
「notice deposit」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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notice depositの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 25


a deposit at notice例文帳に追加

通知預金 - 斎藤和英大辞典

a type of bank account, called deposit at notice 例文帳に追加

通知預金という銀行預金 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a bank deposit from which withdrawals can be made without notice 例文帳に追加

前もって通告せずに引き出しが出きる銀行預金 - 日本語WordNet

A notice of the deposit shall forthwith be served on the attaching party.例文帳に追加

供託の通知は,直ちに差押申請当事者に送達される。 - 特許庁


(xiii) The term "claims" shall mean time deposit, current deposit, special current deposit, deposit at notice, insurance policies and current account balance, and monetary claims arising from loans, bids or other reasons, which are not listed in any of the preceding items. 例文帳に追加

十三 「債権」とは、定期預金、当座預金、特別当座預金、通知預金、保険証券及び当座勘定残高並びに貸借、入札その他に因り生ずる金銭債権で前各号に掲げられていないものをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A control computer 21 extracts a deposit account identifier of the customer desiring notice of a balance shortage from a deposit account data storage part 24.例文帳に追加

管理コンピュータ21は、預金口座データ記憶部24から残高不足通知を希望する顧客の預金口座識別子を抽出する。 - 特許庁

A management computer 21 obtains deposit and withdrawal information when the notice-requested deposit and withdrawal information on the account to be managed is recorded in the deposit and withdrawal section 31 of a banking system 30.例文帳に追加

バンキングシステム30の入出金データ記憶部31に、通知依頼のあった管理対象口座の入出金情報が記録された場合、管理コンピュータ21は入出金情報を取得する。 - 特許庁

a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest 例文帳に追加

預金が定期に維持される、または通知または期限の利益の喪失によってのみ引き出しが可能な預金口座 - 日本語WordNet

a certificate of deposit from which withdrawals can be made only after advance notice or at a specified future date 例文帳に追加

事前通知の後または指定された将来のある時点においてのみ引き出すことができる譲渡性預金証書 - 日本語WordNet


The deposit and withdrawal information is compared with the notice condition recorded in the retrieval item data storage section 23.例文帳に追加

そして、この入出金情報と、検索項目データ記憶部23に記録された通知条件とを照合する。 - 特許庁


(6) When the supervising immigration inspector has confiscated a deposit pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (5) of the Immigration Control Act, he/she shall issue a written notice of confiscation of deposit pursuant to Appended Form 16. 例文帳に追加

6 主任審査官は、法第十三条第五項の規定により保証金を没取したときは、別記第十六号様式による保証金没取通知書を交付するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) When the director, etc. has confiscated a deposit pursuant to the provisions of Article 55, paragraph (3) of the Immigration Control Act, he/she shall issue a written notice of confiscation of a deposit pursuant to Appended Form 71. 例文帳に追加

2 法第五十五条第三項の規定により保証金を没取したときは、別記第七十一号様式による保証金没取通知書を交付するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

When a new accession number is given to the microorganism after filing, for the reason that, e.g., re-deposit was made, samples of the microorganism were transferred to another International Depositary Authority or the deposit was converted from the deposit under the national act to that under the Budapest Treaty, the applicant or the patentee shall give a notice to that effect to the Commissioner of the Patent Office without delay. 例文帳に追加

また、特許出願の後に、再寄託、他の国際寄託当局への移送、又は国内寄託からブダペスト条約に基づく寄託への変更などにより、先の寄託微生物に新たな受託番号が付されたときは、特許出願人又は特許権者は遅滞なく、その旨を特許庁長官に届け出なければならない。 - 特許庁

As for the exercising of voting rights, Deposit Insurance Corporation (DIC) and Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC) published a notice entitled ''Basic Concept on the Exercising of Voting Rights.'' in December 2008 例文帳に追加

この議決権の行使のあり方でございますが、これにつきましては、預金保険機構及び整理回収機構(RCC)において、「議決権行使の基本的な考え方」というものを、平成20年12月に公表しております - 金融庁

Where those subject to regulations are expanded and changed, for example, where those subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze are added by a public notice, does the institution immediately confirm that there is no deposit account that falls under those subject to regulations at the institution? 例文帳に追加

告示により資産凍結等経済制裁対象者が追加される等、規制の対象が拡大、変更された場合に、該当する預金口座がないことを直ちに確認しているか。 - 財務省

Does the institution take appropriate actions in cases where a deposit account name that is identical with, or similar to, a name of a person who has been made subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze by a public notice has been detected? 例文帳に追加

