
「保養する」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 24



to feast one's eyes on wonders  - 斎藤和英大辞典


to take a constitutionalwalk  - 斎藤和英大辞典


to take care of one's health  - EDR日英対訳辞書


to feast one's eyes on wondersfeed fat on wonders  - 斎藤和英大辞典



He takes a constitutional every day.  - 斎藤和英大辞典



He is in the habit of taking a constitutionalHe makes a habit of taking a constitutionalHe makes it a practice to take a constitutional―every day.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


a recreation facility called natural recreation village  - EDR日英対訳辞書

一 保養のための施設又はスポーツ施設を利用する権利例文帳に追加

(1) rights to use resort facilities or sports facilities  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The right to attend a facility for sport or relaxation [Schedule 2-1] .  - 経済産業省



To provide a photocosmetic device for use in medical or non-medical environments (e.g., a home, barbershop, or spa). - 特許庁



To provide a photocosmetic device for use in medical or non-medical environments (e.g., a home, barbershop, or spa). - 特許庁


Sightseeing, recreation, sports, visiting relatives, inspection tours, participating in lectures or meetings, business contact or other similar activities during a short stay in Japan.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Bath and Carlsbad, well-known as the town of hot spring currently, have developed as health resorts and there are hot spring hospitals and nursing homes at present.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

事例2-1-8 海外との交流をきっかけに温泉の効能を再認識し、「温泉保養士」を養成する温泉地例文帳に追加

Case2-1-8 A hot spring area that through international exchange was able to once again become aware of the efficacy of hot springs and is training "balneotherapists" - 経済産業省


To provide a recreation device the usability of which is considerably improved by alternatively switching-over the states of presence and absence of magnetic force to shift positions where magnetism is generated to a desired mode. - 特許庁


The Iwaki Yumoto Onsen Inns Association in Iwaki City of Fukushima Prefecture was able to rediscover the appeal of hot springs through overseas exchanges and is independently training "balneotherapists" in order to utilize the healthy properties of hot springs. - 経済産業省

第二十二条 国は、知的財産の創造、保護及び活用を促進するため、大学等及び事業者と緊密な連携協力を図りながら、知的財産に関する専門的知識を有する人材の確保、養成及び資質の向上に必要な施策を講ずるものとする例文帳に追加

Article 22 National government shall take necessary measures to promote the creation, protection and exploitation of intellectual property, such as securing and developing human resources that have expert knowledge on intellectual property and improving their quality in close cooperation and coordination with universities, etc. and business operators.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a foundation structure used for a rural settlement building and an underground evacuation facility for constructing a large scaled underground evacuation facility capable of constructing a large number of dwelling buildings equipped with resting and summering functions and, at the same time, evacuating many residents in a safe and comfortable state for a long period of time. - 特許庁

第八条 国は、研究者及び技術者の創造性が十分に発揮されることにより、産業技術力の強化が図られることにかんがみ、研究者及び技術者の確保、養成及び資質の向上に必要な施策を講ずるものとする例文帳に追加

Article 8 In light of the fact that the enhancing of Industrial Technology Capability is furthered by enabling the creativity of researchers and engineers to be fully demonstrated, the national government shall take necessary measures to secure and train researchers and engineers and to improve their qualities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This cleaning and reviving paper 1 is structured by providing a thin aluminum raw material 3 for reviving friction force as a factor in sharpness from deterioration between oil impregnated papers (paraffin paper or the like) 2a and 2b having a rust resistant effect and a lubricating effect, and each of corners of the oil impregnated papers 2a and 2b is bonded to each other by an adhesive material 4. - 特許庁

二 前号に掲げる者のほか、要随伴者の活動等を補助することについて合理的な理由がある者で要随伴者の活動等を補助する意思及び能力を有するもの(要随伴者が本邦に短期間滞在して、観光、保養又は会合への参加その他これらに類似する活動を行うものとして法第六条第二項の申請をした場合に限る。)例文帳に追加

(ii) In addition to those persons listed in the preceding item, a person who has reasonable grounds to assist in the activities of a person who needs an attendant and has the intention and capacity to assist in his/her activities (limited to cases where the person who needs an attendant has filed the application set forth in Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Immigration Control Act in order to stay in Japan for a short period and engage in sightseeing, recreation, participation in meetings, or other similar activities).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

褐藻カジメ(学名:EcKLonia cova Kjillmen)を採取後、粘状抽出液を多く放出させる為、細断し適湿適温で休養又は保養させた後、原藻体を練混ぜカジメの胞子が内部に有する粘液を強制的に放出させ、熱湯と共にフコイダンを含む粘状を帯びた抽出液を採集すること。例文帳に追加

A viscous extract containing fucoidan is collected together with hot water through steps of: collecting brown alga (scientific name: EcKLonia cava Kjellman); shredding the alga and resting or culturing the same under appropriate moisture and temperature conditions so that a large amount of the viscous extract can be released; and kneading a fresh alga body, thereby forcing the alga to release mucus contained in spores. - 特許庁


Nagasaki was the only port that had been open to international trading since the Edo period, and as such the settlement had flourished due to the large number of foreigners who had taken up unofficial residence there; beginning in the Meiji period, however, it saw comparatively little development, and indeed prospered more as a sort of health resort for foreigners living in Shanghai and other concessions in China rather than as a settlement in its own right.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


本類には,特に,次が含まれる。 -宿泊設備,部屋及び食事についてホテル,下宿屋,旅行者キャンプ,民宿,観光牧場,サナトリウム,療養所,予後保養所が提供するサービス -基本的に摂取のために準備された食べ物又は飲み物の提供に従事する事業所が提供するサービス。このようなサービスは,レストラン,セルフサービス・レストラン,軽食店等が提供する。 -個人のニーズを満たす事業所が提供するサービス。このようなサービスには,社交エスコート,美容院,理髪店,葬儀場及び火葬場などが含まれる。 -組織の一員としての人が個別的に又は集団的に提供する高度の精神活動を要し,かつ,人の活動の複雑な分野の理論的又は実際的な側面に関連するサービス。奥深く幅広い大学教育又は同等の経験を有する人が提供するサービス。技師,化学者,物理学者等の職業に従事する者が提供するサービスは本類に含まれる。 -旅行者のためにホテルを確保する旅行エージェント又はブローカーのサービス -評価,見積り,研究及び報告に従事する技師のサービス -組合がその構成員に提供する(他類に属さない。)サービス例文帳に追加

This Class includes, in particular: services rendered in procuring lodgings, rooms and meals, by hotels, boarding houses, tourist camps, tourist houses, dude ranches, sanatoria, rest homes and convalescence homes; services rendered by establishments essentially engaged in procuring food or drink prepared for consumption; such services can be rendered by restaurants, self service restaurants, canteens, etc.; personal services rendered by establishments to meet individual needs; such services may include social escorts, beauty salons, hairdressing salons, funeral establishments or crematoria; services rendered by persons, individually or collectively, as a member of an organization, requiring a high degree of mental activity and relating to theoretical or practical aspects of complex branches of human effort; the services rendered by these persons having a deep and extensive university education or equivalent experience; such services rendered by representatives of professions such as engineers, chemists, physicists, etc., are included in this class; services of travel agents or brokers ensuring hotel accommodation for travellers; services of engineers engaged in valuing, estimates, research and reports; services (not included in other classes) rendered by associations to their own members.  - 特許庁


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