
「統制する人」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 統制する人に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 199



the act of a group of forming a military unit  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a person who disobeys regulations and behaves in an extreme manner  - EDR日英対訳辞書

③ 内部統制報告書に対する監査の意見例文帳に追加

3)External auditor's Opinion on the Internal Control Report  - 金融庁


In the Internal Control Audit Report, external auditors must include clear and concise statements on the objectives of Internal Control Audit, the overview of the performed Internal Control Audit and its opinion on the Internal Control Report.  - 金融庁



The task of production control is coordinating men, material and machines. - Weblio英語基本例文集



c. External auditors should review the operation of application controls.  - 金融庁

ハ. 内部統制監査に対する監査の責任は独立の立場から内部統制報告書に対する意見を表明することにあること例文帳に追加

c. A statement denoting that external auditors' responsibility for Internal Control Audits is to express an independent opinion on the Internal Control Report  - 金融庁

イ. 内部統制監査を実施した監査の責任は、独立の立場から内部統制報告書に対する意見を表明することにあること例文帳に追加

a. A statement denoting that the responsibility of an external auditor who performed an Internal Control Audit is to express an independent opinion on the Internal Control Report  - 金融庁


External auditors should also consider whether the appropriate manager or responsible personnel for internal controls has authority or competencies necessary for the design of internal controls.  - 金融庁



External auditors should add in the Internal Control Audit Report the following matters:  - 金融庁



an official responsible for control and supervision of a particular activity or area of public interest  - 日本語WordNet


Audits of internal controls are to be performed by the same auditors responsible for auditing the company's financial statements.  - 金融庁


External auditors must evaluate the appropriateness of the management's assessment of company-level controls.  - 金融庁


External auditors must evaluate the appropriateness of the management's assessment of process-level controls.  - 金融庁

監査は、「Ⅱ 財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告」3.(7)に記載の内部統制の記録を入手して、ITを利用した内部統制の概要を把握するとともに、経営者が評価対象としたITに係る全般統制及び業務処理統制が評価対象として適切なものか検討する例文帳に追加

External auditors should understand the overview of IT-based controls by obtaining the records on internal controls described in Section 3(7) of Chapter II, “Assessment and Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting,” at the same time evaluating whether IT general controls and IT application controls included in the management’s scope of assessment are appropriate.  - 金融庁


The Internal Control Audit and the Financial Statement Audit are, in principle, performed by the same external auditors. External auditors shall therefore be required to establish the Internal Control Audit plan as a part of the Financial Statement Audit plan.  - 金融庁


In other words, in the Internal Control Audit, external auditors express their opinions on the management’s assertions, which are expressed in the results of the internal control effectiveness assessment, They do not directly evaluate the design and operating effectiveness of internal controls, aside from those relating to the management’s assertions.  - 金融庁

監査は、「Ⅱ 財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告」3.(7)に記載の内部統制の記録を入手して、ITを利用した内部統制の概要を把握するとともに、経営者が評価対象としたITに係る全般統制及び業務処理統制が評価対象として適切なものか検討する。監査は、企業が業務プロセスにITを利用している場合において、手を利用した統制が行われている部分については、前述の「①業務プロセスに係る内部統制の評価の検討」を実施し、ITを利用した統制が行われている部分については、以下のITに係る全般統制及び業務処理統制の評価の検証を行うことにより、業務プロセスに係る経営者の評価の妥当性の検証を行う。例文帳に追加

When evaluating the effectiveness of the management’s assessment of business processes undertaken in companies using IT, external auditors should perform the “[1].Evaluation of the assessment of process-level controlsstated above for the manually performed controls, and evaluation of the assessment of IT general controls and IT application controls stated hereinafter for the IT-based controls.  - 金融庁

監査は、全社的な内部統制の概要を理解し、例えば、「Ⅱ 財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告」参考1(財務報告に係る全社的な内部統制に関する評価項目の例)に示された評価項目の例に留意して、経営者の評価の妥当性について検討する例文帳に追加

External auditors should obtain a general understanding of company-level controls and evaluate the appropriateness of the management’s assessment, taking into consideration, for example, the assessment items listed in Exhibit 1, “Examples of Assessment Items for Company-Level Controls over Financial Reportingof Chapter II, “Assessment and Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting”.  - 金融庁


either because it is a kind of case in which he is on the whole likely to act better, when left to his own discretion, than when controlled in any way in which society have it in their power to control him;  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Concerning business processes which have been included in the scope of assessment, external auditors should evaluate the management’s assessment of the effectiveness of the operation of internal controls, judging whether they are appropriately operated as designed and whether the manager or responsible personnel performing internal controls has authority and competencies necessary for fulfilling the task.  - 金融庁


Once the military government was established, Yoritomo MINAMOTO banned Gokenin(low-ranking vassal) from being appointed to an official rank without Yoritomo's permission to tighten the control over them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In regards to the internal control audits described in this Standard, auditors are not expected to examine the details of operational audits performed by corporate auditors. On the other hand, when auditing the appropriateness of managerial assessments of company-level controls over financial reporting, auditors should consider the design and operations of internal controls at the management level, including the activities of corporate auditors or audit committees, as part of the company's control environment.  - 金融庁


On the other hand, in the Internal Control Audit as described herein, the external auditor does not examine the details of the operational audit performed by the corporate auditor. However, when evaluating the appropriateness of the assessment on the company-level controls over financial reporting, the external auditor takes into consideration the designing and operation of internal controls at the management level including corporate auditors or the audit committee, as part of the control environment, monitoring, etc.  - 金融庁

そのため、監査は、経営者の内部統制の運用状況に関する「Ⅱ 財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告」3.(7)に記載の内部統制の記録を入手し、関連文書の閲覧、適切な管理者又は担当者に対する質問等により、内部統制の実施状況(自己点検の状況を含む。)を検証する例文帳に追加

