



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 和英辞典 > 固定収入の英語・英訳 






英訳・英語 fixed income

研究社 新和英中辞典での「固定収入」の英訳

固定収入 <固定>


該当件数 : 11


(2) 総収入金額から固定資産又は法人税法(昭和四十年法律第三十四号)第二条第二十一号に規定する有価証券の譲渡による収入金額を控除した金額例文帳に追加

2. the balance of total income minus income from transfer of fixed assets, or securities as prescribed in Article 2(xxi) of the Juridical Person Tax Act (Act No. 34 of 1965).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In the formula, F is the fixed expenditure, Z is the maintenance cost, A is the rental fee of affiliated companies, C is the car parking income, E is the other incomes from affiliated companies, S is the other incomes from companies other than the affiliated companies, T_T is the average rental unit price and T_S is the average expenditure unit price. - 特許庁


Moreover, it divides an excess amount into an amount supplied to the contents holder and a subtracted amount of purchase price of contents to update purchase price with respect to the contents in which income exceeds the fixed charge. - 特許庁


It determines that delivery is done as for the contents in which the number of purchase order exceeds a predetermined number and income exceeds a fixed charge specified from a contents holder. - 特許庁

四 その個人が国内及び国外にわたつて船舶又は航空機による運送の事業を行なう場合 当該事業により生ずる所得のうち、船舶による運送の事業にあつては国内において乗船し又は船積みをした旅客又は貨物に係る収入金額を基準とし、航空機による運送の事業にあつてはその国内業務に係る収入金額又は必要経費、その国内業務の用に供する固定資産の価額その他その国内業務が当該運送の事業に係る所得の発生に寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因を基準として判定したその個人の国内業務につき生ずべき所得例文帳に追加

(iv) Where the individual conducts a transportation business consisting of operations both in and outside Japan by using vessels or aircrafts: Part of the whole income arising from the said business which should be determined as that arising from the individual's domestic operations based on the revenue arising in relation to passengers or cargos taken on board in Japan in the case of the transportation business by vessel, or on the revenue arising or necessary expenses incurred in relation to the domestic operations, the value of the fixed assets used for the domestic operations, or any other factor by which the degree of contribution of the domestic operations to the generation of the income of the transportation business can be sufficiently estimated in the case of the transportation business by aircraft発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 その法人が国内及び国外にわたつて船舶又は航空機による運送の事業を行なう場合 当該事業により生ずる所得のうち、船舶による運送の事業にあつては国内において乗船し又は船積みをした旅客又は貨物に係る収入金額を基準とし、航空機による運送の事業にあつてはその国内業務に係る収入金額又は経費、その国内業務の用に供する固定資産の価額その他その国内業務が当該運送の事業に係る所得の発生に寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因を基準として判定したその法人の国内業務につき生ずべき所得例文帳に追加

(iv) Where the corporation conducts a transportation business consisting of operations both in and outside Japan by using vessels or aircrafts: Part of the whole income arising from the said business which should be determined as that arising from the corporation's domestic operations based on the revenue arising in relation to passengers or cargos taken on board in Japan in the case of the transportation business by vessel, or on the revenue arising or expenses incurred in relation to the domestic operations, the value of the fixed assets used for the domestic operations, or any other factor by which the degree of contribution of the domestic operations to the generation of the income of the transportation business can be sufficiently estimated in the case of the transportation business by aircraft;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二十条 地方税法(昭和二十五年法律第二百二十六号)第六条の規定により、総務省令で定める地方公共団体が、承認企業立地計画に従って特定事業のための施設のうち総務省令で定めるものを同意集積区域内に設置した事業者(指定集積業種であって総務省令で定めるものに属する事業を行う者に限る。)について、当該施設の用に供する家屋若しくはその敷地である土地の取得に対する不動産取得税若しくは当該施設の用に供する家屋若しくは構築物若しくはこれらの敷地である土地に対する固定資産税を課さなかった場合又はこれらの地方税に係る不均一の課税をした場合において、これらの措置が総務省令で定める場合に該当するものと認められるときは、地方交付税法(昭和二十五年法律第二百十一号)第十四条の規定による当該地方公共団体の各年度における基準財政収入額は、同条の規定にかかわらず、当該地方公共団体の当該各年度分の減収額(固定資産税に関するこれらの措置による減収額にあっては、これらの措置がされた最初の年度以降三箇年度におけるものに限る。)のうち総務省令で定めるところにより算定した額を同条の規定による当該地方公共団体の当該各年度(これらの措置が総務省令で定める日以後において行われたときは、当該減収額について当該各年度の翌年度)における基準財政収入額となるべき額から控除した額とする。例文帳に追加

Article 20 Where a local public entity specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has, pursuant to the provision of Article 6 of the Local Tax Act (Act No. 226 of 1950), exempted a business operator who has established facilities for a specified business specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in an agreed cluster zone, in accordance with the approved plan for establishing new business facilities (limited to a business operator who conducts a business in designated cluster industries specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) from paying real property acquisition tax for acquiring houses to be used for said facilities or the site thereof or fixed asset taxes for houses or structures to be used for said facilities or the site thereof, or has imposed unequal taxation related to such local taxes, and when these measures are found to fall under cases specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the base amount of income of said local public entity for each fiscal year under Article 14 of the Local Allocation Tax Act (Act No. 211 of 1950) shall be the amount obtained by deducting the partial amount of income decreases of said local public entity for said each fiscal year (for decreases due to those measures concerning fixed asset tax, limited to decreases for three years after the first fiscal year in which said measures were taken), calculated as specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, from the original base amount of income under the same Article of said local public entity for each said fiscal year (where those measures are taken on or after the date specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, for the fiscal year following each said fiscal year in which each of the income decreases occurred), notwithstanding the provision of the same Article.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!









