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該当件数 : 18



This method for producing the phosphine-borane derivative is characterized in that a monoalkylphosphine borane is reacted with a halide represented by the general formula (2) R2-X (wherein R2 denotes a 1-18C alkyl group, an aryl group or an aralkyl group; and X denotes a halogen atom) in the presence of a base. - 特許庁


A disprosium boron carbonitride whose general formula is shown as DyB_27+XC_6+YN_2+Z (wherein, -7<X<7, -4<Y<4 and -2<Z<2) is constituted of triclinic system or rhombohedron system. - 特許庁


I visited the United States from August 27 for a two-night stay and held meetings with officials, such as FRB (Federal Reserve Board) Chairman Bernanke, SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) Chairman Cox, Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Geithner and IMF Managing Director Strauss-Kahn.  - 金融庁

X={(CL)^/A}×(100/4π) ・・・ (I)(ただし、A[μm^]は、トナー粒子を次元平面状に投影してできる図形の面積であり、CL[μm]は、前記図形の周長である。)例文帳に追加

The Expression (1) is represented by X={(CL)^2/A}×(100/4π), where A [μm^2]represents an area of a pattern capable of projecting the toner particle two-dimensional-plane-likely, and C [μm] represents a circumferential length of the pattern. - 特許庁



To solve a problem wherein, in a WXC device 200A using a wavelength selection switch (WSS), a WDM signal composed of a plurality of wavelengths is transferred in a path where the signal is transferred from a reception side WSS 1 to a transmission side WSS 2, and it is not divided wavelength by wavelength, and thereby a regenerative repeater is not inserted. - 特許庁



To the DDS circuit 1 is connected an index sensor 24 for supplying an index signal, and a CPU 2 for supplying a synchronous phase setting data N to adjust a phase difference of a frequency setting data ΔF for controlling to modulate a frequency of the pixel clock signal, the pixel clock signal and the index signal. - 特許庁


Namely, for the purpose of realizing an expected light control level at respective lighting devices 3, necessary channels are selected from a plurality of DMX signals inputted from respective light control desks 2, respective light control level data stored in those selected channels are read out and a prescribed process is applied, and signals are outputted on respective signal lines again as a DMX signal. - 特許庁


According to 'Koryu-ji Temple sizai kotai jitsuroku cho,' an inventory list of Koryo-ji Temple's assets (completed around 890), the principal image of its Kon-do hall, 'Reiken-yakushi-butsu' (the Healing Buddha), was placed in the 'naiden' (inner shrine) that can be locked; this reveals that the Yakushi Buddha image was treated as a hibutsu by the end of the 9th century at the latest.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This system is provided with signal processors 3, 4 and 5 for descramble processing and a receiver 2 for performing common processings such as demodulation, encoding, demultiplex processings when plural broadcast signals, including a hierarchy needing different scramble processings and a hierarchy capable of common demodulation, encoding, demultiplex processings, etc., are transmitted and received on a bus 1. - 特許庁



This form factor measurement device 1 is constructed of a capillary viscometer 2 measuring viscosity of a lipoplex sample solution, a laser sensor 3 automatically measuring a flow time of the sample solution, a pressure regulator 4 regulating a pressure inside the capillary viscometer 2, and a control computing device 5 calculating the form factor according to measured measurement values. - 特許庁



The foot rest 4 is fitted with a foot warmer 21, a user is allowed to adjust a backrest portion 2, a seat portion 3, and the foot rest 4 to a desired position and angle, and the foot warmer 21 warms both feet inserted therein, and the user can relax and watch TV or read a book. - 特許庁


A weight 1 for semiconductor wafers consisting of a ceramic sintered member comprising a holder which holds a marginal end of a semiconductor wafer, in which the holder 3 is arranged to be projected inward like a pin from an annular body 2 and the projecting length is 0.5-6 mm and the radius of curvature of a base of the pin is 1 mm or larger. - 特許庁


Furthermore, the concentration of silver or gold in the surfaces of the particles is higher than the average concentration of silver or gold, and the average particle size is between 2 and 15 μm. - 特許庁


