successively" in this paragraph), the municipalities where the first facilities which such persons with disabilities entered placement are located shall make grant decision. Provided, however, for the persons with disabilities entered placement in specified facilities who did not have their domiciles before their placement or their domiciles were not clear, the municipality where they had location at the time of placement (for persons with disabilities entered placement successively: domiciles they had before they entered the first specified facility) shall make grant decision.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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