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英訳・英語 one-person household
該当件数 : 14件
((Increase of one-person households) - 厚生労働省
単独世帯は今後も増加を続け、2030(平成42)年には世帯主65歳以上世帯のうち37.7%を占 める見込みである。例文帳に追加
The number of one-person households is expected to continue to increase and come to account for 37.7% of the households headed by persons aged 65 and older by 2030. - 厚生労働省
One of the most prominent changes in the type of family structure in Japan is the increase in one-person households. - Weblio英語基本例文集
“One-person households” are expected to increase more in the future and to account for 37.4% in 2030 - 厚生労働省
To provide a low-cost interphone device, whose customer station calling operability is superior in either a single household or inter-multiple household connections, by selectively using a calling button for either in-own household calling and inter-household calling, according to the presence/absence of the inter-household call setting. - 特許庁
Besides, the increase of one-person households may pose a great impact to the whole society such as an increase of households which need supports including long-term care services and decline of capability of bearing burden - 厚生労働省
One-person households are vulnerable to social risks and the growing share of such households may pose a greater threat to the sustainability of communities. - 厚生労働省
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該当件数 : 14件
In recent years, the number of single-person households has increased and divorces have trend upward, and the number of divorces in 2002 reached a record level. - 経済産業省
Observing changes in family patterns, “households consisting of a couple and their children” accounted for 42.1% of all households in 1980 but percentages declined to 29.9% in 2005. However, “households of only a couple” rose to 19.6% in 2005 from 12.5% in 1980 and “one-person households” rose to 29.5% in 2005 from 19.8% in 1980. (Chart1-2-6) - 厚生労働省
It is assumed that supports from communities and society will be needed more since “one-person households” cannot expect informal supports of mutual household members and they are relatively vulnerable to social risks such as unemployment, disease and disaster - 厚生労働省
It has a personal data split means 7 which splits personal data in a stage before transmitting it to the terminal unit 3 into a plurality of split data which cannot identify specific individual or specific family unit independently. - 特許庁
To easily install an abnormal situation notification system in one-person household at relatively small introduction costs, and to quickly detect abnormality while securing privacy without bothering a person to be monitored, and to notify a preliminarily set person concerned of the result. - 特許庁
In the report "HEISEI 17 NEN SHOTOKU SAIBUNPAI CHOUSA HOUKOKUSHO" by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, a factor analysis of the increase in the Gini coefficient shows that the increase (by household on the initial income basis18) between 2002 and 2005 stems mainly from the prevailing changes in social structure, such as 1) the increase in the number of elderly households along with demographic aging and 2) the shrinking household size with the share of single households on the rise. Further, 3) the widening disparity (in the true sense of the word), which is not subject to the changes in social structure, is actually responsible for less than 10% of the total increase in the Gini coefficient (see Figure 2-2-20). Globalization and technological progress are cited as the two main factors behind the actual widening disparity. - 経済産業省
家族形態の変容に対応していくため、① 今後は、現役層・高齢層ともに単独世帯が増加することを踏まえ、社会保障制度の仕組みや運営等を考えていくとともに、② 地域において行政と住民の協働による「新たな支え合い(共助)」を確立するための基盤整備などに取り組むこととしている。例文帳に追加
To meet changes in family structure, the government will (i) review the mechanism and operation of the social security system in view of the future increase in the number of one-person households in both the working and elderly generations, and (ii) lay the groundwork for establishing "new mutual support" in which the local government and residents work in cooperation in a community. - 厚生労働省
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