For that purpose, external auditors should obtain the records on the management’s operation of internal controls described in Section 3(7)[1] of Chapter II, “Assessment and Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting” and evaluate the operation of internal controls (including the status of self-assessment), by reviewing relevant records, querying appropriate managers or responsible personnel or through other procedures.  - 金融庁


Internal auditors are responsible for examining and assessing the design and operation of internal control and prompts remedial action as a part of their monitoring functions, a basic component of internal control to ensure more effective achievement of the internal control objectives.  - 金融庁


The objective of the Internal Control Audit based on this guideline is to have external auditors express their opinions as to whether the management’s Internal Control Report is fairly stated, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted assessment standards for internal control.  - 金融庁


e. Evaluate whether the key controls described under d. above are designed to mitigate the risk of misstatements in significant components of financial reporting sufficiently if they are operated in accordance with prescribed policies.  - 金融庁


But, as yet, there is a considerable amount of feeling ready to be called forth against any attempt of the law to control individuals in things in which they have not hitherto been accustomed to be controlled by it;  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


In the Internal Control Audit Report, external auditors must express an opinion on whether the management's assessment of internal control over financial reporting in the Internal Control Report is fairly stated, in all material respects, in accordance with the generally accepted assessment standards for internal control.  - 金融庁


In the Internal Control Audit, external auditors express their opinions on the management's assertions, which are expressed in the results of the internal controlling this assessment by the management of the effectiveness of internal controls, the management is expected to verify the design and operation of internal controls, while designing its own appropriate methods corresponding to each company's situation. Effectiveness assessment.  - 金融庁


When to evaluate the status of the operation of internal controls may vary depending on the nature of the internal controls to be evaluated and the frequency at which the internal controls is performed.  - 金融庁


If external auditors conclude that the supplementary information on remedial actions taken after the fiscal year end date that the management added to the Internal Control Report is appropriate, they should add it as additional information in the Internal Control Audit Report.  - 金融庁


When expressing an unqualified opinion, external auditors should include the following descriptions in the Internal Control Audit Report:  - 金融庁


The control environment is a concept that encompasses an organization's standard of values and basic systems of human resources, duties and the like.  - 金融庁


Based on this judgment, external auditors should evaluate the appropriateness of the management's assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control design.  - 金融庁


Such questions involve considerations of liberty, only in so far as leaving people to themselves is always better, cateris paribus, than controlling them:  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


When there are deficiencies in IT application controls that use both manual work and an IT function, the management should determine whether the deficiencies result from the manual work or the IT function.  - 金融庁


The objective of an audit of management's assessments of the effectiveness of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting ("Internal Control Audit" hereinafter) by an external auditor of financial statements is to have external auditors express their opinions, based on audit evidence obtained by themselves, as to whether the management's Internal Control Report fairly states the results of the assessment, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted assessment standards for internal control.  - 金融庁


The objective of an audit of management's assessments of the effectiveness of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting (“Internal Control Audithereinafter) by an external auditor of financial statements is to have external auditors express their opinions, based on audit evidence obtained by themselves, as to whether the management’s Internal Control Report fairly states the results of the assessment, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted assessment standards for internal control.  - 金融庁


The external auditor should perform the Internal Control Audit based on the content and intent of standards and practice standards of internal controls, appropriately understanding and respecting the internal control assessment methods which take into account the company's situation according to the management environment. Keep in mind that different audit procedures and techniques determined by each external auditor should not be automatically forced on the management.  - 金融庁


The Emperor issued a regulation to control Akuso (monk who does not follow the regulation in priesthood) and Jinin (a maiden in the service of a shrine) or the manorial control system, and established positive political ruling by following Shinzei's policy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The 'Tokugawa' surname established Ieyasu's autocratic powers within the Matsudaira clan and as such, it is thought Ieyasu exploited the entire Matsudaira clan and framework of retainers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Internal auditors investigate, examine and assess the design and operation of internal control, and report the results to appropriate personnel within the organization.  - 金融庁

. 内部統制の構築に係る個々の手続に関与する員及びその編成並びに事前の教育・訓練の方法等例文帳に追加

- Personnel who will be involved in the individual procedures necessary for the establishment of internal control; organization of the personnel; method of preliminary education and training for the personnel  - 金融庁


- Personnel who will be involved in the individual procedures necessary for the establishment of internal control; organization of the personnel; method of preliminary education and training for the personnel  - 金融庁


Since IT-based controls repeat and continue consistent processing, when their design is evaluated to be effective, their operation can generally be evaluated through simpler evaluation procedures compared to manual controls (i.e., reduction of the number of samples, shortening of the sampling period), on the premise that IT general controls are effectively functioning.  - 金融庁


Acts of whatever kind, which, without justifiable cause, do harm to others, may be, and in the more important cases absolutely require to be, controlled by the unfavourable sentiments, and, when needful, by the active interference of mankind.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

(6) 他の監査等の利用監査は、他の監査によって行われた内部統制監査の結果を利用する場合には、当該他の監査によって行われた内部統制監査の結果の重要性及び他の監査に対する信頼性の程度を勘案して、他の監査の実施した監査が適切であるかを評価し、他の監査の実施した監査の結果を利用する程度及び方法を決定しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(6) Use of Other Auditors, etc.  - 金融庁



In evaluating the design status of company-level controls, external auditors should review the appropriateness of the assessment items adopted by the management by referring, for example, to the assessment items shown in Exhibit 1 above (“Examples of Assessment Items for Company-Level Controls over Financial Reporting”).  - 金融庁


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原題:”On Liberty”

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