
「Mashita Nagamori」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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Mashita Nagamoriの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 18


When dispatching troops to Korea (the Bunroku no eki War), Mitsunari went to Korea as the So-bugyo magistrate with Nagamori MASHITA and Yoshitsugu OTANI. 例文帳に追加

文禄元年(1592年)、朝鮮出兵(文禄の役)が始まると朝鮮に渡海し、増田長盛、大谷吉継とともに朝鮮出兵の総奉行を務める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, Ieyasu frequently visited the residences of Tadaoki HOSOKAWA, of Yoshihiro SHIMAZU, and of Nagamori MASHITA to increase the number of his supporters. 例文帳に追加

さらに家康は、細川忠興や島津義弘、増田長盛らの屋敷にも頻繁に訪問して、多数派工作を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, he pointed out that the emphasis placed on the relationship between Yoshitsugu OTANI and Nagamori MASHITA, who was later involved in raising an army for Mitsunari ISHIDA, was not natural. 例文帳に追加

また、のちに石田三成の挙兵に加担する大谷吉継・増田長盛との関係がこの時点から強調される点も不自然と指摘。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nagamori MASHITA, and then Masaie NATSUKA, who were among the Five Administrators, successively became the lord of the castle, the former in 1585 and the latter in 1595. 例文帳に追加

その後1585年(天正18年)に増田長盛が、1595年(文禄4年)には長束正家と五奉行を務めた2人が相次いで入城している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Mitsunari ISHIDA, Masaie NAGATSUKA, Nagamori MASHITA, included in the Gobugyo (five Bugyo) of the Toyotomi government, were originally the members of Yuhitsushu belonged to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI. 例文帳に追加

豊臣政権の五奉行であった石田三成・長束正家・増田長盛は元々豊臣秀吉の右筆衆出身であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nagamori MASHITA got very angry and advised Mitsunari to defeat Yoshisato, but Mitsumari did not accuse him because 'if I defeat Yoshisato, public opinion in the Omi Province will be affected.' 例文帳に追加

増田長盛はこれに激怒し、義郷を討ち果たすべきと三成に進言したが、三成は「義郷を討てば近江の民心が離れる」との理由で義郷を咎めなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1586, he sent a letter to Kagekatsu UESUGI to encourage him to go to Kyoto under joint signatures with Mitsunari ISHIDA and Nagamori MASHITA, and in 1590, he sent a letter to Masamune DATE to urge him to join the war for the invasion of Odawara. 例文帳に追加

天正14年(1586年)には石田三成、増田長盛と連名で上杉景勝に上洛を促す書状を、天正18年(1590年)の小田原攻めに際しては伊達政宗に参陣を催促する書状を送っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was involved in things other than military matters, as when, in 1586, he administered the building of a grand statue of Buddha at Hokoji Temple and, in 1591 became the administrator of land surveys of Omi Province; together with Nagamori MASHITA, he undertook land surveys and left behind a legacy in the form of the administration of public works. 例文帳に追加

また軍事だけでなく、天正14年(1586年)に方広寺大仏の作事奉行を、天正19年(1591年)には近江国検地奉行となって増田長盛らと共に検地を行うなど行政面でも事績を残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On this occasion, the three bugyo officers of Geni MAEDA, of Masaie NAGATSUKA, and of Nagamori MASHITA, Yoshiharu HORIO, Kazuuji NAKAMURA, and Chikamasa IKOMA appealed him to stop the conquering movement, but Ieyasu executed the conquering activity forcibly, without accepting the appeal. 例文帳に追加

このとき、前田玄以・長束正家・増田長盛ら三奉行と堀尾吉晴・中村一氏・生駒親正らが征伐の中止を訴えたが聞き入れず、征伐を強行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then Mitsunari persuaded the bugyo officers, including Nagamori MASHITA and Masaie NAGATSUKA, to support his side, established Terumoto MORI as the supreme commander, and sent to daimyo a paper for impeaching Ieyasu. 例文帳に追加

そして、増田長盛、長束正家ら奉行衆を説得するとともに、毛利輝元を総大将として擁立し、家康の弾劾状を諸大名に対して公布した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hideyoshi's core troops also included forces of other leaders including Kiyomasa KATO, Masanori FUKUSHIMA, Yoshitsugu OTANI, Katsutoyo YAMAUCHI, Nagamori MASHITA, Hidehisa SENGOKU and Yoshimasa TANAKA as choku banshu (literally "immediate guards"). 例文帳に追加

