意味 | 例文 (14件) |

英訳・英語 consensus development
該当件数 : 14件
(No consensus has been reached on the specific number of years.) - 経済産業省
A broad international consensus has recently been formed on a number of issues:発音を聞く - 財務省
Meanwhile, the IMF indicates that, "a consensus is forming between experts in America that presume that the fundamental cause of the financial crisis is the global imbalance." - 経済産業省
I have no doubt that you will succeed in finding the right national solutions based on your proven capacity for dialogue and consensus building. - 厚生労働省
本発明にかかるスフィンゴシルホスホリルコリン(SPC)に対する結合能を有する「RNAアプタマー分子」、例えば、SPC-198:5'-GGGAAUGGAUCCACAUCUACGAAUUC UACCGUUAUUGGUGUCACCGAAGAUGUUA UUCACUGCAGACUUGACGAAGCUU -3'は、ヘアピン構造を形成可能な「5’−CCGUUAUUGG−3’」のコンセンサス配列をその一部に含んでおり、該ヘアピン構造部分を利用して、スフィンゴシルホスホリルコリン(SPC)と特異的な複合体を形成可能である。例文帳に追加
The RNA aptamer molecule capable of binding to the sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), e.g. SPC-198: 5'-GGGAAUGGAUCCACAUCUACGAAUUC UACCGUUAUUGGUGUCACCGAAGAUGUUA UUCACUGCAGACUUGACGAAGCUU-3', contains a consensus sequence of 5'-CCGUUAUUGG-3' that can form a hairpin structure as a part thereof, and the hairpin structure moiety can be utilized for the formation of a specific complex with sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC). - 特許庁
clear value-added to the Bank's development objectives; Bank action is needed to catalyze other resources and partnerships; a significant comparative advantage for the Bank; and an emerging international consensus that global action is required.発音を聞く - 財務省
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 14件
APEC は、コンセンサスの形成と、複数年にわたるイニシアティブの実施において強みを有していることを認識しつつ、APEC メンバーが、より強固で、より持続可能な、より均衡ある域内の成長を達成するため、政策手段を講じることの重要性を強調した。例文帳に追加
Recognizing APEC's strength in consensus-building and implementing multi-year initiatives, we emphasized the importance for APEC members to take policy measures to achieve stronger, more sustainable and more balanced growth in the region.発音を聞く - 財務省
It was not possible to obtain a consensus on this concept in the region because it was a proposal by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad for the formation of an East Asia trade bloc which was conceived out of his disappointed over the failure of the GATT Uruguay Round negotiations, and because the U.S. was strongly opposed to it. - 経済産業省
しかし、3 月18 日のG7 による協調介入を経て、世界の主要国が震災の影響を中和化することのコンセンサスが形成されたこともあり、大豆、小麦、トウモロコシの国際価格は、震災前(3月10 日)の水準を超えて上昇し、4 月に入ると震災前の水準を回復した。例文帳に追加
However, as major nations of the world reached a consensus to mitigate the impact caused by the earthquake disaster through coordinated intervention by G7 on March 18, the international prices of soybean, wheat and corn rose over the level existing before the earthquake disaster (March 10), and in April, it recovered to the level existing before the earthquake disaster. - 経済産業省
しかし、その後、3 月18 日のG7 による協調介入を経て、世界の主要国が震災の影響を緩和することのコンセンサスが形成されたことに加え、原発の停止に伴う追加の原油需要が増加するのではないかという見方がある中で、仏英米軍によるリビア攻撃による地政学リスクの高まりもあり、原油価格は再度上昇した。例文帳に追加
However, crude oil price rose again after world's major countries formed a consensus to mitigate the impact of the earthquake disaster through coordinated intervention by G7 on March 18, and the view point that demand for crude oil might additionally increase due to stoppage of the nuclear power generation and increased political and geographic risks caused by the attack on Libya by French, British and US air forces. - 経済産業省
こうした状況下、各国・地域は、持続可能で均衡のとれた経済成長のために、不均衡の是正、国際通貨システムの安定、一次産品価格の過度な変動への対策、保護主義化の阻止と自由貿易の促進等に関して、 G20、APEC 等の国際的なコンセンサス形成の場における対応が必要であることを改めて認識することとなった。例文帳に追加
Under these conditions, countries and regions are reminded once again that arrangements to build international consensus on correcting imbalance, achieving stability of international monetary system, taking measures against rapid fluctuation of prices of primary industrial products, preventing protectionism and promoting free trade for sustainable and balanced economic growth are to be made by the international organizations such as G20 and APEC. - 経済産業省
In relation to IFRS, the Business Accounting Council has held comprehensive discussions from a broad perspective since last year in light of Japan's national interest so as to form strategic thinking and map out a grand design. After a year of intensive discussions, we are starting to see a certain consensus. I think that now is the time to summarize the discussions in an interim report.発音を聞く - 金融庁
If we look at factors according to the Results of a Questionnaire Survey of TMOs (SME Agency, fiscal 2004), we find that the "factors behind the decline of shopping districts in central urban areas" reported include i. new commercial clusters in the suburbs, ii. individual stores being unable to respond to changes in consumer needs, iii. declines in the residential population of central urban areas, iv. the emergence of vacant stores and vacant lots, and v. the inability of shopping districts to adapt to consumer needs due to their industrial makeup. - 経済産業省
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