照合の結果、告示により資産凍結等経済制裁の対象とされた氏名・名称と同一の預金口座名義又は類似する預金口座名義が発見された場合の対応は適切か。 - 財務省

(2) If a Designated Purchaser intends to give notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Designated Purchaser shall deposit the amount obtained by multiplying the amount of the net assets per share by the number of the Subject Shares under item (ii) of that paragraph with a depository located in the area where the head office of the Stock Company is located, and deliver a document certifying such deposit to the Requester for Approval of Transfer. 例文帳に追加

2 指定買取人は、前項の規定による通知をしようとするときは、一株当たり純資産額に同項第二号の対象株式の数を乗じて得た額を株式会社の本店の所在地の供託所に供託し、かつ、当該供託を証する書面を譲渡等承認請求者に交付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The Hearing Officer shall, after due notice and hearing, order the discharge of the attachment if the movant makes a cash deposit, or files a counter bond with the Office of the Director in an amount equal to that fixed by the Hearing Officer in the order of attachment, exclusive of costs.例文帳に追加

聴聞官は,適切な通知及び聴聞を行った後に,申立人が,局長室に,聴聞官が差押命令に定める額と等しい額(費用を除く)の現金又は逆保証証書を供託した場合は,差押の解除を命じるものとする。 - 特許庁

This shall not apply to registration of deposit account names in cases where there are constraints on the information system, etc., for example, where deposit account names can be registered only in the Latin alphabet at foreign banks, etc. In addition, where deposit account names cannot be registered in the Latin alphabet due to constraints in the information system, etc., the institution is not necessarily required to review the information system, etc. if it is possible to check that there is no relevant deposit account at the institution in cases where those subject to regulations are expanded and changed (for example, where those subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze are added by a public notice) by extracting information about holders of Non-Residents’ Deposit Accounts, etc. from information about all deposit account names through complete enumeration and preparing a list that is searchable by an electromagnetic means. In this case, it is necessary to set the provisions on administrative work with regard to management procedures, etc. of the list as it is necessary to make additions, etc. to the information about holders of Non-Residents’ Deposit Accounts, etc. in the list in a timely and appropriate manner. 例文帳に追加

外国銀行など預金口座名義をアルファベット名しか登録できないなど情報システム等に制約がある場合における預金口座名義の登録についてはこの限りではない。また、情報システム等の制約により、アルファベット名での預金口座名義の登録ができない場合においては、非居住者等預金口座の名義人情報を全預金口座名義情報から悉皆調査により抽出して、電磁的な方法により検索できるリストを作成し、告示により資産凍結等経済制裁対象者が追加される等、規制の対象が拡大、変更された場合に、該当する預金口座がないことを照合することができれば、必ずしも当該情報システム等の見直しを求めるものではない。この場合において、当該リストの非居住者等預金口座の名義人情報の追加等については、適時適切に行う必要があることから、当該リストの管理手順等について事務規定を定める必要がある。 - 財務省

(2) If a Stock Company intends to give notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall deposit the amount obtained by multiplying the amount of the net assets per share (referring to the amount prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as the amount of net assets per share. The same shall apply hereinafter.) by the number of the Subject Shares under item (ii), paragraph (1) of the preceding article, with a depository located in the area where its head office is located, and deliver a document certifying such deposit to the Requester for Approval of Transfer. 例文帳に追加

2 株式会社は、前項の規定による通知をしようとするときは、一株当たり純資産額(一株当たりの純資産額として法務省令で定める方法により算定される額をいう。以下同じ。)に前条第一項第二号の対象株式の数を乗じて得た額をその本店の所在地の供託所に供託し、かつ、当該供託を証する書面を譲渡等承認請求者に交付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) In cases where the Subject Shares are the shares of a Company Issuing Share Certificate, the Requester for Approval of Transfer who received delivery of the document referred to in the preceding paragraph shall deposit the share certificates representing the Subject Shares referred to in item (ii), paragraph (1) of the preceding article with a depository located in the area where the head office of such Company Issuing Share Certificate is located within one week from the day of receipt of such delivery. In such cases, such Requester for Approval of Transfer shall give notice of such deposit to such Company Issuing Share Certificate without delay. 例文帳に追加

3 対象株式が株券発行会社の株式である場合には、前項の書面の交付を受けた譲渡等承認請求者は、当該交付を受けた日から一週間以内に、前条第一項第二号の対象株式に係る株券を当該株券発行会社の本店の所在地の供託所に供託しなければならない。この場合においては、当該譲渡等承認請求者は、当該株券発行会社に対し、遅滞なく、当該供託をした旨を通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) In cases where the Subject Shares are the shares of a Company Issuing Share Certificate, the Requester for Approval of Transfers who received delivery of the document referred to in the preceding paragraph shall deposit the share certificates representing the Subject Shares referred to in item (ii) of paragraph (1) with a depository located in the area where the head office of such Company Issuing Share Certificate is located within one week from the day of receipt of such delivery. In such cases, such Requester for Approval of Transfer shall give notice of such deposit to the Designated Purchaser without delay. 例文帳に追加

