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該当件数 : 33



substance that constitutes a chromonema  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a thread-like substance in the core of a cell, called chromonema  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a string-shaped substance that is found in a cell and includes genes, called chromosome  - EDR日英対訳辞書


The core-sheath conjugate yarn is obtained by arranging a high-strength highly heat-resistant fiber as a core yarn, arranging another dyeable fiber or dope-dyed yarn in a substantially untwisted state around the core yarn, and covering the surrounding of the resultant yarn with a dyeable fiber or a dope-dyed yarn in a helical shape. - 特許庁



To provide a method for producing a dyed yarn, capable of obtaining the dyed yarn or a fabric having a good quality without having a undyed or unevenly dyed portions even by using a pigment as a dyestuff, and also not causing environmental pollution and gentle to the environment, and a device for producing the same. - 特許庁



Thus, classification of types of nephric diseases is realized by comparing dye patterns of the megsin protein in the glomerular epithelial cell. - 特許庁


The invention relates to the method for spinning triacetate fiber comprising use of a silicone oil which is soluble in methylene chloride. - 特許庁


A recombinant silkworm integrating an antigen protein gene into a chromosome is prepared and a recombinant antigen protein is produced in a silk gland or a silk yarn of the resultant recombinant silkworm, and then, the antigen protein is obtained from the silk gland or the silk yarn without passing through complicated refining, and the like. - 特許庁


To provide a composite of silk protein with chitosan not causing attachment of the chitosan to the surface of silk yarn and detachment of the chitosan contained in the interior of silk yarn and to provide a method for producing the composite. - 特許庁



This conjugate yarn comprises a core-sheath type conjugate spun yarn having a core part and a sheath part, in which short fiber bundle of the core component comprises dyed and substantially twist-free para-aramid short fiber and the sheath component comprises a water-soluble filament. - 特許庁



To provide a drying method with which the amount of resin powder negatively affecting fiber-making properties and dyeability is reduced and thermoplastic resin pellets having excellent fiber-making properties and qualities are obtained in the production of a thermoplastic fiber by subjecting thermoplastic resin pellets to melt spinning. - 特許庁


To provide a synthetic fiber treatment agent and a treatment process for synthetic fiber that can produce false-twisted yarns of high quality without uneven dyeing, as abnormal fluctuation in the yarn tension is inhibited in the running yarn, even in the high-speed false twist yarn processing. - 特許庁


To provide a composite false twisted yarn hardly causing non-cohesion of filaments in dyeing or weaving step, having good yarn quality, capable of providing a fabric rich in crispness, and having both of body and stiffness, and elegant gloss feeling, and further to provide a method for producing the yarn. - 特許庁


To provide a potentially crimpable meta-aramid fiber capable of easily actualizing the crimps by treatment conditions such as dyeing and excellent in quality and process stability in spinning, and to provide a method for producing the same. - 特許庁


To obtain a high-quality composite yarn having suitability to various uses including clothes and excellent in texture, touch feeling, dimensional stability, gloss, see-through preventing properties and dyeability and comprising modified cross-section regenerated cellulose fibers. - 特許庁


To provide a polylactate processed yarn which gives a fabric having soft hand, excellent deep dyeability, high texture and biodegradability, when woven or knitted and then dyed, to provide a method for producing the same, and to provide a knitted or woven fabric. - 特許庁


To obtain a natural grandrelle compound textured yarn that is knitted or woven and dyed to give a woven or knitted fabric of high-quality touch by a natural grandrelle appearance and touch, a swelling feeling and proper stretchability and the woven or knitted fabric. - 特許庁


To provide a raw stock for piles, causing no deterioration of transparency nor degradation of color development in dying even if a metallic compound and a cellulosic derivative are added, having higher quality and wet spinning productivity compared with conventional ones and excellent in animal hair tone feeling. - 特許庁


To provide polylactic acid-based composite combined filament yarn giving a high-texture woven/knitted fabric with no rough touch feeling having biodegradability and excellent in puffy feeling, soft touch and deep dyeability through weaving/knitting and dyeing, and to provide such a woven/knitted fabric. - 特許庁


To provide an antistatic polyester combined filament yarn having excellent touch feeling, antistaticity, antistatic persistence, and dyed grade, good in process passableness in higher processing step(s), and excellent in operation stability and quality stability. - 特許庁


