
「せんゆうはくだつ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > せんゆうはくだつに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 12



the physical ouster of a tenant from the leased premises  - 日本語WordNet


The stop control means controls to stop winning any winning symbol combinations when having no winning flag, and when having a winning flag, controls to win the appropriate winning symbol combination and prevents from winning any other winning symbol combinations, and when the winning flag is deprived by the right deprivation means, controls to stop winning the appropriate winning symbol combination. - 特許庁


Therein, the powder type extinguishing agent waste of 40 mass% or less is mixed to an organic fertilizer and, therefore, the water-repellency of the powder type extinguishing agent waste can be deprived by a lipophilic group of the organic fertilizer to impart the hydrophilicity. - 特許庁


Some supplementary provisions, for example those related to deprivation and suspension of civil rights, and those related to penal offense by counterfeiting in public elections, are partially held valid by Articles 25 and 37 of the Act for Enforcement of the Penal Code (Act No. 29 of 1908).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The right may be declared null and void even after the expiration of the validity of the registered design or model or after it has been waived or after the beneficiary has been forfeited of his rights.  - 特許庁



Any person who claims the right on a design, instead of the declaration of nullity under Section 23, (1), paragraph 4, may claim that the right of design shall be deprived from the owner and transferred it to himself.  - 特許庁


To eliminate causes for oily skin roughening or acne, i.e., hyperkeratosis sebum hyperproduction and bacterial infection and to obtain an active ingredient without causing negative effects on the skin, e.g. skin irritation, skin exfoliation or resistance by bacteria. - 特許庁


While Yoshinori strongly supported Onami, he turned a cold eye on Zeami and Motomasa; performances of Zeami and Motomasa at Sento Imperial Palace were cancelled in 1429 and Gakuto-shiki (the right to perform sarugaku) of Daigo-ji Temple, Kiyotaki-miya Shrine was taken away from Zeami to be given to Onami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The patent shall be forfeited, ex officio or at the request by any party having a legitimate interest, if, after 2 (two) years have elapsed since the granting of the first compulsory license, that time period has not been sufficient to prevent or remedy the abuse or disuse, unless there are justifiable reasons.  - 特許庁


運営委員会は,管理委員会の委員又は副委員が次に該当する場合は,その委員又は副委員を解任する。 病気又は虚弱のために,その職責を果たすことが常時不可能であること 特許代理人登録簿から削除されていること 破産が宣告されていること,自然人に対する債務調整手続の適用を受ける旨の宣言がされていること又は財産保全管理下にあること 拘留されていること,又は 確定した司法決定により有罪とされていること,又は当該決定に従い,その自由が剥奪される処置に付されていること例文帳に追加

The management board shall remove a member or a deputy member of the supervisory board from office if the member or the deputy member: is permanently incapable of performing his duties as a result of an illness or infirmity; is deleted from the register of patent agents; is declared bankrupt, is declared subject to the debt rescheduling arrangement for natural persons or is placed in receivership; is remanded into custody; or is found guilty of a crime by a judicial decision that has become irrevocable or has been made subject to a measure that will result in his being deprived of his liberty pursuant to such a decision. - 特許庁



There is a theory that the name Sasaki was changed from the ancestor's name, Misasagi no He, but in Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) it was written that 'Sasakiyama gimi Karafukuro no Sukune' helped the Emperor Yuryaku to murder Prince Oshiha and was therefore demoted to the humble rank of Ryoko instead of receiving the death penalty and was transferred under Yamabe no muraji after being deprived of any title; however, because 'Okime no Omina' from his family confessed to where the remains of the Prince Oshiha were placed, 'Yamato Fukuro no Sukune', who was the brother of Okime no Omina, was given the name Sasakiyama gimi in place of Karafukuro no Sukune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Namely the following items concerning each industrial design shall be recorded into Register: number of registration (certificate), date of registration, date of publication of industrial design, title of industrial design and in case of multiple application of industrial designs their number, date of filing of application and its reference mark, denomination of a product in which the design is incorporated or to which it is applied, inclusive its classification according to correspondent classes of the international classification of industrial designs and in case of an industrial design, registered on basis of a multiple application of industrial designs their list, applicant of the industrial design (name and surname, commercial firm or name), his residence (headquarters), or his representative, holder of the industrial design (name and surname, commercial firm or name), his residence (headquarters), or his representative, designer, assignment of the industrial design, license, cancellation of the industrial design in the Register, deprivation or assignment of protection, beginning and termination of the right of lien concerning the industrial design, renewal of the period of protection of the industrial design, extinction of protection.  - 特許庁


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