該当件数 : 11


七 その個人が国内及び国外にわたつて前各号に該当しない事業(事業に係る行為を含む。)を行なう場合 当該事業により生ずる所得のうち、当該事業に係る業務を国内業務と国外業務とに区分し、これらの業務をそれぞれ独立の事業者が行ない、かつ、これらの事業者の間において通常の取引の条件に従つて取引が行なわれたものとした場合にその国内業務につき生ずべき所得又はその国内業務に係る収入金額若しくは必要経費、その国内業務の用に供する固定資産の価額その他その国内業務が当該事業に係る所得の発生に寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因を勘案して判定したその国内業務につき生ずべき所得例文帳に追加

(vii) Where the individual conducts any business (including an act conducted as a part of some other business) that consists of operations both in and outside Japan and falls under none of the categories listed in the preceding items: Part of the whole income arising from the said business which should have arisen from the domestic operations if the operations performed in the course of conducting the said business were divided into domestic operations and overseas operations, and these operations were performed by different independent business operators, and transactions were then made between these operators under ordinary trade terms, or which should be determined as that arising from the domestic operations based on the revenue arising from or necessary expenses incurred in relation to the domestic operations, the value of the fixed assets used for the domestic operations, or any other factor by which the degree of contribution of the domestic operations to the generation of the income of the said business can be sufficiently estimated発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

七 その法人が国内及び国外にわたつて前各号に該当しない事業(事業に係る行為を含む。)を行なう場合 当該事業により生ずる所得のうち、当該事業に係る業務を国内業務と国外業務とに区分し、これらの業務をそれぞれ独立の事業者が行ない、かつ、これらの事業者の間において通常の取引の条件に従つて取引が行なわれたものとした場合にその国内業務につき生ずべき所得又はその国内業務に係る収入金額若しくは経費、その国内業務の用に供する固定資産の価額その他その国内業務が当該事業に係る所得の発生に寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因を勘案して判定したその国内業務につき生ずべき所得例文帳に追加

(vii) Where the corporation conducts any business (including an act conducted as a part of a business) that consists of operations both in and outside Japan and falls under none of the categories listed in the preceding items: Part of the whole income arising from the said business which should have arisen from the domestic operations if the operations performed in the course of conducting the said business were divided into domestic operations and overseas operations, and these operations were performed by different independent business operators, and transactions were then made between these operators under ordinary trade terms, and vice versa, or which should be determined as that arising from the domestic operations based on the revenue arising from or expenses incurred in relation to the domestic operations, the value of the fixed assets used for the domestic operations, or any other factor by which the degree of contribution of the domestic operations to the generation of the income of the said business can be sufficiently estimated.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 法第二十二条(各事業年度の所得の金額の計算) 同条第三項第二号に規定する当該事業年度の販売費、一般管理費その他の費用は、外国法人の当該事業年度のこれらの費用のうち、その外国法人の法第百三十八条(国内源泉所得)に規定する国内源泉所得に係る収入金額若しくは経費又は固定資産の価額その他の合理的な基準を用いてその国内において行う業務に配分されるものに限るものとし、同項第三号に規定する当該事業年度の損失は、外国法人の国内において行う業務又は国内にある資産につき生じた当該損失に限るものとする。例文帳に追加

(i) Article 22 (Calculation of the Amount of Income for Each Business Year) of the Act: The selling expenses, general administrative expenses, and any other expenses for the said business year prescribed in paragraph (3)(ii) of the said Article shall be limited to part of the foreign corporation's such expenses for the said business year which are allocated to its operations in Japan based on the foreign corporation's amount of revenue, or expenses pertaining to domestic source income prescribed in Article 138 (Domestic Source Income) of the Act, value of fixed assets, or any other rational standards, and the loss for the said business year prescribed in item (iii) of the said paragraph shall be limited to the loss incurred with regard to the foreign corporation's operations in Japan or assets located in Japan;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Unlike in the case of share flotations, bonds are, like bank borrowing, liabilities ? they incur interest expenses, and the rise in the value of outstanding SME issues in the past few years has probably been prompted by factors such as the following: 1) Being able to raise comparatively long-term funds at fixed interest rates fixes the cost of raising funds for capital investment and other purposes, and so makes it easier to formulate investment and business plans. 2) Privately-placed bonds are placed and underwritten from an investor perspective, ensuring that only prime enterprises can issue bonds. Accordingly, issuing privately-placed bonds not only improves an SME’s image and strengthens its position when negotiating interest rates and loan terms with a financial institution, but can also contribute to improving creditworthiness as an enterprise, and assist in improving an enterprise’s appeal to business partners and attracting human resources. (Some prelisted enterprises issue privately-placed bonds to assist in investor relations.) 3) As they can charge fees for bond issues, financial institutions, too, are focusing on such issues as a means of increasing revenues from non-interest sources.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


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