This anti-fogging film is formed by removing one-dimensionally grown columnar phases 2 from a composite film 4 consisting of a great number of the columnar phases 2 and a matrix phase 3 surrounding the columnar phases on a substrate 1 and has a great number of one-dimensionally penetrated pores enclosed by walls continuous from one surface of the film to the other surface and ≤30° contact angle to water. - 特許庁


In the ceramics circuit board where a plurality of metal circuit board 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is provided at least at one of the surfaces of a ceramics sintering body substrate 1, corners A, B, C, D, E, and F of the metal circuit boards and the corner shape of a corner being adjacent to the corners differ, and a transistor is packaged on the ceramics circuit board. - 特許庁


The method for producing the adhesive composition for the organic fiber cord includes preparing a formulation containing a melamine-formaldehyde precondensate (A), a resorcin-formaldehyde-methyl ethyl ketone polycondensate (B) and a rubber latex (C), and aging the resultant mixture as a step 1, and then further adding and compounding the resorcin-formaldehyde-methyl ethyl ketone polycondensate (B) into the resultant aged mixture as a step 2. - 特許庁

(2) ある事業の全部又は一部の譲渡とは別に,商標及びその出願は譲渡され,保証として用いることができ,又はそれが登録され若しくは出願され,商標登録簿に記入された商品又はサービスの全部若しくは一部についてのその他の物権,ライセンス,購入選択権,差押又は執行手続に起因するその他の措置の対象とすることができる。ただし,これは,商標に対する権利が影響を受ける可能性のあるその他の法的取引を害するものではない。動産抵当権が設定される場合は,当該抵当権はその特定の規定に準拠し,動産登録簿第4部に記入されるものとし,当該記入は商標登録簿に含める目的でスペイン特許商標庁に通知されるものとする。これらの目的で,両方の登録簿が調整されて,各登録簿に登録又は言及された商標に関する担保権について,テレマティクス手段で相互に伝達されるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) Independently of the transfer of all or part of an enterprise, a trademark and an application therefor may be transferred, used as a guarantee or be the subject of other real rights, licenses, purchase options, seizures or other measures resulting from the enforcement procedure, for all or part of the goods or services for which they are registered or applied for, and entered in the Register of Trademarks, without prejudice to the other legal business by which the right to a trademark is likely to be affected. In cases where a movable property mortgage is set up, the mortgage shall be governed by its specific provisions and shall be entered in Section Four of the Register of Movable Property, and said entry shall be notified to the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office for the purposes of inclusion in the Register of Trademarks. For these purposes, both Registers shall be coordinated so that charges on trademarks entered or mentioned in the Registers shall be communicated between them by telematic means. - 特許庁


異議申立人は,次を条件として,ファクシミリ又は写真複写等,原本以外の様式で異議申立書を提出することができる。 (a)当該ファックス,写真複写その他の様式が本規則の要件を遵守しており,かつ,異議申立書又は宣誓された異議申立書の提出期間又はその延長期間内に提出されること (b)宣誓された異議申立書の原本が,当該ファックス,写真複写その他の様式の提出から1月以内に提出されること (c)宣誓された異議申立書の原本が,異議申立の対象としての標章を公告するIPO公報の発行日から起算して最大4月の期間内に提出されること。すべての場合において,宣誓された異議申立書の原本が提出された場合にのみ,答弁書催告状が出願人に送付される。例文帳に追加

The party filing the opposition may submit an opposition in a form other than the original such as a facsimile copy or photocopy provided: (1) that such fax, photocopy or other form complies with the requirements of these Regulations and is filed within the period to file the notice of opposition or the verified opposition, or any extension thereof, (2) that the original copy of the verified opposition is filed within one month from submission of the fax, photocopy or other form and, (3) that the original copy of the verified opposition is filed within the maximum period of four months counted from the date of release of the IPO Gazette publishing the mark being opposed. In all cases, the notice to answer shall be sent to the applicant only upon the filing of the original copy of the verified opposition. - 特許庁


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