In the manufacture, the thread materials 4, 5 along one direction of a warp direction or a woof direction are made to the same material as a whole and weaving is performed using the colored fiber applied with dyeing processing to a part of the thread material 4a into an optional color in a range of one or more up to 1/2 of the total numbers of the thread material extending in the same direction. - 特許庁


To provide the raw material and the product, having excellent process stability in a yarn-producing process and in a bulky processing process, scarcely eliminating loops in a high level processing process, exhibiting a natural grain- like appearance, when dyed, giving highly uniform loops together with a soft and smooth touch due to fine unevenness, and further having good dyeing fastness. - 特許庁


It is confirmed that, for example, expression of the megsin protein which is localized in the glomerular epithelial cell is exalted in nephropathy caused by abnormality of a glomerular epithelial cell line, such as membranous nephropathy and minimal change nephrosis, by an immune structure dyeing method using the monoclonal antibody. - 特許庁


To provide a method for efficiently producing a polytrimethylene terephthalate having excellent qualities free from unevenness of performances such as dyeability, strength, etc., controlling occurrence of saddle of winding form and burst in a spinning/drawing process. - 特許庁


To provide a polyester generating little amount of a regenerated cyclic dimer at melt molding, enabling the stable production of a fiber by reducing the amount of deposited oligomers at weaving or knitting, and exhibiting excellent properties in quality control in dyeing process. - 特許庁


To provide a polyester forming a small amount of a cyclic dimer reproduced at melt forming, providing a stable processing condition at melt spinning, depositing a small amount of oligomers at weaving and knitting to enable the stable production of a textile, and having excellent properties in quality control at dyeing step. - 特許庁

本発明は、疎水基の構成率の高いカチオン化改剤を用いてカチオン化改した紡績と、疎水基の構成率の低いカチオン化改剤を用いてカチオン化改した紡績、又は、これらのカチオン化改した紡績と未改の紡績を用いて交編織し、該交編織物を酸性染料と反応染料、 又は酸性染料と反応染料と直接染料で染色することにより、異色相に染め分けされた交編織物を得る。例文帳に追加

The union fabric dividedly dyed in a heterohue fashion is obtained by dyeing with an acid dye and a reactive dye and optionally a direct dye a union fabric comprising spun yarns cationization-modified with a cationization modifier of high hydrophobic group constitution ratio, spun yarns cationization-modified with a cationization modifier of low hydrophobic group constitution ratio, and optionally unmodified spun yarns. - 特許庁


To provide a new spun yarn for simultaneously satisfying lightweight, heat-retaining property and pill resistance by providing an air layer by using a spun yarn which is substantially twist-free in addition to a specific and specific and ideal hollow structure formation method carrying out removal of elution of a core component in dyeing after formation of fabric and a knitted or woven fabric composed of the spun yarn. - 特許庁


To provide new spun yarns simultaneously satisfying lightness, heat retaining property and pill resistance by providing air layers, wherein the air layers are provided by a special and ideal method for forming hollow structure and comprising elusion elimination of a core component in dyeing treatment after fabric formation, and to provide a knit fabric comprising the spun yarns practically untwisted. - 特許庁


The invention relates to a cell adhesive silk yarn containing a silk protein having a cell adhesive peptide sequence introduced into a fibroin H chain, a gene containing a DNA encoding a fibroin H chain containing introduced cell adhesive peptide sequence, and a genetically modified silkworm containing the gene integrated in a chromosome and producing a cocoon filament containing the cell adhesive peptide in the fibroin layer. - 特許庁


The fiber product includes 75-100 mass% of a synthetic staple fiber containing 1-3 mass% of a white pigment, comprises a spun yarn in which the average number of fluffs having a length of 7 mm or more is not more than 10 per 10 m, and is dyed with a color tone such that the L* value when dried is 30 to 70. - 特許庁


The meristematic tissues of Sandersonia are cultured in a culture medium to which a substance that binds to tubulin to inhibit the tubulin from polymerizing to the microtubules, for example, dinitroaniline substance, or a spindle fiber formation inhibitor that inhibits the work in the microtubule formation center that controls the polymerization of tubulin, for example, a N-phenyl carbonate, is added whereby the chromosomes of the Sandersonia is doubled. - 特許庁



To obtain a polyester chip which has a small amount of reproduced cyclic dimmers formed in melt molding, a stable process in melt spinning and a small amount of oligomers deposited in weaving and knitting, stably produces a fiber and has excellent properties of quality controls in a dyeing process and to provide a method for producing the same. - 特許庁


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