
「高剪断粘度」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 高剪断粘度に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 33



To disclose a lubricant composition of exhibiting a low high-temperature high-shear (HTHS) viscosity. - 特許庁


When the ink composition is used as the ink for the ballpoint pen, a thickener is added thereto to make the ink a middle or high viscosity ink or an ink with a viscosity reduced by shear. - 特許庁


The water-soluble auxiliary (A) has a high shear viscosity in a molten state, high solubility in water and a small aqueous solution viscosity. - 特許庁

プレコート装置14は、高剪断粘度が1〜50mPa ・s 、低が0.01〜5Pa・s の塗布液を、プレコート厚t1が湿潤塗膜厚t2の3〜20倍になるようにプレコートを行う。例文帳に追加

In the pre-coat apparatus 14, the coating liquid having 1-50 mPa.s high shear viscosity and 0.01-5 Pa.s low shear viscosity is applied so that the pre-coat thickness t1 becomes 3-20 times of wet coating film thickness t2. - 特許庁



To provide a method of manufacturing coated paper or cardboard comprising applying a coating material having high viscosity on paper or cardboard under a high shearing condition. - 特許庁



To provide a lube oil composition realizing excellently low fuel consumption, particularly a lube oil composition that exhibits a reduced shear viscosity in a medium temperature range around 80-100°C effective for the fuel cost while keeping its viscosity constant under a high-temperature and high-shear condition as a lube oil composition suitable for an internal combustion engine. - 特許庁


To provide a polymer having large viscosity change by shearing without using an expensive monomer such as norbornadiene. - 特許庁


To provide a auxiliary fuel composition for cement firing having thixotropic properties which exhibits a high viscosity at zero to a low shear rate to control settling and surfacing of constituting components and exhibits a low viscosity at a high shear rate exceeding the above region to easily enable pipe transportation and spraying combustion. - 特許庁


To provide a synthetic lubricating oil and a lubricating oil composition which have high heat-resistant oxidation stability and a high viscosity index, and is excellent in low-temperature viscosity characteristics and shear stability. - 特許庁



The thermoplastic resin P1 has a glass transition temperature higher by20°C than that of the styrenic resin and a melt viscosity ratio of 1/2-50/1 to the styrenic resin at a melting temperature of 190°C and at a shear rate of 1×102 sec-1. - 特許庁



To provide a polymer having at least one property of reduced polydispersity, low temperature viscometrics, high temperature viscometrics and shear stability and capable of imparting dispersant and/or viscosity modifying properties; and to provide a method for preparing these compositions. - 特許庁


To provide a process for preparing of a polymer having at least one of low polydispersity, low temperature viscosity property, high temperature viscosity property, and shear stability and capable of adding dispersing and/or viscosity adjusting proprties; and to provide a process for preparing a composition thereof. - 特許庁


To provide a molding method capable of obtaining a molded article having excellent appearance even from a high viscosity fluoroplastic without generating a melt fracture at a high shearing speed. - 特許庁


To provide an addition-curing type liquid silicone rubber composition which is used for injection molding, hardly deteriorates the viscosity of the rubber material under high shear rates, and does not form the burr of molded articles. - 特許庁


To obtain a hydraulic oil compsn. for buffers, which is excellent in low-temp. viscosity characteristics, vaporizability, and shear stability and has a stable damping power at from low to high temps. - 特許庁


To provide a thermoplastic resin aqueous dispersion that maintains its viscosity even when left after mixed with a hydrophilic organic solvent such as an alcohol and stably retains its emulsion state even when subjected to high shear by a roll coater or the like. - 特許庁


The condition (A): the ratio [(I) layer/(II) layer] of apparent shear viscosity of the (I) layer and the (II) layer in 100_sec^-1 of a Koka type (constant-load orifice-type) flow tester, measured in 300°C. is in the range of ≥1.0 and ≤10.0. - 特許庁


A method for homogeneous mixing of the multi-component mixture is disclosed. - 特許庁


The lubricating oil composition has excellent shear stability, superior oxidation stability and thermal stability, and a narrow fluctuation width of kinetic viscosity and a viscosity index even at a high temperature oxidation, and is suitable as gear oil, transmission oil, lubricating oil for an internal combustion engine, hydraulic working oil and compressor oil. - 特許庁


The lubricating oil composition has excellent shear stability, superior oxidation stability and thermal stability, and a narrow fluctuation width of kinetic viscosity and a viscosity index even at a high temperature oxidation, and is suitable as gear oil, transmission oil, lubricating oil for an internal combustion engine, hydraulic working oil and compressor oil. - 特許庁


