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クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「clear forward」の意味

clear forward

「clear forward」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


To provide an endoscope capable of providing a clear image not only for all-round field but also for entire forward field by irradiating the forward field and the all-round field.例文帳に追加

前方視野および全周視野を照らし、全周視野のみならず前方視野全体についても鮮明な画像が得られる内視鏡を実現する。 - 特許庁

The Update on the Bank’s Business Modernization: Results, Openness and Accountability indicates a clear way forward.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「世界銀行の業務の現代化:結果、開放性とアカウンタビリティ」では、今後の明確な方法が提示されている。 - 財務省

To provide a head mount type display apparatus that allows a user to view a clear image while illuminating a forward area.例文帳に追加

前方領域を照明しつつ明瞭な画像を使用者に視認させる頭部装着型表示装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

To enable a player to produce tones as clear as possible by making members string picking pick the strings in forward movement and not pick the strings in backward movement.例文帳に追加

弦を弾く部材が往動時に弦を弾き復動時に弦を弾かないようにして、できるだけ澄んだ音を奏でることができるようにする。 - 特許庁

To provide another synchronous option which contains a non- synchronous source device and an adaptive sink device and is capable of recovering a clear feed forward clock.例文帳に追加

非同期ソース装置と適応シンク装置を含み、明らかなフィードフォワードクロック回復を可能とする他の同期オプションを提供すること。 - 特許庁

Whether a one is at fault is made clear with video at occurrence of accident as evidence, by repeatedly storing forward view images in driving for a fixed time with the configuration of a small CCD camera and a magnetic disk.例文帳に追加

小型CCDカメラ及び磁気ディスクの構成にて移動中の前方映像を一定時間繰り返し保存することにより、事故発生時にその映像を証拠として自身の過失を明確にすることができる。 - 特許庁


To provide a boundary block warning a pedestrian or a driver of the presence of a stepped section when the lane form of a forward lane is made clear, no parking-stopping areas are clarified and the block is laid on a boundary between a sidewalk and a roadway.例文帳に追加

前方車線の線形が明確となり、駐停車禁止区域がはっきりし、歩道と車道の境に敷設させた場合等は、段差があることを歩行者や運転者に警告する境界ブロックを提供する。 - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「clear forward」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


To enable letters on shade or the like to make uniformly clear by disposing a flat lamp forward of sockets of a straight fluorescent lamp with the sockets at its both ends to light up a dark part of the shade of the both sockets, and also to increase an effect of sales promotion.例文帳に追加

隣接するソケットの間の間隙の部分が他の部分より暗くなり、前方からシェードを見ると黒ずんで見えると共に、シェードに書いてある文字が読み難い。 - 特許庁

We share a strong concern about this state of affairs, and we must work together to develop a clear and realistic path forward that is consistent with our continuing aspiration for the successful conclusion of the Round.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

かかる現状について我々は強い懸念を共有するとともに,ラウンドの成功裏の妥結に向けた我々の継続した要望に整合的な形で,今後の明確かつ現実的な道筋を策定するために我々は協働しなければならない。 - 経済産業省

Further, for service sector to achieve global expansion through direct investment, they must accurately meet the needs of consumers and companies in the market locations, and build a clear distinction with European and U.S. companies and leading local service companies which have already moved forward with foreign expansion.例文帳に追加

さらに、サービス産業が直接投資によりグローバルな展開を実現していくためには、進出先の消費者ニーズ、企業ニーズに的確に応え、既に海外展開を進めている欧米サービス企業や有力な現地サービス企業などとの明確な差別化により競争を勝ち抜かなければならない。 - 経済産業省

Article 35 A person who is to forward a piece of cargo which weighs one ton or more shall label its weight on the said cargo by an ostensive and not easily erasable method; provided that this shall not apply when forwarding an unpackaged cargo the weight of which is clear at a glance.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三十五条 一の貨物で、重量が一トン以上のものを発送しようとする者は、見やすく、かつ、容易に消滅しない方法で、当該貨物にその重量を表示しなければならない。ただし、包装されていない貨物で、その重量が一見して明らかであるものを発送しようとするときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In addition to these activities, though discussions via e-forums and with dispatching and accepting experts each other, the Trilateral Offices bring forward projects and cooperation in the field of patents. Moreover, holding the deputy heads level Strategic Working Group twice a year and the Trilateral Conference at heads level once a year, the Trilateral Offices are further developing projects and cooperation under clear guidelines with setting long-term goals and each year's goals and following them up.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また、年2回の副長官級による戦略作業部会、そして、年1回開催する長官会合において、プロジェクト及び協力の進行状況をフォローアップしながら、長期的な目標、各年の目標を定め、明確な指針の下、プロジェクト及び協力を更に発展させています。 - 特許庁

Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be deducted from corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12(4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of the said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of the said income tax (where the amount of the said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where the said discount bonds are national government bonds listed in Article 41-12(9)(i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in the said paragraph or other national government bonds specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national government bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for the said discount bonds, and where the said discount bonds are the said short-term national government bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to the said issue price for the said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13(1)(i) and (5)(ii)) from the face value of the said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for the said discount bonds collected at the time of issue pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(3) of the Act, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the next Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2(1)(i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where the said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12(9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the next paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)" in paragraph (3) of the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額に、当該割引債の発行の際に法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be credited against corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of said income tax (where the amount of said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where said discount bonds are national bonds listed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9), items (i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in said paragraph or other national bonds specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for said discount bonds, and where said discount bonds are said short-term national bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to said issue price for said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (5), item (ii)) from the face value of said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction (where said discount bonds are issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation, the amount specified by Cabinet Order, prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (3) of the Act) by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for said discount bonds collected at the time of issuance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of said Article, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption (meaning profit from redemption as prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (7) (Separate Taxation, etc. on Profit from Redemption, etc.) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (3))"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)" in paragraph (3) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額(当該割引債が外国法人が国外において発行したものであるときは、法第四十一条の十二第三項に規定する政令で定める金額)に、当該割引債の発行の際に同条第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第七項(償還差益等に係る分離課税等)に規定する償還差益をいう。次項及び第三項において同じ。)」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


「clear forward」の意味に関連した用語

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