秀吉本隊中には他に直番衆として加藤清正、福島正則、大谷吉継、山内一豊、増田長盛、仙石秀久、田中吉政といった顔ぶれもいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Clerical work, such as land survey, was conducted by so-called Gobugyo (five major magistrates), Hideyoshi's vassals trained from their boyhood: Mitsunari ISHIDA, Nagamasa ASANO, Geni MAEDA, Nagamori MASHITA and Masaie NAGATSUKA. 例文帳に追加

また、検地などの事務的な処理に関しては、秀吉子飼いの家臣である石田三成・浅野長政・前田玄以・増田長盛・長束正家らいわゆる五奉行によって執行された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides Morichika, Okiaki HOSOKAWA was ordered by his father to commit jijin (suicide with one's sword) by his father, Tadaoki HOSOKAW, Nagamori MASHITA committed jijin in Iwatsuki Ward where he was banished to compensate for Moritsugu's crime, and Shigenari FURUTA did so for the suspicion of harboring Kunimatsu. 例文帳に追加

盛親以外には、細川興秋は父・細川忠興から自刃を命じられ、増田長盛は盛次の罪を背負う形で配流先の岩槻区で、また古田重然は国松を匿った疑いでそれぞれ自刃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the report of Nagatoshi YAMANAKA, a vassal of the Toyotomi clan, regarding the postwar settlement of Kanto region, which was addressed to his counterpart, Nagamori MASHITA, it was also indicated that Yorizumi had been in Oyumi. 例文帳に追加

(豊臣氏家臣山中長俊から増田長盛にあてた関東処分に関する報告書においても頼純が小弓に滞在している事を示唆している。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The post of Uemon no jo (Nagamori MASHITA) was avoided because of his opportunistic attitude towards both Eastern and Western troops, and the post of Uhyoe no jo (Masakage YAMAGATA) was avoided because he got promotion by the betrayal of his own brother, while the post of Uemon no suke (Hisamichi MATSUNAGA) was also avoided because both he and his father rebelled against the ruler of the nation at the time twice and killed themselves as a result of that. 例文帳に追加

右衛門尉(増田長盛)は東西両陣営に日和見、右兵衛尉(山県昌景)は実兄を密告し栄達、右衛門佐(松永久通)は親子で天下人に二度も謀反のうえ自害という理由で避けられた - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His fate can be contrasted with Nagamori MASHITA, another Gobugyo who remained in Osaka Castle as a rusuiyaku (or caretaker) and secretly gave out information about the Osaka (Western) army to Ieyasu, but who had his estates confiscated and was dismissed from his position after the Battle of Sekigahara. 例文帳に追加

同じ五奉行の増田長盛が同じく大坂城に留守居役として残り、大坂方(西軍)の情報を提供して家康に内通したにもかかわらず、関ヶ原の戦い後に所領を没収され改易されたのとは対照的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Battle of Sekigahara, he stayed in Osaka-jo Castle with Munekatsu KAWAGUCHI and started to join the East Camp, but he was persuaded by Nagamori MASHITA and Masaie NATSUKA (also known as Masaie NAGATSUKA) out of joining the East Camp, therefore, he joined the West Camp against his will and participated in the attack on Anotsu-jo Castle and the like - as the West Camp was defeated, his fief was confiscated and, together with Munekatsu KAWAGUCHI, he was kept in custody in Masamune DATE until he was pardoned in 1603. 例文帳に追加

関ヶ原の戦いに際しては、川口宗勝と大坂城におり東軍に味方するつもりで出立したが、増田長盛、長束正家に留められ、心ならずも西軍に属し、安濃津城攻めなどに参加した為、所領を没収され、川口宗勝とともに伊達政宗に預けられるが、慶長8年(1603年)に許される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Though, in later years, it is acknowledged that they were falsified and forged due to the questionable content such as grammar that was not used in those days and unnatural use of honorific expressions, it is possible that Kanetsugu's reply received by Jotai really existed and Ieyasu was outraged by that based on the letter sent from Nagamori MASHITA, Masaie NAGATSUKA, and others to Ieyasu and the record of "Rokuon-nichiroku Diary". 例文帳に追加

当時使われない文法や不自然な敬語の使い方など内容に疑問があるため後世の改ざん・偽作とする見方もあるが、増田長盛・長束正家等が家康に送った書状や『鹿苑日録』の記録から、承兌が受け取った兼続の返書が存在し、それにより家康が激怒したことは確かのようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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