To simply prepare a mixture in which liquid is homogeneously dispersed and a kneaded product having high viscoelasticity and produce a kneaded product having high viscoelasticity excellent in taste, palatability and the like by preventing overmixing caused by excessive shearing force even in case of weak dough. - 特許庁


The oil phase containing the solid oil component and the liquid oil component is added to an aqueous phase containing a water-soluble thickener and kept at a temperature higher than the melting point of the solid oil component, at a temperature higher than the melting point of the solid oil component, and the mixture is sheared and mixed to a temperature below the melting point of the solid oil component. - 特許庁


An oil phase containing a solid oil and a liquid oil at a temperature higher than the melting point of the solid oil is added to a water phase containing a water-soluble thickener at a temperature higher than the melting point of the solid oil and the mixture is mixed under shear up to a temperature equal to or lower than the melting point of the solid oil. - 特許庁


The resin composition comprises 5-40 wt.% carbon fiber precursor and 95-60 wt.% polyester, and has ≤300 Pa sec melt viscosity measured at a temperature 50°C higher than the melting point of the polyester at 1216 sec^-1 shear rate. - 特許庁


Therefore, the procedures for the insertion to the inside and at least the partial removal are done by the combination in bulk to the elastomer host at a high temperature under high shearing in contrast to the preliminary insertion of the clay into an aqueous medium and in contrast to a low-viscosity melting treatment of simple thermoplastic polymers. - 特許庁


This composition in a low-viscosity liquid state is obtained by heating an aqueous medium containing polysaccharides such as agar-agar at high concentrations followed by cooling the medium under shearing force; thus offering pharmaceutical preparations, instillations, foods, cosmetics, toiletries, etc., having new palate feeling and/or functions. - 特許庁


This aqueous ink for the mimeographic printing is provided by containing a straight chain-structured water soluble polymer containing (meth)acrylamide in its main chain and having500 mPa s ink viscosity at 10 Pa by increasing shearing stress from 0 Pa by 0.1 Pa/s rate at 23°C. - 特許庁


This method is characterized in that a polyether polymer and a polyether polymer composition made by containing a soluble electrolyte chloride and an active material in the polymer are extrusion molded with a shear viscosity of 0.08 to 0.2 kPa×s at a kneading part by the extruder. - 特許庁


The manufacturing method for the functional product using the biomass is characterized in that a modifying agent is applied under a condition of a high substrate concentration in which the biomass particle receives a shearing stress under a condition that swelling and viscosity-increase of the biomass is substantially suppressed using the whole drying substance of the biomass. - 特許庁


The method for producing the carbon nanotube dispersion comprises dissolving or, if necessary, dispersing a macromolecular compound (preferably an acrylic or epoxy-based polymer) in an organic solvent to provide a macromolecular compound solution having 20-30,000 cP viscosity, adding the carbon nanotube to the macromolecular compound solution, and dispersing the carbon nanotube by a method of ultrasonic dispersion, high-shear dispersion or the like. - 特許庁


To provide an injection-molding apparatus which does not cause resin clogging despite the use of a high-viscosity molding material in a molten state or a molding material blended with a non-melting component and can perform high-precision injection molding, especially can prevent a molding failure due to the thermal deterioration of a resin during retention or excess shear heat generation of the resin. - 特許庁

(a)少なくとも1層を含む自由流動性カーテンを形成すること、ここでこの自由流動性カーテンの少なくとも1層を形成する組成物は少なくとも50mPa・sの高剪断粘度を有し、そして (b)前記カーテンを原紙または板紙の連続的ウェブ支持体と接触させること、の工程を含む、印画紙を除く、コーテッド紙または板紙を製造する方法。例文帳に追加

The method for producing coated paper or a paperboard except photographic paper comprises processes of (a) forming a free flowing curtain having at least one layer in which a composition forming at least one layer of the free flowing curtain has high shear viscosity of at least 50 mPa s and (b) bringing the curtain into contact with the continuous web substrate of base paper or a paperboard. - 特許庁



In the method of manufacturing the polycarbonate resin sheet, a fused polycarbonate resin material (A component) is held between a shaping roll with fine recesses formed on the surface and a cooling roll facing opposite to the shaping roll, thereby forming the polycarbonate sheet, on which fine projections are shaped. - 特許庁


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