3 対象株式が株券発行会社の株式である場合には、前項の書面の交付を受けた譲渡等承認請求者は、当該交付を受けた日から一週間以内に、第一項第二号の対象株式に係る株券を当該株券発行会社の本店の所在地の供託所に供託しなければならない。この場合においては、当該譲渡等承認請求者は、指定買取人に対し、遅滞なく、当該供託をした旨を通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Where a microorganism which was deposited with a depositary institution designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office and was confirmed to be viable is found to be no longer viable, the depositor, upon receipt of the "Notice that the microorganism cannot be furnished" (Official Gazette of MITI No.178 Section 15) from the depositary institution, should deposit immediately the same microorganism as that originally deposited. 例文帳に追加

特許庁長官の指定する機関に寄託され、該機関によって生存が確認された微生物が、その後生存しないことが明らかになった場合には、寄託者は、該機関から「分譲できない旨の通知」を受け取った後、速やかにもとの寄託に係る微生物と同一の微生物を寄託しなければならない。 - 特許庁

2. If the culture of a micro-organism ceases to be available from the institution with which it has been stored because the micro-organism is no longer viable or the institution is unable to supply samples of that culture for other reasons and the culture has not been transferred to another institution within the meaning of Article 18, first paragraph, such that it remains accessible, it shall be deemed to have remained available nevertheless if, within a period of three months after the date on which the institution or the Office has given notice that the culture is no longer available, a new deposit of a culture of the micro-organism in question is performed and a copy of the receipt of the new deposit, issued by the institution in question with designation of the number of the patent application or of the patent, is sent to the Office.例文帳に追加

(2) 微生物の培養物が,微生物がもはや生存できないか又は寄託機関がそれ以外の事由で培養物の提供ができなくなったという理由で,保存していた寄託機関から入手できなくなり,かつ,培養物が,それを引き続き入手できるようにするために,第18条(1)の意味での他の機関に移転されていない場合であっても,当該機関又は庁が培養物の分譲ができなくなった旨の通知を出してから3月以内に,当該微生物の培養物を新たに寄託し,該当する機関が発行し,特許出願又は特許番号を指定した受領書の写しが庁に送付されたときは,前記培養物は引き続き分譲可能であったものとみなされるものとする。 - 特許庁


(8) The provisions of Article 11 (Business Deposit), Articles 22 to 31 inclusive (Entrustment of Trust Business, Liability of Trust Company Pertaining to Entrustment of Trust Business, Conduct Rules Pertaining to Underwriting of Trust, Application mutatis mutandis of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Explanation of Contents of Trust Contract, Written Issuance at Conclusion of Trust Contract, Issuance of Report on Trust Property Situation, Duty of Loyalty of Trust Company, etc., Conduct Rules Pertaining to Trust Property, Change of Important Trust, etc., Explanation of Reimbursement of Costs, etc. or Scope of Advance Payment, etc., Special Measures for Public Notice of Trusts, and Debt Set-off Pertaining to Trust Property), Article 42 (Inspection, etc.), and Article 49 (Dismissal Procedure in the Case of Rescission, etc. of License, etc.) of the Trust Business Act and Article 6 (Conclusion of Trust Contract on Loss Compensation, etc.) of the Act on Provision, etc. of Trust Business by Financial Institutions shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Life Insurance Company carries out the Insurance Claim Trust Business pursuant to the provision of paragraph (3). In this case, the phrases listed in the middle column of the following table in the provisions of the Trust Business Act listed in the left column of the table shall be deemed to be replaced with the phrases listed in the right column of the table. 例文帳に追加

8 信託業法第十一条(営業保証金)、第二十二条から第三十一条まで(信託業務の委託、信託業務の委託に係る信託会社の責任、信託の引受けに係る行為準則、金融商品取引法の準用、信託契約の内容の説明、信託契約締結時の書面交付、信託財産状況報告書の交付、信託会社の忠実義務等、信託財産に係る行為準則、重要な信託の変更等、費用等の償還又は前払の範囲等の説明、信託の公示の特例、信託財産に係る債務の相殺)、第四十二条(立入検査等)及び第四十九条(免許等の取消し等の場合の解任手続)並びに金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第六条(損失の補てん等を行う旨の信託契約の締結)の規定は、生命保険会社が第三項の規定により保険金信託業務を行う場合について準用する。この場合において、次の表の上欄に掲げる信託業法の規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、同表の下欄に掲げる字句と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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